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Posts posted by Hellfire

  1. 4 minutes ago, Hellfire said:



     My only question here is how the Western leaders could not see this coming. It was so obvious what the true face of Putin's regime was back in 2014, the latest. Can you imagine that just 4 weeks ago the Germans seriously planned to open Nord Stream 2 pipeline to make their dependency on the Russian resources even bigger? How could people in power be so shortsighted? Should not Angela Merkel be made responsible for sponsoring fascist regime in Russia with the German taxpayer’s money? The money which is now used to shell and destroy Ukrainian cities and its citizens.

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  2. 8 hours ago, tgw said:

    I quote myself ...


    by now, anyone who knows a little about European history should start to see the similarities:


    elected leader becomes dictator - same

    media censorship - same

    false flag in Sudeten-Areas - false flag in Lugansk / Donetsk

    Anschluss - Crimea

    Nürnberg - Putin's rally of today

    Jews - Putin wants to "cleanse" Russia of traitors

    false peace negociations while preparing invasion - same

    "Lebensraum" - our motherland

    "taking back what's ours" - same

    Poland - Ukraine


    and there are more parallels I am too tired to list now ...


    Europe's caught a nasty bug and needs antibiotics.



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  3. 1 hour ago, Saanim said:


     Yes, Russia was in the big economic crisis during the 90-s. And then there happened a steady recovery in the beginning of 2000s. The answer about why this occurred is quite simple: just look at the prices of the main Russia’s exports. While in 90s it was close 10$ per barrel, in the time of Putin’s rule it increased tenfold on average. Russian propaganda still attributes this economic shift to the Putin‘s patriotic stance and other kind of similar BS when, in fact, it was just a pure macroeconomic luck. Still, even with the sky rocket gas and oil price - Russian economy is weak and highly corrupted. Not many real new industries were created during the last 20 years, but instead, trillions of dollars were stolen from the Russian people and transferred to the western bank accounts. The most recent actions of the Kremlin, testify, more than anything else, about the inevitable bankruptcy of the so called putinomics.



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  4. 1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:

    The "cleansing of society" phrase he use's sounds like something coming out of Germany in 1941. The first person that needs to be purged is him, he's evil incarnate

     Even more so it reminds the rhetorics of the Great Purge in 1937-1938 in USSR when millions of innocent people were named the “Enemies of the People” and then killed and imprisoned. My two great-grandfathers were killed by NKVD (a precursor of KGB) during those times and I refuse to believe that something similar can happen again in the 21 century’s Russia. 


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  5. 32 minutes ago, Saanim said:

    Poroshenko believes that the communist repression and Holodomor of the Soviet Union are on par with the Nazi crimes of the 1940s.[122]


    It was not on par. It was worse. 3.5 millions of Ukrainians (whose country has the richest soils in all of the world) literally died from hunger organized by the criminal communist regime. For comparison, only 3 millions died from the hands of the Nazis.


    Total civilian losses during the war and German occupation in Ukraine are estimated at four million, including up to a million Jews who were murdered by Einsatzgruppen units, Order Police battalions, Wehrmacht troops and local Nazi collaborators.


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  6. 31 minutes ago, Saanim said:

    Tell us something how the 35 millions had easily escaped through the territories war ravaging? Especially in Ukraine areas with the Nazi affiliated armies (Bandera, nowadays a National Hero recognized by Poroshenko).





    From Wikipedia:


    On 22 January 2010, the outgoing President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko awarded Bandera the posthumous title of Hero of Ukraine. The European Parliament condemned the award, as did Russia, Polish, and Jewish politicians and organizations. The incoming president Viktor Yanukovych declared the award illegal, since Bandera was never a citizen of Ukraine, a stipulation necessary for getting the award. This announcement was confirmed by a court decision in April 2010. In January 2011, the award was officially annulled. A proposal to confer the award on Bandera was rejected by the Ukrainian parliament in August 2019.


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  7. help them leave. 70% of them support Putin and support war. The last Empire should be destroyed. Whoever tells you it is only about Putin and the government only - lies. There were numerous polls conducted in Russia right after the war started - most of the Russian people support war and killing civilians. Treat the them the way they deserve.



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