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jonny on the spot

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Everything posted by jonny on the spot

  1. Wait and see is a plan i dont like subscribing too, by then its too late. If i thought for 1 minute these people were capable of making a system that worked that didnt have mind blowing bureaucracy, i could probably get my head round paying a bit of tax But they cant and they wont it will be the usual dogs dinner spilling over into an already dogs dinner immigration.
  2. I am negative because historically these peoples quaint customs and stupid ideas aint worked out very well for me, difference is i didnt care about anything before but i do care about this.
  3. They wont recruit anyone they have google translate. No point changing something they see as working flawlessly ???? I suppose they will have to employ some more car park workers to blow whistles and wave flags. Give this <deleted> the right appearance, uniforms and medals. You know what im talking about. Probably roll out a couple of rice farmers earning 600 baht a day on the Breaking News 6 O'clock show to tell the world how well this initiative is working in Issan.
  4. You know another thing that i never understand, for years. They have a HUGE untapped source of revenue here in the idiots that drive. Make the police actually do what police are paid for. When they see someone driving like a <deleted>, stop them fine them. No helmet good fine. They already pay the police a salary if you can call it that, make them earn it.
  5. You are in the same boat as me 2 pensions and rental incomes from the UK. Trouble is this year i wanted to get rid of 2 properties Spain and UK and just live happily ever after. But i know as sure as i got a hole in my ass these people will <deleted> this up, the bureaucracy, every office a different outlook on what anything means, the 12 A4 copies of everything, the embassy trips to BKK, getting "proof" from institutions that dont normally supply documents, especially ones written in simple enough language for the average uneducated idiot working here. Because god knows they didnt get the job on merit but because his uncle in LT general. Every time i go to a government office its like the zoo, immigration, land office, whatever its the same <deleted> show, 20 monkeys trying or not trying to do 4 jobs in between eating noodles and their phone activity. These people will never make this work and thats more frightening than a functioning tax system.
  6. And who is absorbing the shortfall if that happened? The hospital, the insurance company, no me. Not even these people could be that stupid. Oh hang on they could call it an initiative to stimulate the Thai health insurance market. Give all Thais a voucher for the first months cover ????
  7. Somchai is my major worry , especially when he asks Jitravadee for her opinion, and explains that my pain in the ass to get translations have been signed at the embassy with the wrong colour pen. Then on my next visit Somchai and Jitravadee are having a day off and now i got Tongchai, who aint that bright on his best day and today i can see his eyes going glassy because he has no <deleted> clue about any of this. And on and on it goes.
  8. Well whatever the cowboy developers didnt ruin will be dead now this tax dogs dinner has been announced
  9. I really hope so, this is the first thing that has really made me think in Thailand, i seldom post here, this <deleted> seems to have set me off ????
  10. Thats a very good point. What kills me is the stimulation <deleted>, does anyone really think that Tong Chai with his flourishing village corner shop emporium is going to expand his business on the strength of one bumper week? Of course not, hes going to stock up the week before and the week after back to business as usual.
  11. True that. However wait and see as a plan has never worked out too well for me in Thailand. But i suppose we will wait and see ????
  12. Home pro had to install 2 kitchens to get one right with us. I now truly dread fixing anything here. Anyway good luck.
  13. Thanks for the 2 answers, good man. With my situation, i only care about the money i have here now, the money i have sent here over the last 10 years (in case they start some back dating ideas) and the money i need to bring here in the future. Which is all savings/property sales in London and Spain nothing i have earned here. But my biggest fear is the inevitable <deleted> up they will make of this, the thousands of interpritations in each office or civil service employee i speak to. What constitutes proof of tax paid, this translation is signed in the wrong colour pen yada yada yada. Its great in Thailand until i need to interact with any government agency.
  14. In true Thai style, trouble is now he has said it also in true Thai style we got the problem of losing face with a reversal. These people might actually try this, turn it into a dogs dinner but never mind. I can just see me pulling out my last 3 hairs on my seventeenth trip to the tax office, with an unresolved tax issue which will eventually end up with me paying just to stop the frustration. It just aint that good here any more.
  15. I hope you are right but these people have a bad habit of knee jerk ideas that end up as broken, long winded, repetitive and overly complicated systems, i am more scared of that than something that functions properly. Look at the other breaking news, the great 10,000 baht give away. I am struggling to see how giving every yaba enhanced, low cow soaked village idiot !0,000 baht is going to stimulate anything. They will buy whatever they are buying at retail, sell it half price and all from the comfort of 4km from their wooden hut. Another well thought out plan that looks like becoming a reality.
  16. Is that your friends opinion or something set in stone? My experience of these people is when they cant do the job very well or just cant be bothered they ask for a rain forrest worth of translated A4. But some how i am always 1 document short. Thats just for mundane issues. I truly dread seeing the dogs dinner this will become, every office own criteria for what is acceptable proof yada yada yada. I got a sinking feeling its hello London for us for 6 months of the year starting next June ????
  17. Everything they do here falls flat due to lack of clarity. But thats ok because thats exactly the result they were looking for, lack of clarity.
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