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  1. so basically you should bring large amount of money to your thai bank account, say covering life expenses for at least a year, in the year when you are not a tax resident, and that amount is forgotten/not subject to tax in the next/following years? i guess you can invest it, or put on fixed deposit, or open trading account in thailand and buy some us/world dividend etf/stocks?
  2. Thanks. So this 800k deposit for retirement, which is required and I cannot touch it, has no special treatment and is just income brought into Thailand and subject to tax? By July I meant if I come to Thailand in July and transfer and apply for retirement , I am not tax resident in given calendar year by 180 day rule.
  3. Will be 800k deposit taxed, if I stay more than 180 days? Or better to apply in July?
  4. any report success on getting visa on "soft power"? attending cooking class/music festival or getting medical treatment/appointment?
  5. It's quite funny that DTV is already in effect and seems that nobody knows even basic functionality of stays/extensions and entry requirements. I *hope* it's as easy as buying refundable ticket to 3 day music festival and show bank account of 500K and then get 360 days in Thailand every year with 1 border run, for five years, at cost 10k per visa and each extension.
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