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Everything posted by RandiRona

  1. I see everyone around here in Bangkok wearing it. I do see some no Thai not wearing it but that is an exception than a norm.
  2. look I said same thing 3 times…. It has to be true…
  3. @GammaGlobulin was looking something like this in far remote place, will gel well with his pledge of celibacy!!
  4. Let’s see how that goes, I think most important decision was abolishment of Thai Pass for Tourism. I doubt anyone care if people still wearing masks. Forcing others to wear in this hot and humid is/was torture. btw emergency decree was extended and no one give a shat tell us everything we need to know about how much common Thai care after years of conditioning.
  5. Good if that works for you. It’s a free world. You do you, I do me ????
  6. And then they have to get their release with brown envelopes and big wais. So better pay here than there.
  7. Yes they are expensive that normal Taxis but convenient and safe. I see no issues with Grab but Bolt has always been hit and miss for me. They cancel on me far more than Grab. I dont take Taxis no more, getting driver to focus on road while using his phone plus taking me for a ride is too much aggravation for me.
  8. Locals continue to wear it until someone asks them not to or rather force them to not wear. People been conditioned to follow instructions without debating the merits or lack thereof.
  9. Jolly good!!! Let's keep this forever since civilians didnt see any difference. They are conditioned to live this for ages under decades of Junta rule.
  10. Sure with looming Recession and rising inflation who would have free money to "travel together"??
  11. Great job, promote it more than cannabis!!
  12. Ofcouse, they arent as sophisticated as Uighurs do to make Nike in China but Thailand learning from Papa Xi....Prisoners are free labours.
  13. Welll... Grandpa is a goner so while not collect some views while we are at it.
  14. Double pricing is not wrong because it is not against the law. Conscious bias and racism is not wrong because it is not against the law. Multiple and frequent coups are not wrong because it is not against the law. Keeping population poor and uneducated is not wrong because it is not against the law. Please add more while I catch my breath!!
  15. There has to have social security net which manages to take care of hunger of people like food stamps in US which you can use to only buy food. A middle income country like Thailand need to ensure that there arent starving people. It's a shame that it's not Thai Junta priority when they have all hands on deck to ensure that there is Ganja in every house.
  16. Really terrible...came here for vacation and lost his wife....people say whateve....Riding 2 wheels is strict NO for anyone who hasn't driven or know road conditions of Thailand!
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