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Tom H

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  1. George (Admin), you closed my former topic without giving me any advice. Could you please let me know how I can close my account? An answer is highly appreciated or you just close again? Thanks
  2. I cant find any button to delete my account.
  3. Onemorefarang is very active today in writing early in the morning. He not drunken yesterday night.
  4. Sober up areas, meaning opening st rooms at Nana again?
  5. Yes, my Buddha. When the sun goes down its getting dark.
  6. Influencers, what type of species are they? Never worked anything in their life presumably.
  7. He is not right because it was my job as landlord of my own condo:). Actually nonsense what he wrote😉 or he just believes what he thinks and insults because he is lonely or whatever issue.
  8. I am owner of my condo:). So I am the landlord😉The horizon of many people is like a circle with radius zero.
  9. I paid 800 in Bkk 3y. ago
  10. or do nothing or anytime later and pay 800 Baht fine:)
  11. He is well remembered by all farangs. Always friendly in difficult times. I liked him very much.
  12. Breaking news. Aseannow journalism at its best!
  13. German se xpats in Pattaya dont like this movie….
  14. LB for sure
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