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Everything posted by GFunkDeluxe

  1. Seemingly trivial detail, but still important to note - after lodging our applications last Monday, we received a reply on Thursday informing us to resubmit new photos as 'T-SHIRT NOT ACCEPTABLE' and must be taken in 'business attire'. So back to the passport photo place we go, this time in a collared shirt and my wife in a slightly formal dress. Not a big deal but a reminder that I'm still getting used to the, uh, nuances of Thai bureaucracy lol.
  2. Hi everyone, just wanted to say a big thank you for this thread. My wife and I are currently putting together our LTR application and the information in here has been absolutely invaluable, it’s definitely much less daunting than it initially seemed. A big thank you for everyone keeping it so genuinely civil and helpful too, all too often these forums instantly devolve into needless feral arguments and sad little píssing contests. I’ll report back on our application process and how it goes. Cheers ????
  3. I’m finding it really hard to find up to date information on how and where to get a covid booster as a foreigner in BKK right now. Many places seem to have stopped providing this service in the past couple of months. Does anyone know of anywhere currently offering walk-ins or bookings for a fourth shot? Thanks.
  4. Hi everyone, jumping back into this thread in the hope that I can get answers to a couple of questions from you very helpful people. Will I need to see a Thai doctor to get a Thai prescription for Xarelto (or Rivoxan) to order from these online pharmacies or can I simply place an order? I have my original Australian script and a letter from my doctor if that helps at all. Alternatively, does anyone have any current leads on the cheapest prices for Rivaroxaban in Bangkok? Thanks in advance for any help ????
  5. Absolutely not. Pure cretin behaviour.
  6. I just had a look at my local Big C (Saphankwai) and they had a small Green Labs stand in the health food section but only had bags of dried leaf and small shaker jars of what I think was ground leaf. For cooking I assume, nothing smokable.
  7. For anyone who has bought from Line or Facebook sellers, what is the process for actually paying? I had a look through some last night but stopped when I realised it was all bank transfer payment. Do any deal in cash or with Line Pay or similar? I don’t have a Thai bank account yet and international transfers through my Australian bank are a ripoff.
  8. Anyone found any vape carts here that are guaranteed legit? I’ve heard a lot (maybe most?) in Thailand are counterfeit and I’m not too keen to test and find out myself (both for my wallet and my lungs). I was once a long time smoker but find the discreet nature of oil carts to be much better for me these days.
  9. For anyone coming across this thread looking for similar answers, I made the trek out to Chang Watthana Immigration Division 1 (Bangkok) today (July 1st) and came away with the following -Although covid insurance has been reduced or removed for other travellers, the STV extension still requires US$100000 of covid insurance. Most insurers have stopped issuing this much for covid cover but the official recommended Pacific Cross as still offering a relevant plan. Unfortunately they do not seem to offer an instant online application. -They were very insistent on seeing all the documents from our Test and Go quarantine hotel (from nearly 3 months ago), including ASQ certificate, PCR test results, and hotel receipt. Thankfully our hotel was still able to provide these again (I’d thrown them away). -Although they seemed happy with the receipt for a 90 day Airbnb booking, they requested a completed TM30 form from the owner. You won’t get this from Airbnb and must contact the owner directly. -We had booked six months of the relevant travel/health insurance (assuming we’d extend the STV a second time for the full 9 months) however, we were told that this can only be done in 90 day increments and will have to cancel the policy. The policy must cover THB40000 outpatient and THB400000 inpatient expenses. -I’d also recommend downloading, printing, and completing the TM7 form before you go (I googled and found it at -Don’t expect a reply if you email the address on their website with any queries. Two emails over two weeks and nothing at all back in response. Contacting the Thai Consulate in Sydney also just resulted in a copy and pasted list of requirements for applying for the visa in the first place, not extending it. Oh well, it is what it is. Back again next week. ????????‍♂️
  10. Great, thanks for your help. I’ll brave Chaengwattana tomorrow morning with everything I already have and see what happens. ????
  11. Thanks. I emailed the Bangkok immigration office last week but didn’t get any reply. Is it worth calling them or would it be best to just go down there and try and deal with it all in person in one go?
  12. Any idea how much Xarelto costs here in Thailand? I am also on 20mg and have enough to last me the next couple of months but will have to stock up eventually.
  13. Good afternoon! I am due to extend my STV for the first time and am a little confused by some of the requirements. Has anyone extended theirs in Bangkok recently and can help me with a couple of issues? What exactly is meant by the ASQ certificate? Is this relating to my Test and Go hotel quarantine from nearly three months ago? I don’t know if I still have the PCR test documentation or anything other than the hotel receipt. Will this possibly be an issue? Also, is there still a requirement for $US100000 in covid insurance? Only some of the websites I’ve come across seem to mention this, separately to the regular travel insurance requirements. If so, can anyone recommend an insurance company currently offering coverage this high? As the requirements for other visas have been scaled back, many don’t still seem to offer these plans anymore. Thanks in advance for any help ????
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