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Everything posted by Bazerino

  1. Hi, I have just bought a 2024 Suzuki Swift Glx & I've been using my Sony MP3 player to listen to music through the cars Bluetooth, i have noticed two micro SD card slots at the bottom of the screen, so I removed the card from my player & inserted it into the cars player, but it doesn't recognise it, it's fairly large (400gb) does anyone know what the maximum card I can use for the player to work? I did try formatting it to another format but had the same results, also put it on a thumbdrive & this didn't work either.... Baz
  2. If the u.k transport office could see how you obtain a Thai licence I think they would be horrified lol
  3. There's also the option of getting a Taxi which is around 500 baht.....
  4. For the last couple of years I've been getting a shared mini bus from Krabi Airport to Ao-nang 150 baht which for me is reasonable, o.k you have to wait for them to get enough customers, but it's worth the wait.......
  5. Thanks for putting my mind at rest to all posts.....
  6. Just applied for a Tourist visa online & was surprised how less problematic it is now, didn't ask for bank statements or the hotel owners I.D were i would be staying at, didn't have to input the same files to be able to proceed, this was something that i always dreaded every year, now its so much easier, obviously its stilling being processed so fingers crossed, so did anyone else notice it & when did they update it? Thanks in advance..... Baz
  7. O.k thanks, I'll apply for another tourist visa & then apply for an extension of stay based on retirement....
  8. Yeh sorry my mistake, yeh I saw the extra requirements if applying in the u.k, this why I wanted to apply in Thailand, I have a Thai bank account & the 800,000 baht, my main concern was returning to Thailand on another tourist visa after only being out of the country for a few months, then I will convert it into a non 0 visa once there. Cheers Baz
  9. Hi everyone, I was in Thailand for just under 4 months, 2 month tourist visa, extend for one month then went to Malaysia & returned on visa exempt left 3 weeks later, i normally stay in the u.k for 7-8 months before returning, i am planning on returning to apply for an O.A (retirement visa) in the next few months, applying for another tourist visa, was wondering if you have to stay out for a certain amount of time before returning? I was thinking of applying for the O.A visa in the u.K & then converting it in Thailand, but thought it would be easier & cheaper to just apply in Thailand, any suggestions would be helpful..... Cheers Baz
  10. So the elephants are leased? A bit like leasing a car or a motorbike? These Elephants are highly intelligent creatures unlike some human beings, so the lady has been mis-treated, abused etc, she has a voice & a following, but what about the elephants? I don't see everyone out in force about them.......
  11. I had to watch the video twice to see if you could actually see him kicking the lady & also to hear it, to me it sounded like a slap or being hit on bare skin with a flip flop, didn't sound like a kick, but what ever he did he's in serious trouble......
  12. Don't worry too much, give it a few days & it will three times that amount.....
  13. He rents a villa for a million baht a month & loses his <deleted> for someone sitting on some steps, that's nothing, I rent a place for 3000 baht a month & get people helping themselves to lemongrass,chillie & anythingelse they can get there hands on, they also come over with there cocks & make them fight, I've yet to catch anyone on my steps, but if I did It wouldn't bother me in the slightest.........
  14. From looking at the photo of her back, I personally can't see any visible marks or bruising, it's the verbal abuse that may of done the most harm.....
  15. I would think that he was drunk or on something, but theres no excuse for his actions......
  16. I'll have to watch it again & turn the volume up, while we're on the subject of idiots, making a video of himself kicking a woman sitting down, what was he going to do with it? Put it on TikTok? Nope he used it to incriminate himself, he said that he accidentally slipped & all the lady wanted was an apology, this is not much to ask & I'm surprised by this, i for one would not be asking for an apology from someone who had kicked me in the back while sitting down.
  17. After watching the video, I couldn't actually see him kicking the lady & I would of thought it might of left a mark of some sort on the back of her white top, if he had slipped like he said & it was an accident, then surely he should of apologised, as it's now got the attention of the media.......
  18. Well it should float so possible.....
  19. Well at least there on the road & not on the path & wearing helmets, i nearly got run over coming out of a shop in the u.k by some kid on an electric scooter!
  20. Good to hear you are off grid, how many years will it take to get your money back from the solar installation?
  21. Yeh I've heard this too.....😁
  22. Agree to all of the above, you would of thought so, but nope, the guilty party walks away Scott free!
  23. I always fly into Malaysia & get a minibus back to krabi (no visa) after my (2 month tourist visa & extend) expires, always get pulled up at the border on my return asking where I'm staying, why do I stay so long & ask when I'm going back home & asked to see proof of funds (bank statement) etc always have a return flight ticket booked too, I'll be doing this again next month & I'm expecting the same questions, obviously you have been been here a lot longer, so just make sure you have all the answers to there questions & yes it is much wiser to do a land border than flying back in..... P.s I have also been stopped even with a valid visa from Penang........
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