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Mr Vice

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Everything posted by Mr Vice

  1. OK I get it, however, if you carry a gun perhaps you deserve a kicking?
  2. Haven't seen one of these for a few years, things must be returning to normal!
  3. How in God's name do they manage to crash head on? The standard of driving here beggars belief, it isn't just at Songkhran either!
  4. Many years ago, pre kids, my, western, wife and I used to go there for weekends to avail ourselves of the plentiful golf courses in the area. Used to stay at the Marriott in the middle of town and get up early to drive to all parts. There were some good seafood places along Walking Street and it was always fun to watch the tourists getting diddled by the ladyboys but I would imagine that will be all gone now. Not many fairgrounds look good in the daylight do they?
  5. Many years ago when I was in the RAF I worked quite closely with the AAIB, the Air Accident Investigation Branch, based at Farnborough. They were a real bunch of knowledgeable engineers and ex pilots whom I enjoyed being with and admired because of their professionalism and ability to not jump to conclusions. Little did I know that some 35 years later I would come to Thailand and find that there is another group who know everything about air crashes from a distance and then write all about it here....????
  6. To be honest any number of things could have gone wrong. In almost all helicopter accidents anything you can walk away from is a winner. Probably will be a write off but they will be able to salvage quite a few usable parts I should imagine. Not sure how this has anything to do with the cops wife who got her old man into trouble last year.
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