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Tom Vanderlay

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Everything posted by Tom Vanderlay

  1. Has it begun? All borders and airports? Let me know if possible. Many thanks!
  2. Hi, has anyone gotten an E Visa while in the US and how many days did it take? Many thanks.
  3. Another question, Must I also book a visa collection appointment, I thought that was given to you when you apply for the visa? Thanks.
  4. Yes, of course. It is on this page: https://my.linistry.com/Customer/ServiceMenu?b=127&parentId=1186 Here is a screenshot:
  5. Hi, I noticed on the KL Visa page that it says "any changes or cancellation of the booking will be NOT allowed." For anyone who knows, is it possible to cancel the appointment on the website? Or has anyone just no showed? What is / are the penalties, if there are any? Many thanks.
  6. HI, Just a couple of questions if you wouldn't mind answering. 1) Is the FBAR unnecessary (for you, or other Americans with overseas bank accounts)? I've been doing them for the last 5 years. Didn't know about them before that. 2) You mention getting a dollar for dollar reduction in taxes for taxes paid to another country. How/ what forms or procedure(s) are necessary for this (if you know)? Many thanks.
  7. Hi, Just wondering if anyone knows whether money already in a bank account here in Thailand is subject to this tax? And will all money transfered into Thailand, regardless of source (even savings from overseas) be subject to this tax? Does having a double tax treaty have any effect on this (I am a tax resident of Thailand - staying here more than 180 days per year. I am required to file income taxes in my home country but always pay nothing as my income is below the threshold)? Also, does anyone have a link to the law in English? Thanks
  8. I've not received a confirmation email from the Thai Post. So I can't "includes" it in my application package. I've tried to get in touch with the Thai post office to no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions? Many thanks.
  9. Thank you all for your responses. I figured out and confirmed (by email from US embassy) what you all have said. Yes, it is referring to a personally obtained prepaid envelope not being accepted. Wow, It's like they are trying to make it more difficult than it has to be. Oh wait....., forgot who I was dealing with for a second ......yep, makes sense. I am about to pay. Please confirm if you can. They DO NOT accept Thai debit cards (for the 130$ passport renewal fee), is that correct? Thanks
  10. Yes, it reads as follows:Thailand Post Courier Pass Back envelope fee 100THB here. But then it says: "Note: Prepaid envelope cannot be accepted if you are applying for a U.S. passport in Thailand". It is contradicting itself. Mind boggling.
  11. HI, I am about to attempt to get a renewal passport but came across this perplexing statement. It appears after the instructions on how to prepay for an return envelope. It states, "Note: Prepaid envelope cannot be accepted if you are applying for a U.S. passport in Thailand" I don't get it. Isn't that what everyone is doing? If anyone has applied and gotten a passport through the mail via the US embassy in Bangkok, please let me how it went. And if anyone knows what the above statement is referring to I would greatly appreciate it. Many thanks.
  12. Tom Vanderlay


    It's everywhere on Phuket now.
  13. Hi, does anyone know if schools are closed? Thanks.
  14. I think they really have more holidays than actual working days. No exaggeration.
  15. Hello, I will be getting a renewal passport here in Bangkok (working resident of Thailand, US citizen). What are the steps I need to take to transfer my B Thai visa to my new passport? Will I need to visit immigration personally, or can I have my company take care of this. Many thanks.
  16. Hi S Hi Sheryl, Thanks for your reply (I have gotten advice from you before). I have found this quote also (Maybe FDA website or CBP). I have also heard it might be possible to have more sent by mail (if more than 90 days). I am hoping this is the case, but am wary of FDA and Pharma wanting to sell me overpriced US drugs and I don't even have US insurance or Medicare (medicaid). I wonder if / and how long they would allow a US citizen to have drugs sent over. The entresto is REALLY expensive, even here. Must be astronomical in the states.
  17. Hi, I am an expat living in Thailand and I am planning a trip home (USA) near the end of the year. I have a couple of heart medications that I need to bring with me (heart surgery was done in Thailand last year). The drugs are Entresto and Bisoprolol. Is it OK to travel out of Thailand with these medications ( I understand I will need to bring the prescription and doctor's note)? Also, If anyone knows, is it a problem bringing these drugs into the US? If anyone has had experience with this and has information to share, would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
  18. Yep, 500. I really don't want to pay because I did absolutly nothing wrong, indicator was on , everything. And especially considering the absolutely horrible driving I see constantly - everywhere - in every situation- by everyone (including police). It's ludicrous.
  19. Hi, recently received a moving violation ticket for "overtaking a vehicle in a congested area". It is absolute hogwash, and the policeman is obviously fishing in this area because there is no way to avoid merging. But whatevs. My question is: is it possible to take Thai traffic tickets to court? I do not see this option on the ticket and haven't found any good information online. Many thanks.
  20. Still blaming it on Laos and Cambodia I see. And "industrial" pollutants. Burning sugar cane plantations is and always has been the primary source of PM 2.5. Huge sugar corporations have transformed this country (and region) into a huge blaze, and we are trying to live in the middle of it.
  21. Hi, thanks for your reply. Does "afaik" safe mean fairly safe? Motorbike is almost new actually. Also, is there a charge for parking (to your knowledge)? Cheers
  22. Hello, Does anyone know where the best places to park are, or what are the options when taking your motorbike to phuket airport (to leave for a few days)? Many thanks
  23. Keep burning those sugar plantations! Well done Thailand! You have created a gigantic bonfire, and people are trying to live in the middle of it. Someone is making a lot of money from sugar exports, at the expense of the health of an entire country(region).
  24. By "clique" you mean Mafia right? Absolutley horrible people, worst in Thailand
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