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Everything posted by d4dang

  1. The Belgium may not recover from this lovers' spat. His boyfriend will do a few years for assault?
  2. Do something else somewhere else....you will be much happier
  3. some might fall for Bit Coin
  4. was it the Blues Brothers trick....epoxy the gas pedal
  5. what's love got to do with it? Crime of passion or rejection. the plastic surgeon found out the hard way
  6. guess there was no condom machine in the Wat
  7. Why not trade for traditional Chinese Junks? Tourists would love them and they are green.
  8. mental health care is not a priority and the health care system is totally inadequate and sadly these preventable tragedies continue. The amphetamine crisis does not help.
  9. yes...he was a real character...used to see him on the old small green buses from Pat Pong and on the street.
  10. Dumb and Dumber Brothers can get by with their Old Man's money. So they are lucky dumb bunnies but have not been bailed out so they are enjoying jail and will for a while
  11. The Donald should start his own brand of adult diapers. Joe could endorse them.
  12. Making the plan for legal casinos and divvying up the profits?
  13. Too bad Ed The Talking Horse was not a witness.
  14. sadly we will never know while wishing we could have done more
  15. old shoe...old school prison...lot of murders were door suicides
  16. lacking a balcony the old hung off a door will do...like Jeffery...old shoe thing
  17. Always go to Church meetings on Sunday
  18. sadly dek sing race around on bikes into the thrill...a real loss
  19. probably a one shot zip gun using a shot gun shell home made
  20. In the US she could have shot him as he was threating her. Stand your ground.
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