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    Nawa, Thailand

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  1. Just wondering if I used a visa service here in Thailand how hard is it to get, how long does it take and what is the cost to get a 30 days US tourist visa for my wife... Or is it easier and better to get a marriage visa... we got married in thaiand 3 years ago... I'd like to take her to meet my family and vacation a little around the west coast... Any suggestions for a good and reasonable vusa service appreciated also... TIA larry and pla
  2. Good Morning All... I am looking for a MD that is licensed in western medicine that also speaks, reads/writes English. I have a venous ulceration that I need monitored. I am in the medical field and have been instructed/educated by my physician in the US on how to treat this condition myself and have dealt with it a couple times over the last 13 years. Currently I find myself in the position of having to have it diagnosed, a treatment protocol and the progress monitored by a western MD for employment needs. I would prefer someone in a private practice to avoid the long waits etc from the hospitals. I live in Nawa about 30 minutes from Sakon Nakhon. Thanks in Advance Larry
  3. Thanks to everyone for all the great info... appreciated
  4. thanks so much... very useful info... i have not and will not adopt my "thai son"... he is a great kid but it is not something i am willing to do... again thanks for the great info
  5. does it matter that he is my step son... he is from her first husband... he is mine thru our marriage...
  6. pretty much what i am having drawn up... my us assets i'm doing 50% to my wife and 50% to the grandkids (2)... they both work hard and are also in the ex's family trust from my first wife, which to this day is still one of my closest friends, which will have them set for life... my thai wife will need the money more...
  7. nice... i was perfectly happy being by myself for years... i was divorced for 43 years before i met her and lived in thailand for 3 years before we met... i had numerous friends try and set me up, to meet women that they told me wondered why i didn't have a girlfriend or a wife and the answer was always the same... "I don't want one"... I never believed in love at first sight until it happened... I met my wife where we live in the small farming community of Nawa... she was making/selling som tum which I'm addicted to... In the 3 years we have been together there has never been a raised voice or a cross word between us... she very rarely if ever asks me for a thing... her life is better and so is mine... she filled a whole in my soul an my heart I didn't even realize was there... she has thanked more than once saying "thank you for being with me, I always thought I'd be alone for the rest of my life" and between the two of us I am getting the better end of this deal... my favorite photo of me and pla...
  8. thanks for the thoughts... just is not true in my case...
  9. Jim you are totally off the mark... I am well aware of how fast one can be healthy and things turn around, I am a physician and see it all the time... I have no fear and do not care about about getting old or dying... I'm in good health and I'm not worried about care either I know my wife will do what she can... To be honest I believe that I am going to live longer that I would actually prefer... with my grandkids in their 20's and with my wife I've added a few extra years of that preference... lol And this is even further off the mark... "Are you trying to lock up the funds somehow so you don't spend savings down? That does not work, you end up having to sell off assets." Like I said I am not wealthy but I am not poor either... "Whatever is left gets passed on anyway so why does it need to be a house?"... again as I said I would prefer just to stay on the land and in the house and then pass both to her family once I die... And also like I stated I have seen friends lose everything... I guess you are the "glass is half empty" guy where I the "glass is half full guy" here... Appreciate your thoughts, you are just off the mark when it comes to me and my thoughts...
  10. that rarely happens...most are worth more and i don't care what country you are in...
  11. Jim you are totally off the mark... I am well aware of how fast one can be healthy and things turn around, I am a physician and see it all the time... I have no fear and do not care about about getting old or dying... I'm in good health and I'm not worried about care either I know my wife will do what she can... To be honest I believe that I am going to live longer that I would actually prefer... with my grandkids in their 20's and with my wife I've added a few extra years of that preference... lol And this is even further off the mark... "Are you trying to lock up the funds somehow so you don't spend savings down? That does not work, you end up having to sell off assets." Like I said I am not wealthy but I am not poor either... "Whatever is left gets passed on anyway so why does it need to be a house?"... again as I said I would prefer just to stay on the land and in the house and then pass both to her family once I die... And also like I stated I have seen friends lose everything... I guess you are the "glass is half empty" guy where I the "glass is half full guy" here... Appreciate your thoughts, you are just off the mark when it comes to me and my thoughts...
  12. Okay I know this is a touchy subject and something nobody wants to think about... Myself and a couple of my expats were wondering about this... Worse case scenario and something we all hope never happens... I am 70 years old and my wife is 39 so I am pretty sure and hope and pray that I am going to die before my wife but you never know... A year ago my son died from a heart attack at 47 and he was in relatively good shape... Our son, my wife's thru her first marriage was hit by a drunk driver when he was on his scooter and broke his leg and thankfully that was the extent of it... so again you never know We (I) bought land last year and we are going to build a house so when I die she has her own place... She never asked me to do, my wife is very low maintenance, this is something that I wanted to do for her. I am not a wealthy man, do not have a lot of money in the bank and still working in order to make money to build the house which if I wasn't married that money would be for my retirement... So here is my question... worse case scenario if my wife dies for some reason what happens to the land, does it just go to her family... I know that as a farang I can't own land but is there a legal document that could have the land go to me or that it could be sold... I get along great with my in-laws and believe that they would let me live there until I die which is what I prefer but I would feel better if a legal document was drawn up stating this... maybe it would be in poor taste, I don't know and hope it would not be a slap in the face to my in-laws... I've seen a number of my friends lose everything to their ex-Thai wife or their family... I do not believe that my wife, or I would not have married her, or her family are like this but again you never know... They certainly know that I do not have a lot of money but my wife has a very good life with me and I do take care of her... we just live within our means... but on the other hand like I have stated I've seen things like this happen... Your thoughts I am ready for some of you that might just blast me as a greedy bastard while others might understand where I am coming from...
  13. AcuDoc

    Roti Cart...

    My wife and I are wondering how much a roti cart would cost.... new and/or used... and estimate would be fine... Also where could you buy one... we are about 50km from Sakon Nakon... TIA larry and pla
  14. Good Morning All... I'm looking for a good dentist in Sakon Nakhon that speaks English... Just looking for a cleaning this time around... Anyone have a good experience... Hopefully reasonable prices as well.. tia
  15. Thanks for reply... I was just in Nakhon Phanom getting my 60 day extension. We have dealt with the same person in the office for a couple years and she volunteered if I need to stay longer just go to the Freedom Bridge crossing... I only need an additional month cuz I go back to work for 7 months out of the country so it makes it easy
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