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Posts posted by Strap

  1. Yes it is possible, But it is alot of leg work.

    I came in on a visa exempt 30 stamp the last time I returned to Thailand, now im on my 3rd ,1 year extension of stay

    So yes it can be done, changing a visa in bangkok to a non-b if you have the company docs ect. But it was a real p#@n to do at first.

    the last 2-3 extensions have been much easier to do.

    Contact one of the legal firms on this site for better info.


  2. I'll probably get hammered into the ground for saying this.......but I'm saying it anyway :D

    I think Foreign men with Thai girls look odd together, kind of mismatched. Whenever I see Foreign couples together they look so right and comfortable and ease with each other and the same when I see Thai couples together.

    There, I've said it :D:DB)


    Yes, the same as Rednecks and computers.


    Now that was funny!! :D

  3. That item should not be considered illegal , as it doesn't do anything except help you regulate the Amperage flowing to any one device.

    Nothing wrong about that, But if used for a high-current appliance like an Air-Con, It can easily cause the the unit to over heat from being underpowered and possibly burn up from trying to operate.

    Unless you are just looking for a voltage converter as in 220/110 drop down converters are fine.


  4. Try your best to get to the AIRPORT :o

    smile and tell them you have a small overstay at the immigration counter , they usually will just bring you over to the office and let you pay the fine and be on your way.

    The worst thing you could do is go to immigration office as you would still be illegal until you depart from the airport,

    I don't think they will give you a visa extension now or you would have gotten one already.

    just keep your head down till you leave.

  5. Nice looking bird,

    "polly want a cracker" comes to mind, Oh wait a cracker is made from the same type ingredients as bread and croutons I don't want to poison him.....

    Good on you for trying to look after the new family member :o

    Apo, I would think you have never been to Thailand if you feel MSG is poison as its in ( almost ) every food item here.

  6. Im still wondering why he would be paying a monthly arranged 'sin Sot' when there not having a Thai wedding?

    to me that would be the first time I ever heard of a ceremony without the bride and groom being in the country?

    He said there getting married in the usa right or did i miss something?

    So why pay anything? There is not going to be a tray with cash and gold to show around to the neighbors.

    Or are you just paying monthly for your wifes family out of compassion?

    either way hope it works out for you.

  7. I suspect that the Hull Consulate's advice that you can post your passport to them rests on the assumption that they are dealing with UK citizens who live in the UK.

    Precisely. Just a tad misleading if you don't :o

    I definitely see your reason for the above posts, But how many American or Australian passport holders are also UK citizens?

    The reason for my question is that many Americans and other nationality's have received Visa'a from Hull.

    If it was only for UK residents/Citizens wouldn't that mean only UK passport holders can use the location?

    I have had a multi-non b from Hull ( not for the past 3 years ) and I was in the Philippines when I sent it by fedex to the visa agent in the UK, and Im not a UK citizen. I used Hull because it was cheaper than sending it to New York at the time,and the agent fee's were less expensive.

    Unless things have changed I don't see why someone other than a UK citizen can post theres.( when I say post ,I mean to a Agent NOT to the Consulate itself :D )

    PS: Dont shoot the messenger :D

  8. I've never understood how they justify the lottery if gambling is illegal?

    In US the gambling laws are pretty weird too through right? Gambling on horses OK, gambling on football, not allowed?

    In Las Vegas you can bet on almost anything, football,Racing,Hockey, Even Dancing with the stars ( REALLY ) .But most states in the usa don't allow gambling and some do.

    In florida you can take a 3 hours nightly cruise to Gamble , it has to park 2 miles off the coast to be legal.

  9. There is another down side to online gambling from Thailand also.

    Some of the Big online casinos/sports books will block your account during an internal audit when they see you logged in from a Thai ISP .

    I don't mean a person but there computer system will automatically block some accounts because True/Asia info net IP addresses have been flagged.

    I had a good standing account for about 2 years with 1 well known site and after being in Thailand for 2 months my account got closed..they didnt even want to tell me why but eventually told me it was because i was in Thailand and Gambling online from there is illegal.

    They said I could regain my account when I returned home... :o So be careful.

  10. Yes you can post your passport and visa app to the Hull consulate.

    No you should not be in Thailand at the time, This would be considered illegal.

    Yes you can fly to lets say Malaysia for a 2 week holiday and post your passport to Hull and get your visa .

    No you do not need an entry stamp into /out of the uk for Hull.

    You would not be breaking any Thai laws by doing this.But I have no facts about the legality of not having your passport with you in another country.

    Hope this helps some.


  11. Ok , Good info on them .

    1 thing is what day of the week do they 'rent the double decker bus'? I don't want to be stuck using one of the 2 vans they show up with most days of the week.The bus would be nice to go on.

    And by the way there is a visa run service that is starting up about 4 soi's over ,it will definitely give this one a run for its money :o

    Dont worry i was told by the owners wife they will advertise on this site.


  12. Well don't let this get you discouraged , It is a good intention you have, just certain places seem to not be willing to except volunteers as they feel there not needed.

    A side note please be careful of the NGO, I have seen a few that were straight scams.

    I do hope you are able to fulfill your desires to help others, There is no better :o

    Good journeys.

  13. Good on you for trying, but they are telling you in a nice way to forget about them giving you Anything in writing.They cant do such as it could cause then to be noticed in the future.

    If they gave you a letter explaining your intentions it wont help you get a tourist visa anyway, you are not supposed to work on a tourist visa.

    The Thai consulate cant issue work permits so that wont help you and might hurt them trying to hide the fact they offer volunteer positions to foreigners without proper documentation.

    In Thailand it is very difficult to offer your services as a volunteer these days, Remember the Tsunami?

    there were about 100 + volunteers that were told to stop helping because they didn't have work permits.

    Dont let this stop your good intentions , maybe save them for a place that welcomes them more though.

  14. thats really interesting, I think I will look into this a litle further :o


    Your idea is good. I am here in Thailand now, starting the first steps to set up a call center. I plan to hire excellent English-speaking thais. They will work hard and appreciate the opportunity much more than expats. Expats are prohibitively expensive to hire legally. To get each one a work permit will require many thousands of US dollars. And then they might quit. Send me an email if you want to chat further -

    [email protected]

    hey alex,

    do share your experiences over the next few months with us,as im interested to see how it goes for you.

    having setup similar operations here in thailand myself ,i like to see how others handle the same situation.

    PM me if you need some extra advice.


  15. I do feel bad for your son ,

    I hope he will learn not to give in to pressure in the future,if he learns now at an early age to just give up when faced with a tough situation how can he possibly learn to survive in this world?

    You don't want him to learn that taking the easy way out is good do you?

    Anyway why is he attending a ( if im reading this correctly ) a public Thai boys school? If it is an International school that you pay for surly you would have not had this situation, Going to a Thai local school and not being able to speak Thai is also a very difficult task for anyone.

    I understand you did what you felt was right for the particular situation , get out and do what you must, having a local cop against you or your son isnt the best thing either so I do see your reasons, But remember your son learns from examples...

    Good luck with the next school.

  16. i have been offered help, offered in exchange of money of course :o

    the lawyer is making a trick with teamoney so they accept your request without too much looking, but so this is a trick.

    for the enforcement, i wonder if it's not a way to control the thai employee works with a true contract, social security paid, to avoid the "black work", there was certainly a lot of abuses during the past, i can't imagine a restaurant on the main road without any declared staff by example, that would be very suspect :D

    Well good luck with your new found lawyer, your about to open a whole new cash flow for him and his friends,


    Let me add the reason for this comment,

    you are trying now to get over on the labor dept,oh fair enough no harm in trying to keep things less complicated,But you are only setting yourself up for major cash payments anytime your lawyer,the labor official and anyone else that is aware of your 'tea money' work permit setup. Remember you don't have a 1 year extension of stay based on business, so you will be leaving the country every 90 days and will have to go to re-new your work permit every time you return.What happens when they ask you for something ( docs ) you should already have? Will you be paying them off every 90 days ? What will you do when the lawyer calls you and says 'sorry you need to pay fee 20,000 for permit today'?

    Sorry if i sound hard on you about it ,but when you take the path of least resistance nothing good comes from it.like so many do here.....

    Good luck anyway and i hope things go easy for you.

    you should read carefully, it's even stated in my first post, i DO NOT WANT to pay the lawyer fees neither do i want to do tricks as they offer me.

    that's why i do the process by myself , the honest way, if they refuse me then at least i could say i tried.

    the teamoney practice is done by all and every lawyer to speed up the process and to be sure you get your work permit, so that lawyer is not trying to trick me.

    also for the renewal, you don't need all those papers but only a few, so once you get your work permit be happy with it and never forget to renew it at time.

    Good to see you not trying to sneak your way through it then,

    Yes im well a where what is needed for renewals, lucky for me they are only 1 time a year, but thats because of my company setup and extensions based on the company. Doing the work permit yourself is really easy if you have done the right paper work.

    I look forward to your results.

    and again good luck

  17. i have been offered help, offered in exchange of money of course :o

    the lawyer is making a trick with teamoney so they accept your request without too much looking, but so this is a trick.

    for the enforcement, i wonder if it's not a way to control the thai employee works with a true contract, social security paid, to avoid the "black work", there was certainly a lot of abuses during the past, i can't imagine a restaurant on the main road without any declared staff by example, that would be very suspect :D

    Well good luck with your new found lawyer, your about to open a whole new cash flow for him and his friends,


    Let me add the reason for this comment,

    you are trying now to get over on the labor dept,oh fair enough no harm in trying to keep things less complicated,But you are only setting yourself up for major cash payments anytime your lawyer,the labor official and anyone else that is aware of your 'tea money' work permit setup. Remember you don't have a 1 year extension of stay based on business, so you will be leaving the country every 90 days and will have to go to re-new your work permit every time you return.What happens when they ask you for something ( docs ) you should already have? Will you be paying them off every 90 days ? What will you do when the lawyer calls you and says 'sorry you need to pay fee 20,000 for permit today'?

    Sorry if i sound hard on you about it ,but when you take the path of least resistance nothing good comes from it.like so many do here.....

    Good luck anyway and i hope things go easy for you.

  18. yes you're right :o

    no need to show share holders (they are already listed in the company documents also required) just staff is my understanding

    hum what should i do, put name of friends maybe i can state they are volunteers to help me to start my bisuness and see what happens or give the organazition shart showing one director and no one else?

    You seem to be getting asked about the Thai employees of the company, depending on the company structure/capital used to setup this Thai company. or they just want to see the corporate documents ,that shows the share holders.

    I cant remember the form number off hand but it is with your tax receipts for last year.

    Volunteers cant work for your company legally unless they are Thai..remember the tsunami?

    On a side note, did you fill out the employee app yet for the labor board? the 3/4 page form that actually feels like your filling out a job application?

    Be careful when you do , make sure you provide real information ,like your college degree etc, this way your not turned down because a Thai can do this job .

  19. What even confuses and puzzles me more is how all the Indian tailors get work permits and visas. Most are younger guys under 50 and they stand all day touting for business.

    most of these touting ethnic Indians are thai citizens. they don't need work permits and of course they don't need visas. as simple as that.


    how many of them are thai citizens? ......i'm bangladeshi and i have seen many of them at khao-san road tailor shops. All of them has their WP. You guys are mistaken them as indians. I still wonder how they get their WP as they never told me clearly, i make my suit and shirts done in very cheap price from these friendly guys.

    yes, many indians in silom road who are broker for gems and jewelry. who hardly can speak a single word of english and has no education what so ever. How do they get WP?

    Or perhaps, it's easy for bangladeshi and indians to get visa/wp as these countries doesn't make big fuss for thai citizen to enter their country. :D

    A dreamer. :o

    That is the funniest thing I have read all day, thanks for the laugh . :D

    the other is sunbelt spelling there web address wrong..:D www.sunbrltasiagroup.com

  20. Hi,

    The more I read about visa runs the more I get confused!

    I'm Australian, so ill will arrive in Bangkok with a 60 day visa. I plan to stay in Bangkok for 1 year on a tourist visa. Is this possible if I do a few visa runs? If so can I keep going back to the same country to get a new visa? (ie. Laos).

    If it is not possible to stay 1 year, whats the maximum stay?

    Any info would be much apprieacated!

    If your in Australia why don't you apply for a 1 year NoN- imm B or O visa from there ?

    that way you only have to do 90 day border runs without worry of not getting a new visa ect every time.

    that would make things less difficult for a years stay.

    Hope it helps


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