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  1. There’s nothing semantic about “you cannot boost your immune system”
  2. Seriously… what part of “you can’t help your immune system” is not comprehended as misinformation? Ha. That is too funny.
  3. This is actually a seriously important topic. I have often surmised Thais are seriously short on vitamin D, via their extreme avoidance of sun. It’s amazing u can’t convince any of them a little is actually good for you. But whatever it is still a very important topic, especially here in my opinion where people are so weird. You can get your daily vitamin d allotment in 15 minutes in the sun if you do it right… exposing the right amount of surface area eg arms etc
  4. Australia is your example?? Seriously? U do know Covid is not over yet, right? U don’t seem to understand at all how this works. Think baseball. U don’t win the game in the 3rd inning. Make sense?
  5. The questions should not stop at vitamin D. Why is there no attempt at obesity prevention? Exercise? Outdoor activities (actually discouraged via lockdowns)? Diet? Nope. It’s all “take this magic pill rushed by pharma” Long term prevention is the key, and more and more we are gonna realize that means lifestyle changes and natural immunity and not quick and easy pills. The entire medical industry is obviously pill happy, for obvious reasons. Look who funds their education facilities. Heir paychecks also count on it.
  6. “Safe and effective” / pharma needs liability shields in place Can something be any more oxymoronic?
  7. It’s almost too hilarious, scanning through the forum, HUGE developments lately… six or so countries lifting ALL Covid restrictions statements that were previously “misinformation” now being uttered by the cdc natural immunity has been shown to be as effective vaccine at times Yet no discussion of any of it in the forum, that I saw anyway. None. Hmmm. Makes wonder, doesn’t it? Makes you wonder about those oxymoronics.
  8. This is the answer to op question in my estimation. The oxymoronic stuff needs to go. This is where you find the goods.
  9. If your answers are true why wouldn’t pharma remove liability shields? There’s no problem… and then many more people would vax. So… what’s the problem?
  10. This exchange started with you word playing with “can”, and me calling you out asking for the examples you speak of in real life where vaccines are approved in months, not the years they always take. You never provided any example. Your statements are all debunked after that as not credible.
  11. Because I’m not trying to force anyone to take it.
  12. Why don’t you start listing off the examples of worldwide used vaccines that took less than years then? Oh, yeah, bc there aren’t any
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