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Everything posted by RandiRona

  1. Nothing to see here Folks, it’s a text book case of Suicide, now don’t tell me that you have not see someone suicide under a shower!! Thais got you covered.
  2. Common, let's call it a Billion and no need to predict for few centuries!!
  3. Yes same way they welcomed Taiwan actress. Corrupt and useless.
  4. They guy is still thinking with his ‘head’ but not with his head. Good luck with that, btw above sentence can be used without ‘Woman’ in it and it is still effective.
  5. Thailand-- Hub of bastud sniffing dogs!!!
  6. Can’t see clearly due to PM2.5. It’s clogging whatever limited intelligence left.
  7. Nothing instill more confidence than march of armed 234 officers of law in a land of pretties. Of course pimps can’t stay away from their ‘deals’
  8. So Thai Mafia in Phuket has some competition now and they are concerned? May be they are able to break Thai Taxi Mafia monopoly which even Army can’t. Corruption doesn’t care about nationality but money!
  9. Dont let Sharia decide your policy or you will become a Europe!!
  10. Haha, it seems Falangs cant catch a break! Before it was Indians, then Chinese and now Russians. Relax folks, Thailand is what it always been, a Dump, anyone can use it if they are willing to way... you are using it so will others and there is nothing you can do or say will change it. So do what you did so far as by living in Thailand...Compromise with the situation you are in and accept the reality as it or Go Back to you Country as a Thai apologist would say!!
  11. So he didn’t blow himself up?? Coward!! he isn’t getting any of those 72 virgins or a goat!!
  12. All my responses are approved by @chatgpt. Hahaha
  13. She really did <deleted> off someone important or being made an example for others to increase their tributes!
  14. Well, a normal corrupt Thai operator, There could be a miscommunication but nothing would warrant violence. But that is the principal motto on which Thai operator operates, very well done !!
  15. Yes we can, similar to how you know what San Diego to Irvine check points are for , we know what these Thai shakedowns checkpoints are for. Specially in all touristy areas!
  16. But that is not what this check points checks for? They are nothing but corrupt shakedowns but let me not interrupt you from your morning stroll!!
  17. Any country keeping random checkpoints on roads is all about corruption and nothing about security. Nothing will change as it’s part of culture and normal Thai feel nothing wrong with shakedown since they have not lived their life without it ever. Even Thai apologist Falangs brings absurd arguments like cops are not paid well here or 100-200 baht bribe is nothing to whine about.
  18. They missed a Zero in the end!!
  19. Warm bodies on sale is a speciality of Thailand!!!
  20. They can get all the rubber they need from Pattaya... highly flexible, dotted and transparent. ????
  21. And they are planning to use F-35 from Amelika to shoot it in Sky!!
  22. With the recession looming and lay offs we may see status quo this year from western countries's tourists. It would be upto Chinese to fill in.
  23. Like China is run by CCP , Thailand is run by Junta and normal Thai has little say in it. As long as Junta filling its coffers from the illegal bribe and kickbacks coming from mass tourism, they would hardly care about excessive damage to the Thai tourism and expats has little say in it. So get ready for new ‘normal’ as they say.
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