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Everything posted by RandiRona

  1. And Monkey pox is expected by year 2050.
  2. They just jumbled the letters but I agree that BDSM is fastest growing Thai brand.????
  3. Only if Thai court also rule that this charge is approved by constitution.
  4. Seems the shoe is on another foot now!
  5. This just is not possible without active participation of corrupt Thai customs as any kind of animal would show as such in Xray scan. But corruption is core to India and Thailand's beliefs.
  6. Was he so dumb or a fortune teller told him that today is his lucky day to not worry about X ray scan? Send him to Zoo...he is such a specimen.
  7. This guy talk sense, there is a Thai Chinese girl on Thaiger who really hates Tourists and strongly believe in Thais for Thailand...Oh the Irony...her audience are tourists!!! Is Tim Newton joining AN? That would be good news!
  8. Buddhist teaching?? Yup Buddha did say that you can always take over democratic government with Coups and install yourself as premier.. flash note:: non violence is core to Buddhism… hey but why stop using religion when everyone else in the world is using it.
  9. So essentially it’s causality… cause and effect… Prayut is the cause … suffering is the effect.
  10. People need to learn to live with this like they had for thousands other viruses, anyone who want to wear keep wearing, those who dont, mustn't be forced. There are vaccines and medicines( Paxlovid, Moluniapiravir) available so stop creating panic. This is not as deadly as it was in 2020.
  11. Thaksin Somchai (his brother in law) Yingluck (sister)
  12. Well constitution can be rewritten like it had been done multiple times by Junta. Funny Thaksin say that when he and his whole family of prime ministers has been upstaged by Junta several times.
  13. I think he was happy that he wasnt robbed of his gold chain, hence the break dance moves!!!
  14. It actually is legal and court recently approved it. Article: It's now perfectly legal for Thai public hospitals to charge foreigners double for medical treatment (mashable.com) Dutch expat to appeal after Thai court sides with higher hospital fees for foreigners | Coconuts
  15. and these planes will be used in parade to salute Supreme Premier...... Who they intend to use f-35 against? Cambodia , Laos or Malaysia ? There are better use of that money and corruption isnt one of them.
  16. I wasnt , I was only pointing out that his lying about attack a kin to a criminal offence and since I am not aware of Thai laws regarding this, I pointed out my knowledge of US laws to point that its criminal. No where I compared US with Thailand.
  17. If I were a Russian , I would fly under the radar...Oh well..Deport him to Ukrain...
  18. If you are building this for tourists then make them in tourists towns not in middle of no where.
  19. No Shat Sherlock!! Happy that you figured it out finally!!! Golden Raspberry award for you!! Search it on Google...btw made in Amelica...
  20. Not another drunk idiot. He is a liar who tried to criminally implicate an innocent Thai Taxi driver. Not sure about here but in US , he would have criminal charges.
  21. So a quick math, second quarter ended on June 30th, so according to TAT, between May 21st and June 30th, 6 million international visitors arrived in Thailand??? I know no one from Media would challenge the numbers but I am just amazed at the confidence of TAT that they know people can’t really crunch numbers here.
  22. Indians, lady boyz and gold chains....What an interesting love triangle where everyone is in love with each other. Now what we need is a 'Happy Ending'.
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