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Latitude Dude

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Everything posted by Latitude Dude

  1. Yes you can do it. We did it (2 adults and 2 children) about 6 months ago from Spain where we were living at the time. No issues on arrival in Bangkok.
  2. "Guns don't kill people..." YES THEY DO. Yet another child dies as a result of gun ownership. Rest in peace.
  3. The sad thing is some parents will read and fall for this bullsh*t.
  4. "Crikey! I've got the sniffles and a tickly cough. Get me to A&E quick smart!" Millions of people across the world will never be the same after the fearmongering during the past 2 years. For the rest of us, all we can do is sit, watch and chuckle to ourselves a little. Weak minded fools.
  5. It's an International school with western owners / management. All Thai schools that I know of are still suffocating their students.
  6. Depends on the school. Our children haven't worn masks all year (neither have parents) and there have been very few positive tests in the whole school. So conclude what you will on the effectiveness of masking children in schools.
  7. What would you call them...? cook, cleaner, maid, wench.. Time to wake up or go extinct.
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