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Everything posted by mnomad

  1. What? Are you saying that my snailcoin v2 compounding in DEFI called grimreaper backed by the full faith of tether returning 3023% APY is not solid? They told me in Discord this was bulletproof and they had a pdf with some LaTex math in it, in addition some guy called LamboKingSG said he used to work for Elon and had friends at NASA. How can you say i didn't do due diligence?
  2. Not many 9 across 777s still active. BA I think are done with their cabin upgrades - mute though as not returning to 2023 anyway, Qatar and Emirates a long time ago. Avoid the 777 as much as the 787, though the latter is even worse. I'll favor a paint flaking A350 for cattle comfort nowadays.
  3. The flights start in Taipei, see if they are selling them on the full route Taipei to Amsterdam, that will answer some question, it would be unusual for an airline to remove PE when others are rushing to bring it in - emirates for example
  4. Is there a BangkokBank at CW that can give you the letter on the spot for very first extension? Not the 12 month thing as guess that's not required for first extension. Updated passbook at the mall and it just adds a CMB summary line presume that's okay? - i.e. skips months/transactions but all entries above 400k
  5. Dual pricing is a hard pill to swallow, but what really surprises me is the lengths they go to make sure it's fully inclusive looking at the infographic above - imagine the "meeting of understanding" they had when they found out there's still 1% of farang that are getting Thai price due to a drivers license / work permit - let's make sure this is stamped out - cant have any of them getting through. It's clearly a very sneaky practice, and it can't be framed as a locals discount when they use thai alphabet letters to mask the shame.
  6. Yeah it's rough, the most sick I've ever been in my life, and had a second dose a mere few weeks later, was weak for weeks, dengue is rough, but statistically it happens to many here after a few years, just part and parcel. Each person's symptoms differ admittedly but it doesn't take a professional to spot the difference here. Dengue would probably be eliminated if the Thais paid a mere fraction of attention to as they do with their irrational covid fear they value so dearly.
  7. 70-80 baht for a can of coke in some pubs in Bangkok - and not hiso Thong Lor - normal places were you can get a pint of local lager for 120 or a little over. 55baht seems fine to me, perhaps they have a minimum profit margin of 40baht per drink of something like that, all very reasonable. You can't expect cost price drinks just because you eat - if that was the case ill be demanding my pint of Tiger for 50baht
  8. In my country 99% of citizens do not wear a mask and a few Asians are the only ones with. I feel fine with that, their choice, they don't have just do as everyone else does, they aren't sheep, I respect their choice to wear a mask, just as it is here - my choice.
  9. Masks are not required on the BTS or to enter the ticketed zone. And no BTS personnel at kiosk, security check or platform will say anything. The official line is "continued mask use is suggested, as recommended by the Public Health authority, thank you for your co-operation". This is just the facts, we all know where you are on the issue.
  10. I would of probably suggest they go wear a face visor or maybe i would of been I a lot less diplomatic, probably the latter as these people have solutions - stay at home, face visors, triple masking,PPE suits and yet they still want to inconvenience everyone else.
  11. Seeing this as well. More Thais demasking, still single digit percentages though but noticeable increase since last week I think it will be interesting in the next few months what the farang pro-maskers that justify their stance with sayings like "i do it for the good of the community", "when in rome i do like the romans", "its courtesy as the locals want masks", "if everyone is doing it then.." . Of course we've seen with the flip flopping of their fear from omicron to moneypox to ba5 and ba6 their justification can change just as easily as rewriting history - who forgets the classic - most thais wore masks before the pandemic nonsense.. Masks are indeed coming off ????
  12. Reports ???? The other side of the fence have such a short memory, 6 months ago they were panicking needlessly about Omicron, omg its so spreadable, doom doom, end of the world, then they had a reprive and were worrying about Monkeypox of all things, oh no, wear a mask if not for covid for the monkey virus, once they got over that irrationality now it's BA.5/BA.6, what's next? Sometimes I wish I could ship these people an encyclopedia of disease and confine them and their fearmongering to home for good - doesn't do much for keeping them away from the keyboard - unless... ????
  13. Source? Where did you get such a breakdown?
  14. This is annoying. If you want to wear a mask or three then fine, but these mandates for everyone are just baseless. The Thais have already positioned themselves years away from normality, anything more to encourage this just adds to that fear. Some of the insanity I've seen just today, truck driver masked - only one in his cabin, BTS driver - masked, young kids double masked outdoors, young couple in coffee shop gloved, guy in foodland that timed his mask removal with the positioning of his spoon with the precision of an F1 pitstop.
  15. some? a tiny proportion maybe, actually let's go full out - share your knowledge - which ones in Europe are "enforced" indoor with few exceptions at end of June 2022 ? From what I see nearly all European countries have acted on science and scrapped all mask mandates within the last few months
  16. Thai credit cards are notoriously slow to authorize - quite often in stores they'll start serve the next customer whilst waiting for some Thai platinum gold blah to authorize, local debit cards and international credit/debit cards seem to take standard few seconds or less. The real delay is the telephone number collection, Thai will insist of sharing it with the cashier or number pad thing even if purchasing a pack of 10baht mama noodles.
  17. Over the moon..
  18. Field report. Two journeys bts today, no interchanging so leaving and reentry, wore no mask no even around my neck. No masks announcements platform or trains. Signage on trains gone too Security at entry, platform and exit never said nowt - and yes I did catch their attention as my hand rested on the top of automatic platform gates briefly Looking good, Thais looking pertrified though. Stopped on entry to office building though.
  19. That alone is hardly a good reason.
  20. Not used in a mask in 7/11 or MaxValue or Tesco since Saturday, no staff or compliant Thais have said anything, Thais still using the redundant worthless temperature sensors on the way in though, talk about two extremes. The divide will grow before it shrinks ???? should be fun
  21. I've followed the mask drama for a while and was aware that BTS were quick to make announcements on Friday saying on their system it was still mandatory. This morning I didn't notice anything different although maybe I wasnt paying too much attention. This evening there was an announcement at the platform that masks use throughout your journey is suggested - now it was raining like hell so it's possible I mis-hear so do correct me if not.. does this replace the mandatory notice or just a further suggestion When was it changed? Did I hear right - and this applies to both platform and train? Happy days if so - promaskers need not comment
  22. From a few people I asked from back home, not a great sample size admittedly, the uncertainty isn't related to covid - it's spread - it's effect - its related to kneejerk reactions in regards to travel restrictions - you have to consider your starting place and your origin - and sometimes even transit places - 'if i book thailand will be last minute as dont know when and if they will flip flop when someone sneezes'
  23. Maybe he got confused with the 50/50 deal if he was paying via his GF but no - not cheaper, generally a few baht more
  24. How did you manage before - did you breathe in the breaths ???? of all these dirty global travelers before the pandemic?
  25. A sterilization of street dogs is long overdue, especially in suburbs around Bangkok, but longterm probably need to address the root of the problem which I'd guess is pet abandonment - influenced people thinking a puppy is cute, an aggressive sterilization would just be reset after a year or so Whilst there thrown in a culling of the instagrammers that walk around with silly dogs in child pushchairs, further encouraging the puppy for Christmas effect.
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