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Everything posted by LetsGoBrandon

  1. It's inevitable....the internet has democratised and demystified a lot of information that authoritarians preferred we had little or no access to.
  2. Kinda interesting dilemma, isn't it? If you cant trust the government on on issue, can you trust them on the others?
  3. no vax would dare mess with a guy called albert zweistein. congrats on the great result.
  4. you did the right thing....no one has any right to dissuade someone from taking a vaxxine. AND VICE VERSA.
  5. I dont know what's gonna happen but I look forward to returning to Pattaya soon.
  6. Sounds interesting. Im just wondering how this works out though. So you're a foreigner who shows up in Phuket, with a negative C19 test and you're released onto the island for 7 days before you can leave. I suppose this is built entirely on the premise that the entire island is fully vaccinated or Covid-free, and the infection does not spread between vaxxed people (which I think is not true). Still...worth a try.....people are going nuts staying cooped up in one place
  7. Pfizer contains 30 mcg of MRNA while Moderna has 100 mcg Moderna has been linked more closely to episodes of heart inflammation. I suppose the Ferrari badge is appropriate since it may do the job faster.
  8. Thank you! Im amazed that the post where I asked the question has 2 emojis on it.....one is HAHA, the other is SAD I cant understand what is so funny or sad about what I asked. Seems like a decent idea although I wonder how they came about with the 7 days figure. Are they 'following the science'?
  9. Here's a credible source.....the Health Minister of Singapore that corroborates waning anti-bodies: (watch video at 24:28 mark) "“In Singapore, our data shows that the ability of vaccination to prevent a COVID infection is about 40%,”
  10. Can anyone explain the sandbox concept to me in a sentence if it isn't too much trouble?
  11. American Insurrection https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11737466 Here's the plot: Set in a dystopian America where all people who aren't straight, white, Christian and cis gender are kept track of by the government with bar codes. Liberal Hollywood writers hard at work. I am gonna pass on this rubbish.
  12. Also note that it is a well known tactic to pose as rabidly anti-vaxx to make outrageous statements about vaxxines in order to paint everyone , even genuine skeptics with valid reasoning as crazy, irrational, out of their minds etc.
  13. Clearly this statement is crafted to get everyone to vax up. High Vax rates can be a strategy to boost confidence in "going back to normal" A carrot they love to dangle. Two pricks and you can go back to normal. Many welcome this trade. But what is the reality when nearly everyone is vaxxed up fully? Let us ask Singapore and Israel. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/08/world/asia/singapore-vaccine-covid.html
  14. There have been credible studies that have shown that people who contracted SARS many years ago and recovered have immunity to SARSCOV-2. There are memory Tcells that reside in the bone marrow which are activated to combat infections that arise years later. The human body is an amazing creation. Taking your shots should be a personal choice, don't listen to some dude on the internet with "sponsored" studies that push a certain narrative.
  15. Not hugely different from the unvaxxed ones. Today 3 people died in SG...1 was unvaxxed and 2 were fully vaxxed. So your words are of no comfort to them. Thankfully people are noticing these numbers and starting to speak up. Many fully vaxxed are worried because things aren't panning out exactly as they were told. It all seems to be a crapshoot at the moment....one's chances of survival depend on a complex relationship between their age, immune system, symptoms, treatment protocols and general health. I have to laugh when people say I am fully vaxxed and still copped Covid. I feel like c r a p but it would have been far far worse if I hadst been vaccinated....are they psychics?
  16. Wow! If you have an afternoon to spare check out reddit (r/vaccinated) and read through the many injuries reported there. Unless you think they're all lying and this is just a huge conspiracy. Just because complicit media outlets and tech platforms throttle what's going on doesn't mean it isn't. This should not devolve into a case of my truth matters and everyone else can go to hell.
  17. Great to hear stories of people doing well after these jabs. ????????
  18. of course...how convenient...when the data disagrees with the narrative it's all a big conspiracy. yes yes yes indeed. ????
  19. We are seeing data that is beginning to make it sound not as clear cut as you put it. Esp from Israel and now Singapore ie. it is not only the unvaxxed who are dominating the death charts....most deaths of unvaxxed people are in 70-90 yrs and they have underlying conditions (that may have dissuaded them from getting vaxxed to begin with)...everyones risk-benefit analysis and situation is unique
  20. The guy wanted to admit and was talking about surgical removal of GB even before ordering the tests. Kept saying its better if you remove it before it really starts to act up. Terrible.
  21. The initial test results were so encouraging that they reportedly discontinued the trials to bring this to save people ASAP. So says a man who calls himself "Dr" Eric Feigl-Ding Others say that the way this med works is by causing mutations in the virus cells so they can't replicate. Of course, we do not know whether it causes other cells in the human body to mutate as well.
  22. Social media is full of misinformation....that cuts both ways BTW. It's largely anonymous trolls and even the verified ones have connections/vested interests they do not reveal. It is up to the consumer to sift the grain from the chaff. Ive always been wary of doctors but these days I am on Defcon 1 with them. Let me explain. Recently, I accompanied a friend experiencing acute stomach pains to a specialist who poked his tummy a bit and said gall stones....then he immediately followed up by saying it would be better to remove his gall bladder. My friend said Im not too keen on getting my organs removed so can we 100% establish the cause first. When the ultrasound came back, the doc scratched his head and said, I cant see any stones here, just some biliary sludge which is normal, so we can't really operate as there's nothing to remove. Of course....because his off the cuff diagnosis and recommendation was flawed. I remember joking with my buddy later...I said did you notice how sad the docs face was when he realised he wouldn't be able to operate? Even his voice was full of regret....friend concurred and we had a laugh at the joker. Mind you, a lot of low info people who are trained to accept whatever someone in uniform says would have gladly had the operation without question. So...just be careful out there folks.
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