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Everything posted by gunner1

  1. I do believe in God. Why? none of your business!
  2. unfortunately it is the Thai tradition to pull a runner when involved in any type of road accident! has been this way for fifty years that i have been in and around Thailand. during the Vietnam war, when a thai taxi was involved in an accident and had an American Passenger, the driver did a runner and the passenger became responsible for the victims hospital and "compensation" money!
  3. We used to refer to these people as "Charlie tuna qualified!
  4. Maybe she should consider not coming back this way soon. the police have long memories and may lay in wait.
  5. If in fact they are Ex-Pats, they better pack their ditty bags cause they are out of here! Ex-Pats should know better than to get involved with Thai's especially where alcohol is available.
  6. wasn't to long ago that the Gov't said that the funds would be used for uninsured tourist, how it is for What? thought that was one of the purposes of dual pricing.
  7. requiring the Thai citizens to be vaccinated and the "tourist" not be checked is nuts! check them all!
  8. I wonder is Thailand is going to do the same thing that other Nations are doing and that is requiring a negative kovid test to enter the country? according to the international news, China has a big problem with kovid AGAIN! If they don't test, get ready for another lock down.
  9. find another home and usually mild mannered, where have I seen this before? to to long ago in another Pit Bull attack! this breed of dog is violent! and time and time again the Thai's find that out! The owner's should be completely responsible both financial and criminal! but this is Thailand and it will happen again.
  10. He is right, I am one of the people who was against legalizing weed. once you do that ANYONE can get their hands on it and of course the kids will take advantage of it. you sow what you reap.
  11. Thailand is by far not the Only Country that bars foreigners from buying land in their country. there is no such thing as tit for tat in nations. the strong survive the weak get left behind.
  12. I agree with his proposal, Foreigners should NOT be allowed to buy land in Thailand! look at Hawaii and part of the U.S.A for an example of what would happen! (The Japanese buying in Hawaii and the Chinese buying in the U.S.) If the law was approved the Chinese and Indians would own the majority of Thailand in the not to distant future.
  13. If foreigners were allowed to buy land in Thailand it would not be long before the Chinese and Indians would own Thailand. yes other countries have laws allowing foreigners to buy land and look at what is happening to them. and no one is speaking of WW-2.
  14. 200,000 Baht for touching a tush? for 200,000 baht he could touch my tush and I would not report him! I will even go to walking street by tuk tuk!
  15. every season the same thing happens, people taking the cheap airlines thru "tourist" agencies and then getting ripped off! and they can't do anything about it. my recommendation? if you can't afford to fly on a regular airline, stay home.
  16. A dance teacher taking a stroll on walking street at 3AM? sounds about right.
  17. The boy needs to start packing his bags, I remember when a few so called journalist bad mouthed Taksin, they had their visa canceled and were on the way out until the world press interviened.
  18. I remember in the sixties and seventies before leaving the hotel I had to roll up my pants, take off my shoes and wear a pair of flip flops before going out on the street, especially on sukhumvit soi-4.
  19. I think it was about ten years ago when I saw the "same" post in the bangkok post, and it still goes on! I don't think that the Thai's will ever stop it until the Police get actively involved!
  20. Amazing! they legalize pot, and now they can't control the sale! only in Thailand. open the flood gates and everyone will have a plant in their back yard.
  21. Just another day in Thailand. here in Issan there are youngsters driving bikes everywhere and a lot of them are using phones at the same time. I really don't see a solution to this.
  22. is there going to be anything in writing available to the tourist on arrival proving that they have this insurance? will the Thai hospitals direct bill the Gov't? how will be be able to prove that we have this insurance?
  23. pray tell, what are the Thai's going to do with a submarine? and whatever happened to the never sail aircraft carrier that was suposed to be used? no aircraft for the carrier and I do not remember it ever sailing anywhere. Only in Thailand!
  24. Don't hold your breath! this has been going on for years including Bangkok on sunday mornings and not a cop in sight!
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