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Everything posted by Smash

  1. Very similar experience. We had our PCR test about 10.30 so we will are waiting for the result. We were given the lateral flow test but no instrcution of what to do with them. Airport was smooth and quick with all the forms but I felt that after customs we coudl have just wandered free.
  2. Is this true? How lose to them do you need to be sitting on the plane?
  3. I have a question about Sandbox vs quarantine exemption for bangkok: If you go through sandbox do you need to quarentine for one day or are you free to move around bangkok? If I am not leaving bangkok for 10 days anyway is that better than the quarantine exemption or are there other restrictions? I dont think i considered sandbox until now as I thought it was just the islands.
  4. Update from me: I submitted an application on 1 November at 2pm and then submitted again on November 2nd with a differnt email address (both gmail). The November 2nd one JUST came through. Looks like they are catching up with the backlog but in reverse order. Sadly my flight was due to leave in an hour and I already changed it to Tuesday just in case, I dont have my PCR certificate etc now. Hopefully my reapplication for Tuesday comes in on time, but if not I will try to travel on the pass dated today.
  5. I'm trying to work out if there is a better time of day to apply for instant acceptance.
  6. my reservation looks nothing like this at the marriott.
  7. Worth a shot. I now moved my flight from tomorrow to Tuesday
  8. Applied Monday, flying tomorrow. Confirmation receieved Monday, still no QR code. I am now changing flight to Tuesday but worried wont be any better.
  9. I booked fully flexible so i can move back but if I push to say Tuesday I think I am in the same boat as still have to wait, book a new SHA+ hotel etc. Not even sure I can change the hotel date. Would be tomorrow beofre I coudl conform and then same waiting game. Manically checking email.
  10. It kind of feels like if you don't get it that day it doesn't come. Everyone I have seen on here seems to have got it somewhere between instantly and 8 hours later or not at all. I applied for me and my mum but still not a sausage.
  11. Yep LHR. Was going to do my preboarding PCR tonight. I found this place which is guaranteed next day delivery with certificate for £75. I havent paid for it yet as was hoping to know if I would actually need it by now. https://tests.medicspot.co.uk/products/outbound-pcr
  12. Hmm. Am now contemplating this but feels incredibly high risk. Presumably you need to show it to board the plane?
  13. I still havent. I finally got it submitted 1400 UK time on 1 Nov. So i am about to hit 48 hours. Travelling Friday 5th. ????
  14. Wow this is nuts, I submitted the first day and the second day but no confrmation yet. Is the assumption that if I dont have my now its not coming? Crazy you got instant acceptance. I wonder if its the time of day- you are ahead of Thailand in Oz? If i do it now its already gone 5pm there.
  15. Oh no! thats terrible. We have done the same thing and attempted twice as no confirmation email. Is the link the normal link or specific? I wonder if the hotmail was approved and the yahoo was the one that was declined. was anything sent to the hotmail at all? How many hours between the yahoo submission and the email above?
  16. Yep so yuo get unhelpful people like me submitting two applications out of fear that something has gone wrong and doubling the workload!
  17. Are you sure? I had understood it was 72 hours before arrival.
  18. Oh in that case I am defo resubmitting my application
  19. Seriously! I am thinking about submitting another one now just in case. I was going to do my PCR test tomorrow evening but dont want to do it if I can't travel. I can't tell how long most people have been waiting on here. I guess the later you get it in the longer the back of the queue is. I wish I had done the 3am wake up now! I had trouble sorting the SHA plus hotel package out as they all seemed to be struggling.
  20. I had multiple problems submitting with the API error message yday but the additional space in the passport number did the trick. I was applying for two travelling on 5 November (i know its super tight but we are urgently trying to reach a very sick family member). Two applications only one confirmation email. Redid the second application twice and eventually got confirmation email. No sign of a QR code. Really concerned that the submissions wont be good enough given all screenshots etc and harder to read. The first one was sent about 36 hours ago, the second one (final submission) was only about 3 hours ago. I know it can be up to seven days but they seemed to be quick yday. I was expecting to wake up to it coming through to be honest. How long have most people been waiting for the approval after submission?
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