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  1. So out of curiosity, how will the new electonic system affect a same day border bounce after January 1. I'm doing the Nong Khai bit early February. Last I read the E visa requirement wasn't mandatory until June. As the OP mentioned anything can be in flux at any given time.
  2. Good on ya Britscot ! But of course those who seldomly post on this forum know nothing compared to the naysayers who post vitriol here about everything every day. But it does make for good entertainment if one is able to laugh at those with a self imposed sense of superiority.
  3. You're spot on Joe. Glad to have entertained you. First time at bat. Hopefully the last. 555.
  4. Definition of representative democracy. Same same in most democracies
  5. Yes! I do believe the laws have been changed. Laws are changed every day in every democratic nation in the world. Strange that is a problem in Thailand. Only ones with an axe to grind consider this inappropriate.
  6. Yep! Here it comes from the superior non affected. 555
  7. YGood for him!! Played the system perfectly! Soon he and his sister will be able to do more good things for the exploited good hard working Thai people of the north. Many people yek yek here about " rule of law ". Doesn't exist here unconditionally. But thankfully little people will finally have a champion again. Yes ! He might have gained personality in times past , but show me a leader anywhere in the world that hasn't. Mandel might be an exception but that was a anti-coloniest exception. Never considered her in Thai Long live Thaksin and Yingluck to take it too the establishment.
  8. Everyone loves to hate the rich! Says more about them than the people they attack. That said the MFP is the future of Thailand. Compromise is the essence of democracy. The new generation of Thais will work it out with the old. God/ Buddha bless em.
  9. Good for him!! Played the system perfectly! Soon he and his sister will be able to do more good things for the exploited good hard working Thai people of the north. Many people yek yek here about " rule of law ". Doesn't exist here unconditionally. But thankfully little people will finally have a champion again. Yes ! He might have gained personality in times past , but show me a leader anywhere in the world that hasn't. Mandel might be an exception but that was a anti-coloniest exception. Never considered her in Thai Long live Thaksin and Yingluck to take it too the establishment.
  10. Unless I read it wrong, the Thai female neighbour was stabbed/ wounded multiple times. My countryman once in the heart. This is obviously, only in my opinion ,a crime of passion / jealous rage from unrequited love. I've spent many enjoyable months in Khon Kaen even in the small villages. The people are very accommodating and gracious. This sad story could happen anywhere on the planet.
  11. As most folks know , there are four strains. I picked up one in Cambodia 10 years ago. It played itself out in Chiang Mai over 2 1/2 weeks over Christmas. The most distressing part is it's biphasic nature. Haemophasic is another level altogether . My heart goes out to this chap while others can only yek yek about insurance. Really? Need to feel superior? Geez. Could happen to anyone, anytime. And as the more cynical/ aware of us know insurance companies have a plethora of loopholes to avoid paying anyway. Give the guy a break.
  12. Talk about getting your brains f##ked out. Sorry couldn't resist. On a more serious note I can remember having a small dose of E slipped into my drink in Ban Tak 4 years ago. I could drive like stink but couldn't remember any basic banking information. Later a decent Thai bar owner in Chiang Mai warned me that a common ruse is for women of a certain occupation to put similar compounds on their nipples to further otherwise nefarious results. Gotta love this place. Kwai beware. 555
  13. As supported by the two main coalition parties, if he doesn't usurp their legislative agenda, this will be a good thing for Thailand. The only remaining question is, to whose allegiance the senate will continue to commit with regards to holding sway in future legislative initiatives. I'm no expert but from what I understand, he has now been granted significant influence in this process. Hoping for the best for this politically crazy but wonderful nation.
  14. Read the above replies. Can't quite understand many of the preconceived judgments. However one thing is certain. Good bad or indifferent, none of us is getting out of here alive. I'll just choose to leave it all in the realm of TIT. That's why I'm here.

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