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Everything posted by Wanderwoman

  1. 3 months sounds like a beautiful experience, I'd be grateful for it. Thank you ????????
  2. Hello, I am sorry to hear that, these past couple of years must have been a great impact to you, they have for me. The new world is an uncertain and ugly place, but there is still good and beauty. I hope your journey to find that, isn't too hard.
  3. Sure thing, you absolutely no more about me than me and my social worker.
  4. No, no mask here, being autistic I have trouble controlling my emotions at times, and I was "triggered" by someone who shouldn't matter. This is my bad.
  5. Thank you! So so much. Stay beautiful in this ugly world.
  6. I am also vaccinated, I'm unsure why people are assuming I am not lol.
  7. Please stay a beautiful human. Its hard to be authentic when your attacked for it, I've been surprised how many people are happy to verbally put down a disabled person, however, at least I've learned something ????
  8. Wonderful advise, Im actually seeing my Dr today for my flu vaccine, great time consult. ???????? I appriciate the link also, I will read ????
  9. Massive thank you to the people who promote inclusion on this page. This has been a wonderful display of both the kindness in humanity and how even if you do not understand someone's situation you do not need to judge. And How ugly the fearful and misunderstanding are. Thailand is now all set! And I can't wait to start a new adneture, now I I have all the information. This information genuinely helped me. ????????
  10. It's genuinely sad, some self entitled people in this world
  11. You do not have it straight, but thank you for your perspective.
  12. I've had covid, wasn't a big deal, like a common cold with no sense of taste, I'm also vaccinated to help any future incidents as, viruses happen. Appreciate your concern though ????
  13. Did your mum not love you enough?
  14. You're the second person to say This, seems like a good hack! I'm not trying to be difficult, I'm also not trying to be unwell Thank you! Appriciate your help.
  15. I've waited 15 years to get to Thailand, so I'm not giving up. Its devastating to know you're going to be penalised for your genetics. Also, it isn't all about me. It's a real shame. All of it. Stupid pandemic.
  16. Thank you for your reply, this is reassuring, it's very difficult times for all, making an informed decision is key. Thank you again!
  17. Hello, Thank you for you reply. Absolutely agree, if you're going (or able) to wear a mask, wear it correctly. Having had covid myself brought into my home by someone else, I do understand everything. I did wear a mask in the start, unfortunately, as stated, I was told not too. Also unfortunately, seems some places are behind on inclusion and understanding what exempt or hidden disability actually means. What I'm seeing is its hit or miss. These replies have all helps. So thank you.
  18. Hi ChaiyaTH Yes, I am fully expecting this, it's unfortunate but I do respect not all the world is educated on these things, to be honest, even when they are you have someone who believes their truth is your truth. I'm not worried about being looked at, people judge where they want, that's a reflection on them,, not me. I'm worried about being forced into a hazardous situation just because you can't physically see my disabilities Thank you for your reply ????
  19. Hi Richard, Thank you for this informative reply. My post isn't meant to be confusing, unfortunately people attack other with hidden disabilities so I'm quick to the point. That all makes complete sense. I had not considered a more breathable covering alternative (slit or shield) this would at least help some of the journey, if they do not change the rules as you just said, my husbands also happy to go into places for me, but the point is to be as independent as possible, while being safe. Thank you again.
  20. Hello, I've noticed other forums discussing this, unfortunately without the answers I need, I'm also unsure how to comment on other posts. Long story short. I'm medically exempt, as instructed by my local hospital and respitory nurse/ASD specialist. I'll be living in thailand for a year for study. How can I be conscious of the kingdoms rules without compromising my health? I've seen a lady was refused all Thai translations of her medical letter, luckily I've family thay could help that, if this should be sufficient. Thank you in advance. Any insulting, ignorant or otherwise discrimination will be ignored as deserved ????
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