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Posts posted by LetsGoJoe

  1. On 6/17/2022 at 7:23 AM, Bert got kinky said:


    Yes, they are reporting about it on thairesidents.com with the headline 'Fight erupt as customers wait to buy marijuana.'.

    I strikes me that there are quite a few on this board who underestimate how popular the decriminalization of cannabis is with the Thai public.



    Is the excitement in regards to ganja being a  potential 'new' money-maker or is it for personal-consumption?

    My experience and understanding of 'local' Thai people (my neck of the woods) over the years is that 'fire-water' and amphetamine (younger-crowd) is about as wide as the intoxication pendulum swings.

    I've never been asked to 'score' nor have I ever seen any Thai smoking. Ya, of course my circle isn't very wide, but you'd think after 15yrs here I'd come upon it at some point, since I do partake myself.. My overall impression is that this has always been a country of alcoholics .



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  2. On 6/15/2022 at 6:29 PM, jollyhangmon said:


    ... here the current leader with a solid 1000B per g ... gettin' a bit ridiculous, fancy names though, 555 ...




    Ridiculous, yes!...right up there with the 1000b hand-job...but,hey, whatever the market will bare, ...the Ganja GoldRush is on !!!

    • Haha 1
  3. On 6/15/2022 at 4:16 PM, CALSinCM said:

    There was always hash.  But - that would probably be in the "extract" category here.  We all want to obey the law - at least I do.


    And I'm still looking for a place in Chiang Mai where I can buy what is now 'legal' cannabis flowers as well as seeds.
    I'm mean - we're here!  It has been decriminalized.  People have been let out of prison.  Large corporations can benefits from the decriminalization and medical use to make extracts; and Anutin did not forget the rest of us and the law reads that we can cultivate and use all part of the plant, especially for medical reasons - and at my age?  Aches, pains. arthritis, and general ageing pain that goes along with ageing process.  Yes!  I want to find a place in Chiang Mai where I can buy some dried cannabis flowers as well as the seeds so I can grow my own at home for my personal use.


    A friend sent me this today -Cannabis Plants 30 thb in front of MaeJo Uni Every Morning from 8:00

    • Thanks 1
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  4. On 2/10/2022 at 7:42 PM, Danderman123 said:

    Ever heard of Ebola? 

    Yes I have.

    Ebola or Zika of course remain extremely dangerous. However, even though they belong to the same Realm of virus called Riboviria, Ebola is in a different family called, Filoviridae.     


    The Coronavirus is in the family of Coronaviridae. Found to evolve for lower virulence. One theory is that the coronavirus that causes the “common cold” today came from a virus called OC43, which might have been responsible for a 1890 pandemic that killed over a million people. Although that being a "theory" , it is recognized that Coronavirus grows less virulent over time, becoming little more than an annoyance for us.


    Even Ebola has a life-cycle, but it's evolution is apparently different.

    In essence, Ebola and CoVid-19 (which I referred to) are NOT comparable for the sake of argument.


    • Haha 1
  5. A virus enters the human-realm as a fire-breathing Dragon, running it's course inflicting death upon the vulnerable and sickly.

    Through mutations, eventually turns into a wise-cracking Gecko bestowing immunity upon the surviving human population in the form of a mild flu before turning endemic and disappearing into retirement.

    The PHM continues fighting the "heroic-battle" against the virus - give it up! 

    Look deeper into the real Science and let the virus course through the population, with common-sense measures to protect the vulnerable & weak.

    By April, Sonkran can be a much welcomed relief from 2yrs of restrictions.

  6. My wifes's niece tested (+) had to spend 14-days in quarantine. Loss of salary from her job, but gained 100,000baht by having covid-insurance. Another relative collected 50,000b. They laughed all the way to the bank because the symptoms from the virus were literally nothing more than a cough.


    As you can imagine word of easy money travels fast and the insurance company(s) have since tried to cancel the policies but were ordered by the government to honor them.

  7. On 1/15/2022 at 4:04 PM, Danderman123 said:

    2,000+ are dying every day in the US from Covid.

    The elephant in the room that is being totally ignored is that covid uncovered just how sick people generally are. Western society is a lifestyle disease. Overworked, over-stressed, malnourished, rampant self-treatment (alcohol & drugs) and insurmountable denial. The general public (everywhere) is a mixed bag of co-morbidities waiting to happen, all they need is a trigger, an immune insult to fire them off.


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  8. 1 hour ago, nickmondo said:

    everyone is ahead of WHO, they are useless

    Who is ahead of WHO?...they are the 'head' of this Snake - all the science and health guidelines come from them, passed to the various countries Chief Health Officer and from there parroted to the Gov. officials and memo-ed out to all the regional health authorities. They are ALL pushing the same narrative because it comes from the same source. India and recently Japan, as an example, were the ones that took an independent measure away from the WHO guidelines and involved early treatment protocol, which led to phenomenal results.

    Thailand has done nothing independent or even rational - they have followed the guidelines as the majority of countries do and became another obedient customer for Big Pharma.

    • Sad 1
  9. The history of every respiratory pandemic is that it turns into an endemic flu and cold-causer within a year or two even without any intervention of any sort.  The 1918 pandemic did so, the 1890s pandemic believed to be caused by a beta coronavirus (of the same general family as Covid) did so and so have many, many others.

  10. 23 hours ago, mikosan said:

    I'm out all the time as well, mate. I even own a bar. The fact that you were drinking in a 'Bar' doesn't mean it was legal. If you could be bothered to check you will find that my previous post was absolutely correct. BARS IN THAILAND ARE NOT LEGALLY ALLOWED TO OPEN.  Yes, of course they are open, but that wasn't the question. People like you, who post <deleted> really <deleted> me off. Merry Xmas. 

    Why get your panties tied in a knot,dude. Im only relaying my actual experience in Chiang Mai. I know the original question alluded to "legal" guidelines but I interpreted the question as "are the lights on in CM". Indeed they are. That is the actual FACT - they are on everywhere for local and tourist alike. Of course the poster could of just got off the boat, thought it to be a good idea and opened a bar himself, all bright-eyed and bushy tailed wanting to know current guidelines by asking for it here.


    The fact that your post was correct is irrelevant to those interested in going out for a drink in CM. If the police are not enforcing and the bar owners are not complying, as long as the lights are on, the legalities surrounding serving alcohol is meaningless to the patron.

    Good luck with your bar.


  11. On 12/22/2021 at 11:57 AM, mikosan said:

    Completely wrong!  Please check your facts before spreading misinformation and rumour.

    Check your own "facts".

    I was physically in a BAR in Chiang Mai, sipping a JD and listening to Boy tear-up some blues in his bar last Friday. They re-opened, posting hrs from 6:30pm-10:30pm,3-days a week. The place was packed. I'll be heading back again Christmas eve.

    Granted, I can't be speaking for ALL bars. However, on my ride home I passed a few well-known big bar establishments that have been in various stages of closure up to last month and are now open and spilling over with people. Of course most "bars" do serve food.

    Perhaps you should get out more. ????

  12. 4 hours ago, fangless said:

    Bars are supposed to be shut, Restaurants  can sell alcohol.


    "So long as restaurants have conformed to Covid Free Setting requirements they can serve alcohol from 11 am 2 pm and 5 to 11 pm"



    I was at Boy Blues BAR (in ChiangMai) last Friday night, their operating hours were 6:30pm - 10:30pm, they posted to be selling food, which might be a loop-hole, but didn't see any food being offered.

    Their first night to re-opened after sometime, good to see the place packed.



  13. Oh hum...another NYE at Vid-Village, eating BBQ and sipping lite-lao cocktails.

    As usual, I'm left alone looking up at the stars come mid-night, as everyone else has already drunk themselves down for the count around 10pm...... after 16yrs I don't recall ever making it to the 'count-down' with any of my Thai-relatives. ????????

    2020: Year of the Virus , 2021: Year of the Vaccine......2022: Year of the ???

  14. On 12/14/2021 at 7:05 AM, kiwikeith said:

    Just to add a bit of info just came out on RNZN news today, was that 100% of covid cases in hospital as of todays figures are either Maori or Pacifica, no European cases for several days, then add into this what they did not say, they never reported what age they were or if they were overweight or had existing conditions such as diabetes which is very high in these people.

    Why? diet is the main reason they tend to be overweight from consuming soft drinks , fat foods corned brisket, boiled up pork legs ect and fast foods, they have a huge overweight problem.

    Not only amongst older people but younger people tend to get overweight before they are teens.

    Dr's are reporting that these conditions can make covid recovery difficult ,longer or requiring ICU and oxygen.

    Of the latest covid deaths in NZ (2) were in their 90's one unvaccinated and the other double vaccinated, nothing was said of race or comorbidities.

    So info is mixed up and statistics could be made much clearer, these are all Delta at present as Omicron has not entered NZ yet.


    But one thing sticks out here, the fit and well are not requiring hospitalization and can isolate at home, many without any treatment.

    That might even get better if Omicron keeps going the same way its going in SA.

    Fingers crossed.

    Point taken.

    The general public (Western Nations) is a mixed bag of co-morbidities ready to happen, all they need is a trigger, an immune insult to fire them off.

  15. 18 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Antigenic drift (mutations / evolution of the virus) can take any form, so far there have been hundreds if not thousands of mutations of the SARS-CoV-2 virus

    Is that another reason to why it will never be eliminated? 

    Also, this in a nutshell;

    "it's an RNA virus, they mutate constantly. There's a reason we've never had a vaccine for things like colds (which is essentially what covid is) or even HIV for that matter. RNA is incredibly fragile and lacks the proof-reading ability of DNA. That's why vaccines against viruses like smallpox, measles, and polio (DNA viruses) are largely successful and any attempts at a vaccine for many other viruses are not. The flu (influenza) is also an RNA virus and most of the time the shot isn't even effective; the fragility of RNA genomes and their tendency to acquire mutations is why"


    As to the OP's conclusion.....only time will tell if the global community has been played like a hurdy-grudy by Big-Pharma.

  16. On 11/19/2021 at 10:55 PM, fdsa said:

    I do agree with the posters above: Thai banks usually don't ask any questions when you bring money IN, the problems begin when you want to take money OUT of the country.

    I seem to recall a 'golden-rule' of living in LOS; ...'what comes into Thailand STAYS in Thailand'...oneself being exempt of course.

  17. 1 hour ago, dinsdale said:

    If you could show this change in definition with a source I would like to see it. 

    ...of course I can't find the damn link now that showed 'before and after', but here is the end result. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/imz-basics.htm....it was,as I recall a subtle yet fundamental change of 'vaccine' definition by omitting the word "immunity" and replacing it with the word "protection". Having that in print may serve to protect an agency or manufacturer from liabilities. Not that they need it, since the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed in 1986, creating a no-fault compensation program ensuring that vax-manufactures would not be bankrupted by unending lawsuits.


    It is a wide-spread talking point by health professionals and media claiming that the "vaccines"  are designed to "prevent illness and death" ( ? ), no one uses the word "immunity" now when defending the safety and efficacy of the Vid-vaccine.

    From what I've seen recently the current vaccines on offer do seem to reduce the impact of infection, which aligns with "protection". However,they are also, on their own, being implicated in a wide gamut of side-effects and adverse reactions. In relation to that, the elephant in the room that is being totally ignored is that the virus uncovered just how sick people generally are, in terms of poor health, comorbidities, ect..  I'm almost beginning to think the vaccines are getting a bad-rap.....there are just so many factors in modern-day life that has retarded and compromised the average persons respiratory and immune systems. This whole viral <deleted>-storm maybe 6 of 1 and half-doz. of the other.....of course Im not figuring in the effects of politics and mass-formation phenomena.



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  18. 10 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    I don’t agree with most of Anutin’s policies but I will go along with him with a mandate to vaccinate 100% of Thais and foreign residents. Ireland demonstrated that even with one of the highest vaccinated population at 89.1%, outbreaks can still happen due to the small pockets of unvaccinated people. This small pockets of unvaccinated people can drive transmission and created miseries for others. This is now an epidemic of the unvaccinated. 


    mmm.....where have I heard that before?.....oh ya, "the science" cliche-festival...aka, MSM.


    So, my wife tested (+) and is now in the hospital after contracting the Vid from her sister who came to CM for a shopping trip last week.

    Where does that now leave me and my 2 kids? ....at home under a 14-day quarantine even though we tested (-) .

    The contradiction to your pointed narrative is that my wife's sister, her husband,son & daughter in-law were all vaxed, husband double. Where are they now, yup, in the hospital.

    Who has "created miseries" for whom?

    Understand, that even if we were all "vaccinated" we would still be doing 14-days.


    Did the family get the Vid from an unvaxed individual?....this I don't know....mmm.. chicken or egg???


    The notion of vaccinating an entire population in hopes of arriving to Rainbow & Unicorn Land – a place where the buffalo roam virus free,is wishful thinking. It pays no attention to any scientific statistical evaluation.

    'Mandates' are nothing more than pure power politics...and you are being played.


    .........."You can't vaccinate yourself out of a pandemic." is proving to be a fact as time goes by.

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