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Posts posted by Sunnny

  1. 6 hours ago, sallecc said:

    Will this rule affect those who entered on Tourist visa, but later changed to Volunteer visa ('agent assisted')?

    I'm sure there are lots of folks with this scenario... I entered 2020/01 and again 2020/03 on Tourist visa, then 2020/09 got Volunteer visa (via agent), then 2020/12 got 1 year VV extension, and last month 2021/12 VV expired and I got 1st Covid extension (via agent), expiring next month... Hope to get another Covid extension.

    I remember that time (end of September 2020) very well. There were a lot of provocateurs here on TV who created a panic stating in every thread that no more amnesty will be given and everybody should just go home asap. Then a lot of nervous guys just left the country in a hurry and some others applied for expensive Volunteer visa. I am glad I held my nerve back then.




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  2. 6 minutes ago, NicholasTH said:

    Research shows that those with neurodevelopmental disorders such as cerebral palsy are more prone to psychiatric disorders in adulthood. If we identify the early signs of mental health difficulties, then we may be able to prevent them from escalating into a psychiatric disorder


    Please remember this be grateful of what health care you get back home compare to Thailand and especially if you have disabilities

    This is not a mental disease. Period. 

  3. 16 minutes ago, NicholasTH said:

    unconscious cerebral palsy. have a disability id card. 1 7199 00493 771 mr. prasut thipthep, 23, at 248 river kwai road. t.tha makham muang, kanchanaburi

    hometown - pungent boy! play loud music use a scyth to quench your guava's throat! (banmuang.co.th)

    Cerebral palsy is not a mental  disease. And look at his photos - he looks pretty normal, unlike many others with the disease.

    This is cerebral palsy (photo below).

    Can you imagine a guy like this kill two adults with the sickle? Come on! I would not believe anything the Thais trying to save their ass tell you.





  4. 27 minutes ago, Flink said:

    "Thanayut promised justice for both sides."????????? For both victims I could understand, but for both "sides". I'm hoping that's a translation glitch rather than that Thanayut will plan on seeing to it that the killer doesn't do too much time in nick and his family get a good cash payout from the survivor of the attack as compensation for waking the nutter up!

    There are three victims in this story: the guy whose head was cut off, the other one who was cut in pieces but still alive and the “master of the sickle” who is the victim of his (never actually proved) illness. All three should be released. Justice for all.

    • Confused 2
    • Thanks 1
  5. 13 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Pattaya prostitutes do tend to have personality disorders .

    Not all Thai girls have personality disorders , mainly just the bar girls 

     Many Thais have this problem imho. Not only prostitutes. They are fast to resort to extreme violence and that is, probably, one of their national traits. The murderer from Kanchanaburi is just another one from the bunch and not some extreme nutcase, imho.

    No, I don’t think Thais are bad people. May be the best ones of all other nations I have dealt with. Still, they have their weird and negative personality sides which should not be ignored.



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  6. 34 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    He was killed by a mentally ill nutcase...  you seem to be pushing the narrative that the deceased upset the locals who killed him....  which is clearly incorrect. 


     I am yet to meet a mentally stable Thai person (especially when under the influence of alcohol). All my Thai gfs used the knives whenever something went the wrong way in their crazy minds. Some tried to cut themselves. One even tried to jump out of the window on the 17th floor - without any serious reason. None of them was officially insane yet they acted like ones on the regular basis. The fact they state from the start that the murderer was “mentally ill” quite worries me. Sounds like a preparation for an early release.

     Reminds me of my childhood where people used to say “be careful of that man, he is nuts with the papers”. Which meant the person can  harm anybody without suffering serious legal consequences. 


  7.  It is the cases like this one which make me prefer to stay in Pattaya. Here we have a lot of foreigners and the locals are generally more tolerant to us and often see us as their income source. Don’t say they love us here but chances are higher that in Pattaya they will first ask you to lower the music’s volume before they cut your head off. 


  8. 29 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    I sick of reading such inane idiocy as ‘we are guests here’......    Where are guests murdered ????? 


    Are you now suggesting that Foreigners (guests) should not be sitting outside drinking a beer ???? or they face what you seem to think are justifiable consequences  ????  


    This is some truly imbecilic Thai apologist rubbish..... 



     Foreigners are the second class citizens here. Like it or not, but for many Thais it is an axiom. And, as a second class citizen, you are expected not to cross certain lines. Sitting outside and drinking beer - no problem. Listen to the loud music at nights the way the first class citizens do? Big no no! 
     Do I say these views are normal and fair? Off course NOT. But this is the reality here and one should accept it in order not to get into the trouble. Don’t behave in Thailand the way you behave at your own home place. Even if you live here for 40 years - you are still a guest. Don’t forget it for your own sake!



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  9. “We also received budgetary permission from the Pattaya City Council for an overall footpath/road renovation for Walking Street. Unfortunately, in the process of moving cables underground, portions of the road were damaged and some areas are in poor condition. Our plan is to refurbish and repair the pavement along the entire road, including full painting and a new art design for the street to give the area a fresh, new look.” The mayor continued.





    Yes , we all know that old and profitable scheme - you fix one thing and damage the other one in the process, then you fix the damaged part and again damage the fixed one.  Never ending budget money stream.  Keep doing you job, guys, you are the best!

  10. 2 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    The email will do the trick.

    Worst case scenario you could go to Bangkok if rejected and check into hotel that does TM30 for you.

    Here is screenshot of a USA couple I've been helping and just obtained covid extension HH.

    They also were asked for embassy letter.

    Hua Hin have gone rogue. 


    They paid 3 times more than most of us and still are genuinely happy. 

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