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Posts posted by Fert

  1. Changes have taken place everywhere because of the pandemic. But not to such an extent that, under equal conditions, it would threaten prison, deportation and a blacklist. Which actually turns into deprivation of parental rights and orphanhood of a child. They just got used to blurring everything with little things, not accepting the reason and the result.

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  2. See. A basic foundation is used everywhere. If you are ill, you need to establish the cause (basis) of the disease, and not treat the symptoms. If there is a crime, say murder, then the motives are established. Maybe it's self-defense or vice versa, premeditated and planned murder. The types of punishments are completely different. Just like the treatment of diseases is completely different - either you eliminate the cause of the disease, or you treat the symptoms. So, the reason for depriving a child of a parent is the closure of borders due to a pandemic. I consider this an absolutely inadequate excuse, because I intend to protect the rights of the child.

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  3. I'll explain. It's easy. The multi-entry visa did not require the declaration of income, since 90 days of stay is the border of automatic residence in many countries (maybe all over the world?) . As soon as you become a resident, they hang income declarations and other things on you. Before the pandemic, the income of 1200-1500 USD was enough for the birth of a child. All basic functions work the same way as long-stay visas (resident). When they closed the borders and created quarantines, the income of 1200-1500 USD turned out to be a little insufficient for border runs. And there is a child. He's already living. I believe that depriving a child of one parent and putting him in prison on the basis of a pandemic is psychopathic nonsense

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