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Everything posted by gunner1

  1. what "crimes?" with the mess in the U.S. nothing is considered a crime anymore!
  2. That's the modern generation through out the world. In the past if the wife did not properly take care of the husband, (including ironing clothes) she was out the door!
  3. when did "lady boys" Katoeys, start being referred to as "woman?" never heard that before. but then again I am not a follower of "lady boys" the ones I have seen mostly have worked in stores and have been polite and friendly and did their jobs.
  4. I feel the same way about the Brit accent, can't understand half of what they are saying especially when they are excited so I just stay away from them. Boring anyway.
  5. There are many types of "income" business in Thailand, owing stock in Thailand, if you are here and are "working, selling, or have a business you are generating income from the Thai's and maybe subject to "taxes" Do you understand now? yes or no?
  6. I cannot see anywhere on the website that mentions "retirement" income.
  7. you can't understand my post? what part don't you understand?
  8. Soi-4 could use a good looking at, also all along sukhumvit road soi-2 to soi-8.
  9. Dead two or three days? what happened, no room service?
  10. Run! don't walk to the Airport! She has got to be in the Scam demanding half of the money. do you realize how many favors you could buy on Soi-4 or Soi Cowboy? you would need a looong visa to spend that much! !
  11. In the States, if you requested help for your "carry on" from the fat assed stews, you would probably get a left hook! those bitches are mean!
  12. This kind of conduct and savagery has to be stopped right now by the school authorities and police before it turns into the kind of conduct tolerated in the U.S.
  13. Thailands perilious roads? seems that the lad brought this upon himself.
  14. 2,000 Baht? chump change! they can do that ten times a day!
  15. he knows Thai law, he chose to violate Thai law and now he says he will kill himself if sentenced to jail? in as few words as possible, BYE! try not to make a mess.
  16. And the dry season has not even started yet!
  17. Can't really get worked up about this as I remember the unexpected brown-outs, the unexpected power failures, due to high demand. The government seems to have corrected most of the problems, so if it cost more it is worth it. but the old standard, bite the hand that feeds you is alive and well.
  18. The moron did not "understand the Thai custom? what was he doing running around half naked? lock his ass up and hope that the Thai man recovers.
  19. The Insurance company is right to deny the claim! even a novice should know the dangers of riding anything in Thailand much less bangkok without a helmet if the Insurance company is paying for his hospital bill here, then I would have them continue paying the bills as Thailand has some excellent doctors who can handle that kind of emergency. .
  20. BUT they are Thai's and allowed to do so.
  21. damaged thai tourism? how about the person who expected to be sprung backward and ended up in the water? if that had happened to me, in addition of the pittance they paid, they would have had to buy me a new pair of skivvies! I can't imagine bungee jumping expecting to be sprung up and then hitting the water! not going anywhere near that place!
  22. Yes, I was there, it happened in March, 1970 at Ubon Royal Thai Air Base, the falang, (an airman) was taken to the police station and the Interperater told him that if he had not hired the cab, the driver would not have hit anyone, after the Air Force got involved the Thai Police forgot about the incident.more recently in 2004 at Ubon I was sitting PARKED in my truck when a motorcycle with two people crossed the lanes and hit the side of my car and bounced off the sidewalk. I Thai policeman arrived and told me that I was at FAULT! After jacking his jaws for about a minute I demanded we go to the Police Station where the chief was and I told him the full story, he made the Cop apologise to me, and told the two kids that they had to pay for the damages to my truck, it was just a scrape so I told the chief that I wanted an an apology which was promptly given. Bottom line if I had been a tourist, or new guy, the cop would have had his way and I would have wound up paying the Kids! Remember Liverpool, you are in Thailand! anything can and does happen if you are charlie tuna!
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