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  1. Putin asked about Russia joining NATO and they just laughed at him. They aren't laughing now. When you look at the situation on the ground today, it is obvious that there should have been diplomacy with Russia, not conflict. They should start talking now, so that we can avoid getting into a nuclear war.
  2. Internationally governments widened the definition of trafficking to make more of it. That way they can tick more boxes when they arrest people for sex cases. Even cases with mature, consenting, women can be trafficking. I remember a couple of Swedish guys got life in jail in the Philippines for running a web cam studio with mature, consenting, women. It was counted as trafficking. The cops didn't watch the women closely, and some of those who they had "rescued" ran away home to avoid having their time wasted in a court case.
  3. Did anyone else use this IP address in the past, since the internet x.x.x.x address system was used? The same IP address could have been assigned elsewhere, say 20 years ago. You can search to find internet sites where you can check if your IP address is on a blacklist. Another possibility is that a hacker infiltrated your system and used the IP address for sending spam some time in the past.
  4. It is possible that someone on your internet server provider, who shares the same IP address, has been posting spam and got the IP address blacklisted. A guy in the Philippines had someone from South America request to rent his clean IP address for sending out spam emails. There is money to be made on doing it.
  5. The Russians have been living with sanctions for years. They are getting better at dealing with life without western parts and equipment. Between themselves, the Chinese, Indians and other partners they will manage. EU resolve is failing
  6. Outside of the west, countries don't blame Russia for the war https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/30/negative-views-of-russia-mainly-limited-to-western-liberal-democracies-poll-shows
  7. Vietnam removed all Covid restrictions. At least they are in touch with reality in that regard. It is worth considering when more pandemics are on the way and there will be a 2024 pandemic treaty. It is worth widening your search to South America.
  8. The monarchy has a platform. They chose not to speak out as the country has degenerated. They don't deserve to be venerated, as they are in the media.
  9. This is a great push back against the "believe all women" which ruined men's lives. Someone called it a Jussie Smollet moment for "me too", referring to the hate crime hoax which was exposed.
  10. This is hilarious. But the opposition is only upset because they aren't getting a share.
  11. Goodness, gracious, me. Vietnam has dropped every Covid restriction. So I'm going there instead. You can't rely on Thai authorities when you see they are still hysterical at this stage of the game.
  12. It makes perfect sense not to back corrupt regimes, regardless of whether there are other corrupt regimes in existence.
  13. I'm sorry for the business owners. I wouldn't return until they have a clean sweep of people making these duff decisions.
  14. I was looking for a cross Asia section of the board where I could ask about multiple countries. My question is about how other countries in the region compare to Thailand for any ongoing Covid restrictions and easy of entry on a visa? I want to come for a month, or perhaps a few months. I am interested in countries that already dropped Covid restrictions; masks, tests, etc. How are other countries doing compared to Thailand?
  15. "The majority of cases are still being seen among men who have sex with men." Would the problem be over if homosexuals could be persuaded to stop having sex with strangers for a month, and get checked out if they have symptoms? I wonder if the proposed solution is going to be a digital passport for everyone and a new type of mRNA jab.
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