Good for Thailand...get her to speak with students and share her achievements and hope more kids pick up science and math. As Junta is more focused on military dress and military hair cut for them.
Come from where?? Middle earth?
With this Inflation I am not sure there will be enough tourists to fill in
300×30,00,000 baht tourist fees dreamt by TAT.
A smart car will drive all across Thailand and capture Wifi username , password, email address, bank account, kor tor 2 , TM 6, TM 30, blood group, sexual preference, Covid status etc.
Thanks, I am boosted, not against vaccination or masks but against paranoia created by these so called specialist to drive Junta's agenda of emergency decree forever. Now we have prevention (masks, vaccination) and therapeutics like Paxlovid etc so let people decide how they want to live. No one stopping anyone to use mask if they like or avoid congested places but forcing people after every minor mutation of virus is nothing but a power show.
I doubt US is coming to fight for Taiwan. Unfortunately I doubt Taiwan has much time left before it becomes Papa Xi's mistress , so is a fate for whole south china sea.
Ukrain attack has bare open the limitation and weakness of the free world.