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Everything posted by RandiRona

  1. All those who survived Caesium now have to survive Ammonia along with PM2.5 on daily basis. Thailand - Hub of Survivors!
  2. She was doing some James bond kind of stuff...MI6 will get her out soon in his Majesty service...Andrew that is..not Charles!????????
  3. Absolutely , you can repel pollution by a brainy discussion. How about creating and following some rules related to stuble burning?? You think that would help or waste of time?
  4. It sure is.... I had to read the whole darn article to figure out that its puny Shisha...took time out of another thread where a God 'Goat' was teaching techniques of grooming Thai women and get free sex on pretext of teaching them driving.... that my friend is knowledge we all deserve not this freakin Baraku....????????????
  5. <deleted> is Baraku?? Its just Shisha for Buddha's sake....
  6. OOOOOO...KINKY!!!! He was about to pay for the session before cops came and broke the fun.
  7. Yeah that’s nothin.. if we can’t see it… it never happened! Ropes snap so does neck.. that’s the way Thailand works.. we will publish a survey soon which will declare Thailand a hub of hair raising adventure…. You live or die.. up to you!
  8. If they want to stop corruption in Immigration, move transactions online. Face to face interaction allows them to fleece expats.
  9. I asked Chatgpt and this is what I got Terrorism during Ramadan is a serious issue that affects many people around the world. According to some sources12, some jihadist terrorist groups such as ISIS and Hamas see Ramadan as a time for military jihad and violence against “disbelievers” and “enemies of Islam”. They often carry out attacks in different locations, targeting civilians, security forces, religious minorities and even fellow Muslims3456. Learn more: 1. politicalviolenceataglance.org2. newsmax.com3. msn.com4. msn.com5. israelnationalnews.com6. terrorism-info.org.il— see less
  10. Mentally troubled Armed man? Similar to the one who kniefed innocent kids?? If you are Armed and willing to kill, it just fair that threat be eliminated to safeguard innocents. FWIW... Family should have provided help to that troubled person not expect others to face his bullets and not respond back.
  11. That was tongue in cheeck comment.
  12. Someone need to tell these Thai cops that is Caesium is not an engineless submarine which someone can sell at scrap shop!
  13. Is it too early to call Happy Ending for gal?? Husband and BF gone....free bird!!!!!
  14. Ahh well.....he confused that sales women...she just went out to ask what is 10×10.... inches, cm, meter , Rai....
  15. What?? How can S Korea do that?? No Red , Yellow card for Thais???
  16. Thai polls are like Bikini , you dont if its Hiding or Showing....serves all purposes!
  17. So you pay and you scott free?? No broken law? I like this system....
  18. So we have a history buff here, ok so far in History you want to go?? Before they were non muslims and were Buddhists and Hindus before that? Bahasa Melayu which your converted muslims speak is originated from Sanskrit as well as Thai language which derived from Pali and Sanskrit. So before muslims invaded and converted those Hindus/Buddists to Muslims, this all was Buddhist/Hindus land. So when a terrorist invade your country , you dont hand it over. They can go across the border and live with their Bumiputra brothers, ironically a sanskrit word for son of the land. The religion of peace only know conversion, kill or terrorize and there is only one way to deal with terrorists.
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