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K Chan

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Everything posted by K Chan

  1. I hope they'll be back, it's the only site I know where you can stick in a thai sentence and it'll split up the words and do the translation at the same time. I'll happily pay for that feature alone.
  2. Yes it always seems like they list the low probability stuff. I want to know if they cover the high probability events, e.g. twist or break ankle while walking , food poisoning, if some site contains a list of stuff that's covered and not, that'll be amazing, like top 20 accidents and which insurer covers.
  3. That link is really useful thanks.
  4. Early 50s healthy, fit, no health issues. On retirement visa. Currently planning to stay in Thailand for 1 or 2 years, maybe more but going to play it by ear. In the past few decades in the UK not really had to visit doctors or hospitals often. So going to take a small risk and planning not to get health insurance, just going to pay as I go so to speak (if something really bad happens, will probably end up flying back to the UK). But planning just to get accident insurance only. Can anyone recommend any insurers? Is not getting health insurance and only accident insurance a good idea? What's people's thoughts.
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