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    Brisbane, Australia

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  1. Not sure if you're 100% there. I painted my house in Udon, years ago, and asked imm here about it. I was told it was not a problem as long as my name was on the chanote.. It is. I still work on the house.. Never had a problem. Hope they didn't lie to me. 😉
  2. Underwater world Pattaya? Same as Thai price. Pink ID card..50/50 on Parks. I don't get the 10baht payment for hospitals, as I'm not Thai.. Military hospital cheap. Doctor's clinic, dentist, optometrist.. Same as Thai. Yes, I am accompanied by the wife at markets etc as my Thai is atrocious I'm not lecturing, mate .. You say the Thais smirk as they say "farang".. I don't agree.. Not in my circles. Don't care how long you've been here.. I'm 12 years and 25 more intermittently.. I know enough. I won't be wasting my time replying to you again. We're going to the market. Have a great day.
  3. Don't understand you, mate. I never get charged double at markets or anywhere else, and it's been 12 years here. My missus doesn't like people who rip off my/her money.. Thais don't seem to look down on me either.. Treat them with respect and humour and see what happens.. Mind you, I am in Issarn.. Friendlier people up this way, maybe.
  4. No aircon in March, April and May, in Udon at night would be cruel.. What's the point in living here, for a better life, and melting through the night? If people can't handle a few hundred baht rise, maybe they really shouldn't be here. Just an opinion
  5. No.. The Australian govt didn't "just". Can you find anything a bit more current than 3 years ago?
  6. In Australia plumbers are lionised and worshipped if theyre your mate or relatives. Otherwise we hate them because they're in short supply, and charge like wounded bulls. I've a couple of mates at homewho are plumbers.. No good now.. I live in LOS, not Oz. Anybody know a good one here? ????????
  7. 27 years an ambulance paramedic in QLD. Took in or treated Heroin, speed, ketamin, Phentanyl, prescription drugs, arsenic,..Resuscitated many, lost a few, but in all thay time, i seem to have been lucky enough to have avoided anything to do with weed. I should have worked here to get experience of the dreaded "pot overdose". Load of <deleted>..
  8. Sigh. Australia is in a much better position than most, mate, that's the point. "in the land of the blind, the 1 eyed man is king" The Australian residential market is toast was first heard by me in 1981 when I bought my house in Brisbane for 35k. Sold last year (not mine anymore) for 1.2 mil. Try a glass half full attitude sometime.
  9. The Oz dollar was at 19 just after covid hit the markets. Now nearly 20% higher. The Oz has been at roughly 50c to USD while Keating was boss, and hit 57 in 2020. Its a commodity currency, and waxes and wanes with the cycle. Its exports, agricultural and materials and energy, are priced in USD, so all are getting premiums on exports. Oz has had a windfall in the last year of approx 50 billion AUD due to this. We'll most likely have no recession there (looking at you, US, UK, EU) and energy supplies aren't a problem (UK, EU again). Oz is in better shape than the EU, UK and most of the rest of the world. NZ is heading for big trouble. Check your facts instead of just mouthing opinion and dressing it up as fact. OZ IS the lucky country, maybe not deserving, but is.
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