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Posts posted by grimreaper

  1. Message to entertainment venue owners:-


    Thaksin's efforts to kill the vice trade will only result in more businesses closing down, more unemployment and less tourism as tourists will go elsewhere for their excitement. Higher unemployment will only lead to more poverty and higher crime rates.

    As for the working girls? They will always find somewhere else to go to "ply their trade". They can start by using my hotel room when I come to Thailand later this month.

    Will there be any positive effects of all these changes? Yes. Once the economic impact has been felt, the pendulum will swing the other way. Yes, it will take time but meanwhile the girls will be accepting a lot less money for their services and will lose some of the attitude they have adopted lately.

    For whom the bell tolls? THAKSIN, IT TOLLS FOR THEE.

  2. I have no problem with them closing the bars at 10-00pm as long as they allow them to re-open at 1-00am. That way the young kids would be bored with a three hour wait and go home.

    The party animals can get liquored up, go for a short time and then back to bars for another session.

  3. Hi Guys,

    I am looking for some (hopefully) expert advice. I have a British aquaintance who wants to make a vacation trip to Thailand. However, he was recently convicted for a passport offence and served a few months in prison.

    Will he be able to visit Thailand or will his offence bar him from entering the country? If anyone out there is familiar with Thai laws I would appreciate their feedback.

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