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Everything posted by chieftan

  1. Depends. Disagree is the wrong word, trust, believe come to mind. You must recall this: CDC Director Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky had said Tuesday that "vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick, and that is not just in the clinical trials but it's also in real world data." Her statement was based on a large study the federal health agency released Monday..." https://nypost.com/2021/04/02/cdc-walks-back-claim-that-vaccinated-people-cant-carry-covid/
  2. ha ha ha. Ok, Do you feel better, like a cup of warm milk and a hug from mom.
  3. Yes, I think that's to be expected as the vaccines wane, that trend has become quite common. The booster bumps up protection against BA.1/2.
  4. Where do they say the data is inaccurate? Due to the increasing risk of misinterpretation from growing complexities as the COVID-19 pandemic enters its second year (as described below), PHS has taken the decision to no longer report COVID-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status on a weekly basis. PHS is currently reviewing the content and frequency of reporting this information. PHS will continue to communicate up to date and high quality research on COVID-19 vaccines. Evidence suggests the COVID-19 vaccine is effective at reducing the risk of a severe outcome, such as hospitalisation when infected, however no vaccine is 100% effective and some COVID-19 hospitalisations and deaths may still occur, particularly in vulnerable populations. PHS, in collaboration with partners such as the EAVE II https://www.publichealthscotland.scot/media/11763/22-02-16-covid19-winter_publication_report.pdf
  5. Ok, so is it safe to assume the data is wrong and should be ignored and basically deemed unacceptable. Nah, I don't think so. If your assertions are so critical then why did they report the numbers, Scotland has capable data folks I'm quite certain.
  6. Lol....cannot, the data is not published. I have only seen it published for UK, Scotland and a few other locations. So, I have no reason to dispute it, but only try to find the cause of the differences between some locations. That's just goofy silly comments emanating from the same.
  7. How about the raw data then, what's is "skewing effect" attribute?
  8. It should come as no surprise why covid stats based on vax status is not compiled in the US, and published. who, little ole me? You mention attacking, can you give some context to "attacking the same members". I admit nor deny anything, but maybe some members object to free speech and some "expression" and you, and others see this as attacks? Pretty soft aren't we?
  9. yeah, as stated, you can't backup your words, your accusations. I understand nobody likes to called out for their failures., too bad for you. My posts, claims, information, etc stand as unchallenged, non-refuted, no debunking zone. Sadly you and others zero in on the messenger (me in this case) and ignore the issues, the message. I'm not sorry for that, but you can fight the truth with your weakness and words, so, once again prove me the purveyor of misinformation.
  10. No, don't shut up, BUT please prove your claims of "misinformation". Can you show us all here all the misinformation, maybe you're wrong, can you for a moment consider that, .....I didn't think so. Ok, so bring it on, prove your misinformation rhetoric.
  11. You forget quick too. You mention this "misinformation" but sadly nothing I have posted here EVER is misinformation and you and many others have failed every step to show where I have posted anything that is misinformation. It's not about being quick, or a cut and paster like you, but having the factual information here in plain view which evidently destroys you, your narrative and likely puts a dent in your ego. As I said, prove me to be the purveyor on misinformation and I will retract, you can't though and that's just to damn sad for u.
  12. If you're referring to me please do show what I "take out of context" and "misrepresent". Post here and show once and for all what exactly is out of context and misrepresented. Hurry up, waiting for your reply.
  13. please correct, debunk ANY and ALL misinformation. And be sure to start with all the misinformation you've added. Or, maybe it takes less time to show us anything factual you submit.
  14. Yes, Thailand's new case rate is 236/million (7 day r-AV), UK's new case rate is 686/million (almost 3X Thailand), UK's covid death rate is 6X higher than Thailand, (2.23/M vs. .36/M in Thailand-FEB 17/2022) Web-source: Death rate, Case rate Additionally, UK HSA reports new covid case rates are higher in vaccinated people in all age cohorts except <18 years. web-source Reports by Scotland and NSW Au show similar trends for new cases and deaths. The data is becoming so controversial that Public Health Scotland (PHS) will no longer report COVID-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths by vaccination status on a weekly basis. The latest report in Scotland shows covid death rates are HIGHER in *fully vaccinated (2 doses) than the non vaccinated. websource Table 15, pg 47 I don't see any trolling and false data submitted here by a particular poster here who has provided reputable data sources. You seem to NOT want to accept facts as facts. In closing, consider as an example the exploits of a particular country, that has some of the the best scientific minds, best medicine, the mRNA vaccines, financial resources... yet, it has over 930K Covid deaths, (16% of the worlds total despite having only 4% of the total world population) still have 2,000+ daily deaths with many break through cases, how does that country compare to Thailand? * FYI, US considers two dose vaccine (2 week waiting period after 2nd shot) as "fully vaccinated) and 3rd shot booster as "up to date" web-source link
  15. And yes is it ever killing them, at a rate 28 times more than Africa, 18 times more than Asia and on and on and on it goes. That's some impressive achievement, even worse than Australia for covid failure. The bovine scatology has hit the oscillatory rotor head on and America is helpless to fix their problems! Disgusting to say the least. 7 day rolling death/million Please update death rates by vaccination status for analysis if you have this information.
  16. Unfortunately yes, and being the most obese country on the planet may be the difference in addition to the US's epic failure in causing 18th highest covid death rate in the world. Throw in the government’s completely failed response to this pandemic and you are staring at a colossal failure. The rest of the world is running circles around everthing covid in America. Lock downs are easing around the globe now, another area where US failed miserably. What a mess. Lock down reports "The use of lockdowns is a unique feature of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lockdowns have not been used to such a large extent during any of the pandemics of the past century. However, lockdowns during the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic have had devastating effects. They have contributed to reducing economic activity, raising unemployment, reducing schooling, causing political unrest, contributing to domestic violence, and undermining liberal democracy. These costs to society must be compared to the benefits of lockdowns, which our meta-analysis has shown are marginal at best. Such a standard benefit-cost calculation leads to a strong conclusion: lockdowns should be rejected out of hand as a pandemic policy instrument." https://sites.krieger.jhu.edu/iae/files/2022/01/A-Literature-Review-and-Meta-Analysis-of-the-Effects-of-Lockdowns-on-COVID-19-Mortality.pdf Many countries, especially lower income, African nations and others have much lower vaccination rates than US and also much lower covid death rates. And those 70M unvaxxed you alluded to, well you can add had another 100M or so now since 2 jabs ain't working (boosters are required for full vaccination now) and bidens booster program is struggling along with all their covid mitigation plans. Moderna's omicron specific booster won't be available until sometime this summer, (first half of this year). Big HUGE problems for the US. People don't trust the governments, medical profession, CDC, FDA, phizer, etc. Mistrust is huge issue there as well. People are afraid of big government, so much misinformation, lies and heavy handed attempts to impose vaccine mandates has spooked Americans. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(22)00172-6/fulltext#seccestitle10 The unvvacinated are likely to stay that way now unless significant improvements are initiated in all ares discussed above. The only thing you can do is moan and complain about it and attack the unvaxed and play the ridiculous blame game.
  17. AND avoid going to America unless you want to increase your odds of dying from covid. One of the wealthiest and most modern, advanced nations on the planet also claims more lives to covid than any other country.
  18. Many EU, NA Au, and other countries have opposing entities pushing their covid intervention strategies. USA is unique in many ways so I try to reconcile and compare their current covid situation to countries with similarities. Compare apple's to NOT oranges.
  19. He gave up and passed the burden to the states, claiming covid will not get solved at the federal level and probably a much sounder strategy. And sure, everywhere you look there are fat people in America, obesity is very obvious. You can check your covid risk with this "assessment tool". Fudging the weight and height (BMI factor) shows marginally elevated risk based in BMI. This should be used with your good discretion. https://qcovid.org/Calculation
  20. This is peculiar recent covid death behavior in UK (as reported on Ox WO-Data with death curve, near vertical. UK may have changed something with their covid death metric reporting. I will find out and report here if anyone interested.
  21. The US covid data is good for USA maybe, but no country can claim top spot for Covid deaths like good ole USA can, no country has failed controlling Covid deaths and killed so many people to Covid than USA, but they don’t have Biden “shuttin down the virus” either. I cannot find any county with a higher death rate than America, so your good guide seems not to apply and is unique only to USA. USA accounts for 16% of global covid deaths despite having only 4% of the world population. Ouch! https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
  22. Staggering, but no surprise. "Biden warns of winter of 'severe illness and death' for unvaccinated due to Omicron" https://edition.cnn.com/2021/12/16/politics/joe-biden-warning-winter/index.html His words are true (if you can prove this death rate claim by vaccination status). Big question is what is behind the covid death numbers in America when compared to UK and Australia where more vaccinated are hospitalized and dying now. I remember biden passing pandemic management to the governors a while back in December, "Biden said that a "federal response" is not the key to combating the COVID-19 pandemic, which he said requires resolution at the "state level." Somethings up, why so many covid deaths in America all things considered.
  23. Cause of death is/from/with, or which is it. Maybe the numbers are in the science. Only one way to be certain of the cause of death. I submit to you. https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/covid19deathsandautopsiesfeb2020todec2021 For those interested, 4 deaths in youngsters, 14 or younger. In America. “More Americans have died of COVID in the past 11 days than have died of murder in any year ever,” attorney David Menschel wrote. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/01/31/accepting-covid-deaths/ Covid kills more in USA.
  24. Maybe an assault with his "friendly weapon", but more likely he's advocating a swap-meet.
  25. Or maybe need to u your game to the next level, alter your MO to suit the situation. May I ask; does your wife have a hot sister or friend....hmmm.
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