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Posts posted by vagabond48

  1. Mapguy, I consider myself reasonably thorough like yourself.

    I get an annual retirement extension for me and my wife as a dependent.

    Last year the CMI officer told me that I can do both myself and my wife together. I thought that she meant that I would need only one appointment, yeah.

    Given that "TIT", when I recently went to get a re-entry permit, I asked the same officer whether I needed 1 or 2 appointments, she said clearly that I still needed 2 back to back appointments.

    Vagabond, the way you wrote the post is a little confusing. I hope you didn't mean to imply that someone should use the appointment system to get a re-entry permit. That's similar to making an appointment for a 90 day report -- an abuse of a system meant for long-term extensions only.

    No Nancy, I wasn't implying that at all! I DID NOT mention getting an appointment for my re-entry permit.

    To make it clearer, since I was already at CMI to get a re-entry permit, I took the opportunity to ask about getting appointments for me and my wife.

  2. Mapguy, I consider myself reasonably thorough like yourself.

    I get an annual retirement extension for me and my wife as a dependent.

    Last year the CMI officer told me that I can do both myself and my wife together. I thought that she meant that I would need only one appointment, yeah.

    Given that "TIT", when I recently went to get a re-entry permit, I asked the same officer whether I needed 1 or 2 appointments, she said clearly that I still needed 2 back to back appointments.

  3. I did a search here but saw threads on very long term storage (6+ months).

    Is 7 weeks is considered long term?

    I also did some research on google but since the car is in Thailand, there may be other considerations regarding storage.

    I will be storing the car at a friend. It will be outdoors and protected with a 650B cover (nothing fancy). I don't recall if it has air ventilation.

    Given the amount of storage time, does the Thai small battery need to be disconnected to prevent drainage?

    If the battery doesn't need to be disconnected, is it necessary to drive to the car during this time 7 week period?

    I will wash the car but do I need to have it waxed as well?

    Please no guessing.


    I forgot to mention it will be stored in Chiang Mai from mid September to the 1st week of November.

  4. I also described a situation on the main CMI thread where I had to cancel an appointment. I sent an email to CMI and asked how I could cancel an appointment but like others here who have emailed them, I still did not get a reply.

    I know someone offered to give their discarded time slot but I wonder if CMI will let a different person use it even with an online appointment printout.

    • Like 1
  5. Two days ago, I tried to get 2 appointments for me and my wife back to back on the same day. I was able to get mine but my wife's slot gave me some type of error. I assumed it failed and there were no more time slots.

    The following day, I tried once again to reserve 2 time slots which I able to do successfully.

    After printing both appointments, I just happen to go to the previous day and lo and behold, I saw my 2 appointments with my and my wife's name which I thought had failed. Both now included the cancel button. I quickly cancel mine since I had the print of it. Because my wife's name was now visible,I was able to print her appointment and cancelled it.

    I wonder how many appointments are being wasted if people think as I did that the appointment didn't take. I thought that by the time I grabbed her time slot, someone had already taken it since the web page showed it was reserved.


    • Like 1
  6. .

    I use this Internet faxing service - Free to the USA for three pages or less daily - reasonable rates for International.



    I had never heard of this service! Many thanks for sharing...

    Just a word of caution.

    If you are sending sensitive documents that can contribute to identity theft, I would research this company carefully since you are choosing to upload your documents to their site. If they want, they could easily store and read them.

  7. You would pay 3000 baht for Windows 7, but not 1200 for Windows 8?? You can add Classic Shell to Windows 8 if you miss the familiarity.

    If you wish to install an OS via USB you can use the Windows 7 USB Download Tool or Rufus.

    I never wrote I would pay 3000B for W7.

    Anyway, I decided to go the easy route and get the Asus with W8 for the extra $40 since I want the netbook ready to go on my trip.

    I'll check out the Classic Shell.

    When I get back, I might replace W8 with W7.

    Thanks again for all the suggestions.

  8. If your apps are that important and you don't see the linux version already installed in Ubuntu then buy the linux version and a copy of win7 and install it. Don't they have something like 2GB of RAM? I think you may still find the 32bit version of win7 Home premium for around 3k, and even much cheaper versions if you know where to look. If the drive is large enough you can dual boot it. Linux can mount and read the NTFS and fat32 file systems so they can share the Data areas.

    Originally I had planned to install windows 7 but the Asus 1015E doesn't come with a dvd drive and yes, it comes with 2G RAM. It comes with 320G drive divided in 2 partitions but I don't know the size of drive C.

    I haven't researched,

    (1) how to load a window 7 installation dvd to a flash drive.

    (2) how to install windows 7 from a USB drive

    (3) how to setup a dual boot which sound like a great idea.

  9. 'Wine' is the package for Ubuntu that enables you to run windoze programs (ie .exe files)

    Just open Synaptic Package Manager, and search for wine.

    It is a bit fiddly at first, but google/ubuntu forums are your friends.

    Cheers, AA

    I read about Wine yesterday, so that might be an option. Thanks

  10. I am taking a trip back to the US and I going to buy an Asus 1015E netbook with Ubuntu.

    I want to bring one of my large USB drives used with my window 7 notebook.

    The burning question is whether Ubuntu will easily recognize the USB drive and the files within so I can loaded them to the Asus hard drive.

    The drive will have various downloaded software which are mostly portable apps that I want to install.

    It also has loads of video and audio files that I want to play.

    I do want to add that I have never used Linux OS although I am fairly experienced with dealing with PC issues.

    The Asus 1015E also comes with a genuine copy Windows 8 64bit for another $40.

    Since the netbook is only $209 with Ubuntu, I'd be paying another 20% for window 8 which I really don't want.

    I wouldn't have thought twice if it came with windows 7.

    Thanks for any helpful advice.

  11. I want to update the thread regarding my Fidelity debit card.

    As I have mentioned a number of times, I have never been charged the 1% foreign exchange fee when withdrawing from ATMs which is the only way I have used the card.

    I was shopping at Big C and I didn't realize that I gave the cashier my DC rather than my CC. When I got home I checked the amount I was charged and the exchange rate was normal. I happen to be online and saw that the amount originally posted increased by 1%. I thought I would make a small test purchase using the Fidelity DC again. The amount that was posted was $1.92. I went online 2 days later and the amount changed to $1.94 so I guess the Fidelity reps are partially right. You do get charged 1% when making a purchase. I am not sure why they don't take the 1 % at the time the transaction is initially posted.

    I also recently found out that I can do a teller counter withdrawal of upto $2499 (not $2500). Now, I wonder if such a transaction will also incur the 1% FE fee? I wish I could make a small test at the bank as well. I suspect they would think I am nuts if asked them to make a 100B withdrawal. I have been a little friendly with the officer who originally made several Schwab withdrawal a few months ago. Perhaps, she might allow me to do a small withdrawal test.

  12. This is definitely not a good option if the plan is for your wife to close your account after your death. She can't present the passport and (forged) signed withdrawal slip of someone who is dead.

    How would the bank know I am dead?

    Why would she need to tell them I passed on?

    My wife would come to the bank with my passport, my bank book and a signed withdrawal slip.

    As far as a signed withdrawal slip, I could always leave a couple in our safe deposit box, so no need to forge my signature.

    I certainly won't care if my account remains open. I'd be dead. It doesn't have a debit card so it wouldn't accrue any charges.

    Anyway, legal or not, it's an option.

  13. I have a TMB account. I asked if my wife could take money out of my account and they said, yes. She just needed to bring a signed withdrawal slip and my passport. The signed slip is not problem since here in the relaxed LOS, bank tellers wouldn't recognized an English written forged signature so whether I am dead or alive, my wife armed with my passport, can clean out my account of huge sum of 169B. ;)

    • Like 2
  14. All in all, unless one is addicted to the taste better to find alternatives. No other animal drinks the milk of another species.

    Cows milk is useful for turning a calf into a 1,000 lb cow in a year.

    Another one of those myths that originated before fact checking on the internet.

    lots of lower primates in India heist free cow milk right from the udder. I have seen it..

    Here is a dog drinking from an cow.


    Can find videos of many mature animals drinking milk from other species.

    Monkey's drinking dogs milk etc etc.... lots of examples.

    I'm not voicing an opinion about the safety of drinking raw milk but describing examples of animals drinking other animal's milk isn't very helpful to humans either. I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't drink water the many animals dare to drink.

  15. Please keep in mind that the 580 baht cost was for two people but without beer. A couple of bottles would surely increase the cost. Fortunately, we don't drink very often which significantly increases our discretionary spending fund. (The advantages of being of pure heart but boring personality.)

    Is the the 580B before or after a discount?

  16. Several months ago I bought a 2009 honda civic 1.8 fitted that also uses LPG. It also came with a 1/2 tank of regular fuel which I will need to refill soon. I know this model uses E91 but can this 2009 civic safely use lower priced E20 as well? The car did not come with a manual. We also plan to do some traveling and I may need to use my regular gas if there are no LPG stations around.


  17. Not sure if this will work or not, but worth a look. Seems to cover cars also.

    Travel Guard

    Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately they don't have liability insurance to protect me against lawsuits. Their coverage only provide the normal rental collision coverage which I don't need since my visa credit card will provide this primary auto coverage for free. They are also a lot more expensive than World Nomads.

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