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Posts posted by jumnien

  1. Look at the numbers of tourists in Bali compared to Thailand and you'll have your answer. We all wish that tourist numbers in Thailand would drop to the levels found in Bali, but it just isn't going to happen. We are stuck with this tourist madness here in Thailand and while we are enjoying a brief respite as it is the low season and there is the advantage of a worldwide economic slump, the good news won't last long.

  2. In Hua Hin the numbers keep growing. The number of schools has increased that cater to foreigners and the enrollments keep increasing. The traffic gets worse and the services get better. There is no vaccine that can make Thailand immune to the farang plague. It does appear at times that they are looking for one. Let's hope they find some treatment that can weaken the infection and increase the general health of the patient.

  3. 1. Healthcare.

    2. Child mortality rate.

    3. Education (costs and quality).

    4. Opportunities to fulfil potential.

    For me the choice would be obvious (if I had kids). :D

    Agree 100%, Thailand wins out on all accounts. That said, if I was raising a little critter to make a lot of money to support me in my old age I'd probably farm him off to an international school in America or the UK.

    i think he was NOT implying Thailand :)

    Number 2 sort of spells it out, unless you come from a country with a higher child mortality rate.

    The child mortality rate in Thailand is not at all high in comparison with other countries for children of folks with a bit of dosh like the vast majority of farangs.

  4. 1. Healthcare.

    2. Child mortality rate.

    3. Education (costs and quality).

    4. Opportunities to fulfil potential.

    For me the choice would be obvious (if I had kids). :)

    Agree 100%, Thailand wins out on all accounts. That said, if I was raising a little critter to make a lot of money to support me in my old age I'd probably farm him off to an international school in America or the UK.

  5. When I drop my boy off for school here in Thailand and pick him up I just think of how bad the schools were in California when I was a kid. There probably are schools that exude the love, laughter and general pleasantness of his Thai school back home, but I've never seen them. I'm very happy with the total education he is receiving.

  6. Reading thru the posts it seems most of us are in agreement that the dramatic rise of tourism in Thailand has been a disaster, that a few Thais and many foreigners do make a phenomenal amount of money off the labors of a few underpaid workers, and that things were much more sustainable a decade or two past. Let's hope this tendency toward a more positive tourist industry (mainly smaller numbers) continues.

  7. JR says it best. Times were happier 10-20 years ago when there were far less tourists. May we return to those numbers quickly! Even if we return to the numbers of tourists 7 years ago, that would be ok...

    Jumnien, if you think that returning to tourists numbers of 7 years ago is going to make this place 'happier' you are sadly mistaken. The fact is that vast amounts of capital has been sunk into the economy on the basis that tourist numbers would increase. If they dont, Thais, whether it is because they lose their job or lose money are not going to be happy and they are going to lay the blame on the farang for being 'khinniow'. The tuk tuk driver who 7 years ago was pleased to get Bt100 and now asks Bt200 is not going to be happy to only get Bt100 again and even if he still gets Bt200 it will be only once a day. After you have a 42" flat screen TV you certainly arent happy returning to a 29" CRT.

    Folks will be as happy as they make up their minds to be! Obviously, they are making tons of cash nowadays compared with 10 or 20 or 30 years ago, but those attached to the squirrel cage, the rat race, and its ephemeral rewards will make themselves suffer. Alas, that is the nature of the spiritually naive individual. the good news is that spiritual growth comes more readily through dealing with difficulty wisely than with wallowing in the mud of successful times!

  8. No reason to lament the loss of a bunch of farang tourists. Let's just enjoy the relative peace and ease of living again here in the land of smiles.

    You should tell that to all those in the Thai tourit industry who are being laid off even as you post this.

    A good friend of my wife who worked as a hotel receptionist has just been told her services are no longer required.

    She's very upset with little prospect of finding any work in the near future.

    Exactly my point! Lamenting the loss of a bunch of farang tourists will not change the numbers of tourists. Resentment and anger and self pity and fear are not useful strategies. Indeed, the Thai wisdom teachings suggest that enjoying peace and ease of living is the Way! Happiness is not to be found in a positive GDP. People were just as dissatisfied when they were swamped with grubby tourists from the corners of the globe.

  9. Becoming an alcoholic is the best thing that ever happened to me! I've been sober now 14 years and 12-step Thailand is the center of my adventurous life. Being an alcoholic in a foreign country offers one an experience not available to the average traveller. There are AA meetings in many places and the connections with new friends is fantastic. Hurry up, now, increase your drinking and get into AA!

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  10. Santikaro, translator of Ajahn Buddhadasa's works, has some great dhamma talks on Buddhism and the 12 Steps. They available on his liberationpark website; just google it. The twelve steps work! They are not necessarily entwined with or limited to an Islamic or Jewish concept of monotheism. Whatever floats one's boat will float it in 12 step meetings!

  11. No my main concern was to get a male and a female and making sure to help gibbons species to stay alive... there is several protected area in Thailand that it would be possible to release babies in the wild to keep that beautiful species alive for longer

    I did not realize that you were an expert on Gibbon reproduction and reintroduction, sorry :)

    I know people who have been doing this for 15 years professionally; their failure rate is extremely high.

    Professional Gibbon Reintroducer; now there's a profession for you!

  12. I love checking in on your progress each day. You have so many well wishers here on TV. Keep up the good work and stay strong on your journey. Today I celebrate 14 years clean and sober, and it really is the best thing I've ever experienced. To be free from the prison of addiction and to be enjoying life sure beats incomprehensible demoralization! I've had the fellowship of 12-step program all along the way. In fact, that, and an interest in Buddhism, is what led me to Thailand 12 years ago.

    Keep posting on your experience, you are indeed helping others.

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