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Posts posted by rangefinder

  1. I just saw that I have overstayed 3 days on my multiple entry non-o visa which requires me to leave the country every 90 days - does my overstay void the whole visa ?

    also will the border offices in cambodia be closed tomorrow, monday june 4 2012 as a Thai holiday ?

    also I just tried to find Jack's Golf on the internet and all show no server connection - has Jack gone out of business ?

  2. I can relate as my bf is Thai. The past few weeks we have been having fights every single day mostly about the flood situation.

    He won't listen to me, actually last night he even told me "Use your brain."

    I've been with him a little more than 5 years but the 2 of those 5 years that we have been living here have been very hard for me and as of this cultural differences thing I'm wanting to just give up.

    I love him but I've tried so hard, I don't want to cry everyday. Sometimes I just miss being truly understood. (He lived in the US for 7 years and I know he perfectly understands English and everything) ..but to be truly understood and have someone that understands where I'm coming from and at least values my opinion or outlook is greatly appreciated.

    I say something-- I'm dumb and don't make sense. His parents or anyone Thai says same thing-- They're God. They know everything.

    I'm so lonely with him. I love Thailand but sometimes the cultural differences are too hard for me to deal with. I love him but I'm really starting to think that I would be better off with someone else.

    ..sorry for writing so much...just feeling crappy right now :(

    well, better wake up then ! His family and friends know you are stupid because you are with him.

  3. One last note here, I don't want to directly accuse anyone but shouldn't political infighting take a backseat to an impending humanitarian disaster? One week ago my University notified me of this holiday, it's getting to the general public today. Obviously there are people who know exactly where the water is going, and when it will get there. Lets put politics in the back pocket for a month or two and get the information out there to people who's livelihood and lives are at stake.

    Maybe you are a bit new here - so be warned - you are getting dangerously close to critisizing "Thai Culture".

  4. So we have to let the staff go while continue to pay their salaries - again.

    Alternatively they come to work and get OT paid.

    One question remains: where can I send my extra staff expenses for all those holidays and OT-extras within the Thai government because, despite asking my customers, they are not willing to pay extra.

    And yes, the floods were a man-made goofie by some government officials which opened the water gates of all those dams once they were at the brink of overflowing and not continuous water releases as of the beginning of the rainy season (like they do in all other countries on this planet).

    So in all fairness and common sense, the government will pay all these extras as it was their executive nameless staff who involved the costs.

    Or does common sense not apply here and we just shut up and pay - as usual?

    Hey ! Are you criticizing Thai Culture ?

    Remember the rules (for Falang) of Thai Culture

    1. You do NOT talk about Thai Culture !

    2. You do NOT talk about Thai Culture !

    3 If you are new to Thai Culture you must get f**ked over by Thai Culture !

  5. Was this why they refused the US navy? Politics with peoples lives. Criminal!

    Maybe US wanted to help for free. No corruption of free help.

    But if everything is destroyed you can sack in a 30 % on every order for repair work...

    Foodlover: You really don't have any idea about economics and politics.

    Zactly ! destruction and recovery is the best business - do it right (meaning do it in a very confused way, especially the accounting) and rob the treasury. The Americans aren't the only ones who can do it on a monster scale ! Remember, Thaksin was educated in Texas !

  6. PM Yingluck Declines To Declare SOE For Fear Of Affecting Foreign Investors Confidence


    Now that foreign investors confidence is gone, will Yingluck be declaring a SOE?

    Please, PLEASE, Not at the times like this!

    Yingluck, Abhisit, even the Almighty Thaksin, can not help the natural disaster like flood. It is sad, it is very unfortunate, but we all will have to cope one way or another.

    And on this particular issue, please do not politicize! Japs not happy with the flood? Maybe they prefer tsunamis, earthquakes or nucs leak? PLEASE, people, let's be sensible :jap:

    A state of emergency isn't politicizing it. It gives the authorities more power to get things done. Maybe it's not needed, but using an excuse of "we don't want to scare foreign investors" is just the usual "Thai Face" problem. "Just ignore the problem if it makes you look bad."

    Hey ! Are you criticizing Thai Culture ?

    Remember the rules (for Falang)

    1. You do NOT talk about Thai Culture !

    2. You do NOT talk about Thai Culture !

    3 If you are new to Thai Culture you must get f**ked over by Thai Culture !

  7. If you buildt your billion dollar factory on flood-land, believe the guy who takes you out for drinks and hookers at Nana that "no flood there" and you don't bring in your own experts to check on the risk: NOT MY PROBLEM!

    Either way, the bottom line is this does not look good for future or even present investment in Thailand.

    I have to agree with you on that plus its going to be very interesting to see who leaves Thailand once all this water gone i would say maybe 10 / 20% due to poor dealings with this ..

    Most won't leave because they have a great deal here. Their belligerant attitude will get them some concessions from the taxpayers hopefully to be spent on MUCH higher floodwalls around the industrial estates. Had the government begun to put sheet pilings around the perimeter of the industrial estates two months ago, many would be closed but undamaged and quick to reopen. I hope (but doubt) this will be a 'wake-up' call to take preventative measures. If they properly prepare for future floods this dry season, they may yet draw new investors. I hope this government doesn't give away too much because they have the opportunity to become Very attractive to foreign investment in the future. Time will tell.

    Don't worry ! as usual they will "give away" or sell what does not belong to them and rob the rest - have faith in Thai Culture !

  8. She has my sympathy. There is nothing that can be done to stop the deluge that is befalling the country. Whatever could have been done, would never be done by politicians. Politicians simply lack the expertise and will to handle a natural disaster.

    The true test will be the aftermath of the current disaster.

    She is a lot stronger than I thought she was. The fact that she has continued to hang in there during these extremely stressful times is amazing.

    Amazing??? What was the alternative?

    And, don't forget as a long-time "clone" she doesn't think or feel much -so "hanging in" is easy - she will hang in until redeployed from afar.


    To sum up all the links provided by you, it seems like Thailand accepts aid providing :

    1) That the aid is useful. ( Boats from China as example )

    2) That it is money. ( That can be used as best seen fit )

    3) That Thailand remains in control over how the aid is best put to use. ( Boats money etc )

    Also seems clear, that Thailand does not accept help if Thailand is not in 100% control ( US Carrier fleet )

    100% control means the politicians in charge benefitting in some way personally - TIT !

  10. Having procrastinated to the last moment, I can't get an answer from the telephone numbers for Jack's Golf or for Sawasdee Transport to book tomorrow (sept 9 2011) for a Cambodia visa run. Are they still operating ? I would deeply appreciate anyone with recent info on these two operators repying here tonight. I am posting this at 7:30 pm 8 sept. Thanks

  11. I received a Non-Imm O Multi 1 year on 23 9 09 in Penang after submitting: a copy of my marriage certificate; housepaper on our condo that we own in Bangkok; a copy of a bankbook with 50K baht showing; a business format letter in Thai from my wife requesting the visa with her business card attached showing her degrees, engineers license and position with her company; and a copy of the letter in English.

    I used NJ bookstore on Chulia street in Penang. When I picked up my passport, Haji at NJ told me that of the five applications for Non-Imm O multis he submitted the previous day, I was the only one to receive a multi. Four other applicants were given 3 month, single entry, Non-Imm O visas and a portion of their fee was returned. I met one man of the four in the agent's office and he and his wife were pretty unhappy about it. He had submitted the same papers with 90K showing in the bank. Haji thought the difference was the letter my wife wrote.

    Two other agents told me they were not always able to tell which applicants for 1 year multis would get them at this time.

    After discussing the situation re 1 yr multis in Penag on the forum before going I was pretty unsure what would happen - and even though I got what I wanted, it does seem like there may be really no way to tell.

    Also contrary to what has been reported recently elsewhere on ThaiVisa Forum there seems to be no hassle at all involved getting free 2 month tourist visas there and I talked to a number of people who had gotten them for a 20 Ringgit fee to an agent while they enjoyed Penang.

    I had a great stay at the Old Penang Guesthouse on Love Lane (turn off Chulia at the 7-11, a few doors down on the right). I would say it is the best place I ever stayed in Penang of the 6 times I have been there in the last 15 years. For the same price (or less) for staying at one of the numerous truly horrible cheap guesthouses in the same area, Old Penang was exceedingly clean, recently completely remodeled with newly painted rooms with high ceilings, remote controlled new aircons, nice wood furniture, great mattresses, lights, mirrors, and pictures on the wall - pretty much like a boutique hotel - included was free internet computer use, wireless, a big flatscreen TV with great channels and books full of movie dvd's in a big confortable lounge area, free tea and coffee and toast and jam in the mornings which you could eat in a sort of atrium where a series of new power plugs along the wall were for laptops. The manager lent me a Nokia charger for the duration of my stay and was one of the nicest people I have met in Penang and the staff were equally great and everyone spoke English. The place was almost always full during the 5 days I stayed there so booking in advance might be a good idea if you are interested.

    Another great thing, Penang has a new fleet of busses - just about anywhere on the Island is accessible in air-con comfort for a few ringgit. There is a bus stand at the jetty where the ferry from Butterworth docks. No need to get ripped-off by cheeky Taxi drivers. And, finally - Woodlands (Vegetarian South Indian) Restaurant in Little India. Great tasting food, and low prices like all the dirty Indian places in the area, but air-con, clean and quiet.


  12. I obtained a one year non-immigrant 'O' in Penang recently with no problem at all.

    Make sure you take all the relevant paperwork and copies.

    Please see the attached word document.

    Thanks Jonathan

    re your info:

    For your trip to obtain the above visa from the Thai Consulate in Penang, you will need the following:

    1. Copy of your Marriage Certificate signed by both you and your wife.

    2. Copy of the translation of your Marriage Certificate signed by both you and your wife.

    3. Letter from your Thai bank, confirming a minimum balance of 400,000 Baht, signed by you. This balance must be 400,000 Baht or more for at least 90 days before visa application.

    4. Copy of all pages from your Thai bank book signed by you.

    5. Copy of relevant pages from your wife’s Home Book signed by her. She will know which ones these are.

    6. Copy of your wife’s Thai National ID Card signed by her.

    7. Two Passport size photographs of you. I always take extra copies just in case!

    if I was willing to transfer 400,000 baht to Thailand at this time I would qualify for another 1 year Non-Imm O visa at Immigration in Bangkok (where I live) that would not require me to leave the country to get it - also no border runs to renew (just 90 day no-cost form filing) - this would be because I could just extend the visa I have had for the last two years based on my wife's income of 65k / mo - this is no longer possible as thay have changed the rules and I am not going to transfer 400,000 baht into Thailand at this time (also there is only a week left to do that and the rules are that the money has to be there several months in advance of applying for the extension)


    I was really wondering if anybody else in a comparable situation had recently got the type of visa I am seeking from Penang and how much on deposit (if any) they showed to get it


  13. Has anyone reported denial or difficulty (or success) in Penang lately ?

    Have a look at this thread http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Latest-Repor...on-t189375.html

    Non-O visa to visit family






    Thanks - yes I read those

    I guess what I am getting at is that by reading the posts on this forum (and from my own recent experience), it seems like policies and practices can change suddenly sometimes at consulates re visas.

    So I am wondering what is happening with the particular visa I am seeking (multiple Non-Imm O family visit) in Penang now.

    I didn't see any real recent reports anywhere on the forums (but I could have missed them) re this type of visa in Penang

  14. You would need 400k in bank account in your name for at least 2 months; or proof of 40k per month income for the extension of stay.

    KL is the most reported place for obtaining the multi entry non immigrant O visa and they require normal marriage certificate/wife ID card copy/copy of her home register may also be asked and good to have short note asking for visa to be issued signed by her (Thai fine). They have also asked to see a bank book with "something" in it - 30-100k seems to be what they like to see but some have obtained with nothing. You should be able to find some reference to Penang visa agents with a Google and email them for current conditions if no answere here.

    yes KL is the best place to go ( my opinion ) if you can go by your self don't use an agent even so many people recomment some take your wife if you can and all the documents and you should have no problems at all

    Thanks for your replies -

    re "KL is the most reported place for obtaining the multi entry non immigrant O visa"

    Has anyone reported denial or difficulty (or success) in Penang lately ?

  15. I will be going to Penang next weekend (19 Sept 2009) to get a Non-Imm O family visit 1 year visa.

    Does anyone know the current policy re this at the Penang consulate ?

    I have been married to a Thai for several years and for the last two years have had a 1 year Non-Imm O that required only a 90 day report - my wife's salary of 65k baht being sufficient - now Immigration officers in Bangkok have informed me that that policy has been changed (again) and I will need 400,000 baht in the bank to renew or extend or whatever. This I cannot do at this time. They suggested getting a family visit visa.

    Any advice for this trip to Penang ? This will be my first time there to apply for this visa and the first time to apply for this type of visa - any suggestons for a good agent there to handle this for me at this time ?


  16. Thailand has the same amount of daily hostility and police corruption etc as farang-land.

    But with added friendly,smiling thais...and daily overcharging and/or scams.

    And some thais are extremely helpful and friendly.

    It is too much to handle too,the daily hostility.

    Can you recommend a safer friendlier asian country?I've had enough.

    In my experience, every "farang-land" I have been to, has had way less daily hostility and police corruption - having been here a number of years, I haven't met a Thai yet who was not also facing numerous difficulties which we rarely meet with in "farang-land" - with this much low-grade chronic stress.

    but answer your question - I lived for 6 years in the Indian Himalayas and would rate that time 80-90 % delightful ....

  17. You describe 2 kind of extensions of stay.

    2.18 gives you a one year extension of stay and for that the requriement is an incoem of 40,000 baht a month or 400,000 in a bankaccount in Thailand.

    As you already had 2 extensions, immigration has the discretion to make an acception for this year only and take your wife's income into consideration. As said, it is a discretion. So it isup to them if they will allow it or not. if you can partly meet the recuirements it might help.

    2.24 is an extension you can get for 60 days. It doesn't have any income requirements etc, only that you are the parent or husband of a Thai national. it is however a one time extension. They don't give them back to back.

    The multiple entry visa is a visa and you need to get it from abroad. Kuala Lumpur seems to be the right place in Asai, Ausralia or Europe are even better. It would require your mariage certificate, a note from your wife and copy of her ID and some money in a Thai bankaccount in your name.

    That adds some clarity - then I need to go out and get a 1 year non-imm O visa

    what that visa involves exactly is still not clear to me though -

    if I get a 1 year non-imm O visa from Penang or KL - do I have to pay for 30 day extensions after every 60 days and then go out of the country every 90 days to make it last 15 months ?

    What financial paperwork exactly do I need to present in Penang ? How much is "some money" in this case ?

    Thanks for your time on this

    It is really important to my wife and me - and I am having trouble getting exact information so I appreciate your help - a lot


    It implies that you have a visa for 1 year. During that year you can travel to Thailand for an unlimited times. On each entry into Thailand you will get a permission to stay for 90 days. At the end of these 90 days you have to elave the country, but can come right back the same hour if you want.

    By leaving and re-entry Thailand just before the visa expires, you ill get a new permission to stay for 90 days, so getting almost 15 months out of the visa.

    As Lopburi stated, beteen 20,000 and 100,000. The more the better, just show your updated passbook from your Thai bank.

    If you apply in Australia or Europe, there is no need to show money.

    Thanks Mario -

    I can bear to take a bit of a vacation every three months - and the passbook with that amount will be no problemo

    Perhaps Patcharawat owns a border run bus company and was looking to his retirement income - smart people look ahead ....

    So thanks a lot Mario - my wife thanks you too - this forum really provides a valuable service - may you have unending merit for contributing your time and energy to the needs of others


  18. The law only allowed that method for a short period. It is now back the way it was before so your rant about any Generals is unfounded. The old wording was "support Thai wife" and that required the male support the Thai wife.

    Important for me to know is

    1) is there still a 1 year Visa O multiple entry based on marriage ?

    2) immigration Phuket refused our apply for a one year visa based on income of my Thaiwife. We (she) runs a restaurant and pays tax for an income of about 60k a month. I learned on the SUNBELT page that there are still Visas on income of the Thaispouse? is this old information? The immigration

    officer at Phuket Immigration told me it is not possible anymore. The foreigner have to prove a monthly income of now 65k (before 40k) or 400k for a minimum of 2 month in the account.

    Anyway, they gave me a stamp for another two month after I have to proof the 400k in my account or leave the country.

    I am married since 8 years, build a houe, invested some money, financed the family, and opened a shop. Easy for them to say P...S OFF farang, after one invested his whole money here...som nam na....

    anyway, maybe someone can answer my questions. THX in advance (btw I am not 50 yet if it is important)

    Moskito -

    You can see from the above posts that I am in a similar situation as you - after celebrating a change 2 years ago in visa law from the imm police in which they took joint income into account in granting a 1 year non-imm O visa for 1900 baht and nothing further other than filing a 90 day residency report - it is now back to the (IMHO) sexist and racist view of the recent past - because it denies Thai women equality with Thai men and specifically targets foreign husbands but not foreign wives

    I discussed this in detail several weeks ago with the ranking officer at Immigration HQ in Bangkok - he told me not to get excited because "things might change" - I suspect he was talking about the imminent retirement or firing of the current Police Comissioner which is now recent news in the Nation - so possibly the law he changed could be reinstated ...

    also just posted today in another thread on this forum - a forum menber "Tigs" just returned from Penang with a 1 year non-imm O visa - after hiring an agent - a "Mr Manet" which he located by searching these forums and giving him his mariage paperwork but no financial information - his passport and visa were returned the same day for a fee of 55 baht - there was no detail of what the visa required to maintain for a year - but perhaps this will be posted soon



  19. You describe 2 kind of extensions of stay.

    2.18 gives you a one year extension of stay and for that the requriement is an incoem of 40,000 baht a month or 400,000 in a bankaccount in Thailand.

    As you already had 2 extensions, immigration has the discretion to make an acception for this year only and take your wife's income into consideration. As said, it is a discretion. So it isup to them if they will allow it or not. if you can partly meet the recuirements it might help.

    2.24 is an extension you can get for 60 days. It doesn't have any income requirements etc, only that you are the parent or husband of a Thai national. it is however a one time extension. They don't give them back to back.

    The multiple entry visa is a visa and you need to get it from abroad. Kuala Lumpur seems to be the right place in Asai, Ausralia or Europe are even better. It would require your mariage certificate, a note from your wife and copy of her ID and some money in a Thai bankaccount in your name.

    Thanks Mario

    That adds some clarity - then I need to go out and get a 1 year non-imm O visa

    what that visa involves exactly is still not clear to me though -

    if I get a 1 year non-imm O visa from Penang or KL - do I have to pay for 30 day extensions after every 60 days and then go out of the country every 90 days to make it last 15 months ?

    What financial paperwork exactly do I need to present in Penang ? How much is "some money" in this case ?

    Thanks for your time on this

    It is really important to my wife and me - and I am having trouble getting exact information so I appreciate your help - a lot


  20. The law only allowed that method for a short period. It is now back the way it was before so your rant about any Generals is unfounded. The old wording was "support Thai wife" and that required the male support the Thai wife.


    whatever -

    maybe it was a rant - I am not very happy about a lot of things Patcharawat has done - If you read the Nation today, many Thai people were apparently wondering if Abhisit was going to fire him or transfer him to an inactive post

    but the facts I presented are accurate - so it may has been a rant - but it was hardly unfounded

    check the new laws Patcharawat enacted unilaterally - they are posted here on the forum

    also the fact of his taking a 30 day leave instead of being sacked by PM Abisit are well known if you read the papers

    the estimate of 200 billion baht is also a stated number by the Thai government

    so Lop old son -

    I am not "ranting" about "any Generals" - just Patcarawat - who plainly is not up to the positions and jobs he takes on and has made one wrong call after another - his career is about to end in disgrace

    As for being "sexist and /or racist" in his changing a rational policy into one that plainly discriminates against Thai women married to foreigners - think about it ...

    perhaps you agree with him ?

    In any case the answers to my questions would be appreciated

    Anyone ?


  21. Well, I went to Penang. After searching on here some more I found reference to a guy called Mr Manef and a contact number. He was bloody marvelous. I gave him my passport on a Fri morning and by 3.30pm the same day I had a 1 year Non Im O visa in my hand. His service fee was very low. Thank you Thai Visa, I am very happy now.

    Tigs -

    Is it a multiple enty non-imm O visa ?

    What paperwork did you provide ?

    Does this visa require extensions (at 1900 baht a pop) and leaving the country every 90 days for a border run ?



  22. There is no 'marriage visa'. If you are married and have 400k in bank account for 2 or 3 months or 40k per month income you can extend your stay at an immigration office for one year at a time.

    The poster has a multi entry non immigrant O visa (which he obtain to visit spouse). He has to leave the country every 90 days and on return get a new 90 day stay. The visa is valid for one year from issue date and by making an exit/return the day before it expires he still get a new 90 day stay so in effect can use the visa for almost 15 months stay. There is no bank book required for exit/entry but you should always be able to show access to 20,000 baht for a non immigrant visa entry (but it is seldom checked).

    Lopburi3 -

    In the current rules for visas I read these two cases

    2.18 In the case of a family member of a Thai (applicable only to parents, spouse, child, adopted child or child of his/her spouse): Permission will be granted for a period of not more than 1 year at a time.


    (1) The alien has obtained a temporary visa (NON-IM)

    (2) Proof of family relationship

    (3) In the case of a spouse, the marital relationship shall be de

    jure (legitimate) and de facto;

    (4) In the case of a child, adopted child or child of his/her spouse, the said person must not be married, must be living with the family, and must be less than 20 years of age; or

    (5) In the case of a parent, one of parents must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit of not less than 400,000 baht for expenses within a year.

    In other necessary circumstances, The Immigration Commissioner or Deputy of Immigration Commissioner may approve on case to case basis.

    (6) In case of marriage with a Thai lady, the husband who is an alien must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit in a local Thai bank of not less than 400,000 baht for the past 2 months for expenses within a year.

    2.24 In the case of an alien visiting a Thai spouse of child: permission will be granted for no more than 60 days at a time.


    (1) Proof of relationship (2) In the case of a spouse, their relationship shall be jure (legitimate) and de facto.


    How do I get the visa you've described above ?

    Do I need the 400,000 in the bank for the visa you've described above ?

    For the last 2 years I have had a non-immigrant O visa good for 1 year at a time (1900 baht) requiring only the 90 day report and no travel in or out of the country - this was based on the old rule that said a couple's combined income must be 40,000 baht per month. My Thai wife, a civil engineer, earns 65,000 per month - so this was sufficient.

    Now the immigration police - mainly I guess Pol. Gen. Patcharawat Wongsuwan. the current Comissioner General **comment deleted** has declared the above new laws (without any Thai government involvement - and in the case of arbitration of any of the new laws he has declared they will be the sole judge and jury also - effectively creating a police state as far as foreign residents are concerned)

    anyway, Gen Patchawat is apparently of a racist and/or sexist mind and now wants falang men married to Thai women to go through the hassle of depositing money or repeated visa and travel contortions irregardless of the wife's income - but still claiming it is to insure they have enough for their joint expenses for the year.

    For a number of reasons I am not able to deposit 400,000 baht at this time.

    I have read elsewhere on this forum that people are getting multiple entry visas that they can use for up to 15 months but what exactly I would have to do to get one is still not clear to me.

    Are they really still possible ? If so what are the exact steps I would have to take ?

    Thanks in advance for your (and others') time on this.

    EDIT: I have edited this post to delete a comment of political nature, as we don't discuss politics in this part of the forum - mario2008.

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