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Everything posted by Birdseye

  1. What a stupid response. None of us have any idea of the precursors yet you in your infinite wisdom have decided to be judge and jury. Deport anyone who defends the " bad people " You cannot believe some of the tripe that is posted here
  2. Another clueless statement from a moron.... happens all too often. Did you see his age and the teams he played for? At best you are a 20 year old with no idea of the wages when this guy played pro at the level he did. Either that or you just post nonsense
  3. Why waste your time answering that senseless statement twice??? He made no sense in both his comments ????????
  4. So very true...the 2 week falang tourists don't see them much in the beer bars but maybe if they stayed in the 5 star hotels they would change their opinion. Many Chinese families (as well as Indian families) occupy them. People believe what they choose to believe
  5. Wow....strong words and a fair explanation ...but if you really believe only 1% of Thais are not fed up then my guess is you live and work in Bangkok and deal with educated Thais only...not rural Thailand... in other words my friend I think you are out of touch and at worst delusional ....no offence meant
  6. Spot on...people have short or no memories as it happens. I'm no fan of Putin but nor am I a fan of the USA either. They have "invaded " so many countries it beggars belief...all for good causes of course as the media will inform you, much like the Russian media today
  7. Thais in general are taught to think they are the centre of the universe so this narrative fits ...they expect no less
  8. 100% This should be published in the UK and elsewhere to Inform tourists of the potential implications as explained in the narrative. People with family or businesses here may well have to jump through hoops to return but tourists on a 2,3 or 4 week vacation most certainly do not as there are easier places to go on holiday
  9. My friend and I sent to Pattaya 2 weeks ago and he used an agent....14k as you said and painless
  10. The Flu just ain't sexy enough in this present climate....no money to be made
  11. It is Thailand's decision to declare this virus endemic in Thailand....no need to wait for WHO permission
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