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Everything posted by topswijaya

  1. Dear all, Is the bivalent vaccine made by Pfizer or Moderna? Is that vaccine still available? Thanks
  2. Dear all, Will government hospitals and offices be open on 1 May ( Labour Day)? Thanks
  3. A Thai just pays like what locals in Singappre ( $1), Malaysia ( 5 ringgit), Indonesia ( 25l IDR) pay for public swimming pool use or any government-funded sport facilities. https://www.myactivesg.com/Facilities/Rates/Individual-rates#Swimming What if a Thai working ( or a Thai tourist, Thai student visa holder in Singapore) has to pay S$ 10 to use public swimming pool there and a non Thai ( every one except a Thai passport holder ) pays S$1? A foreigner has to pay 150B, a Thai pays 15 to use lumpini public swimming pool. There some Thai who work, study or is tourist in Singapore.
  4. Double pricing is very discrimimating. At japan thai youth centre ( which was funded by Japan government several years ago), a non Thai ( even Japanese person ) has to pay 150B, a Thai pays 30 to use swimming pool. Similarly, a foreigner has to pay 5 times higher than a Thai counterpart to use badminton or running fields. It is okay if a foreigner has to pay more. For example, 50, not 150 What if a foreigner has to pay 5 times higher for every thing : electricity, water, beer, etc. For example, a foreigner has to pay 20 per kilowatt hour, a Thai just pays around 4 for electricity bills, meaning a foreigner pays 5 times higher than a Thai. https://www.mea.or.th/en/profile/109/111 https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tVP1zc0TDIvqTA0y8oxYLRSNagwNkg1skwzskgyTEk1NjQ3tjKoSE0zTTUxMkg2TjFOS04xTvISzSnNLcjMy1QoLs_Mzc3MS1coyM_PAQBcMRf0&q=lumphini+park+outdoor+swimming+pool+pathum+wan+reviews&oq=lumpini+swi&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j46i175i199i512j0i390i650l2.9652j0j7&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&si=AMnBZoFzHNFdRXXan2JJdBw_EB_2R6vnecv6U31jw3SXlngwKnSQbjaybdyyOlSdH6XevBL9KCCGJJjPXjWQO-ijiEtLMmNw_1eu__Zz_-_d1kKTD8eMrLUwA5oTP6WfXOwwkwq3UA2sPi3DSwhVXvsunvf5dEe_gWf3EIkM5SLVGcfW7fcv74M%3D&ictx=1&ved=2ahUKEwjJp4WmvNH-AhVI2TgGHdb4AsMQyNoBKAJ6BAgPEAk Read those reviews.
  5. https://www.myactivesg.com/facilities/swimming-pools No discriminatory policy in Singapore for swimming pool use
  6. The price for adult thai is 15. Non thai people have to pay 10 times more expensive (150). See/download the file. Don't expect a lot of tourists coming any time soon if they know that they will get this discriminatory attitude. 1055913555_LumpiniParktimes.webp
  7. Dear all, How to handle this unfair dual-pricing swimming pool? Thanks
  8. Dear all, How to change from ed visa to marriage visa? Thanks
  9. Dear all, Is it okay not to wear underwear for a man in very hot weather? Because Thailand is scorching hot. Thanks
  10. Dear all, Which one is better? Lazada or Shopee or other website? Why? What is your experience? Thanks
  11. Dear all, Is there a ed visa chinese language school in Bangkok? Website please! Thanks
  12. give them to a charity near your house. bahtsold.com
  13. Dear all, Where can you get bivalent covid vaccine? Thanks
  14. Dear all, Why is Thai gold only 96% of purity? not 99.9%. Though I see the 24 karat sign at several Bangkok gold shops. Thanks
  15. https://mastertoddy.com/page4.html#fbangkok this school even offers 5-year student visa. The compelling reason for studying 1-year Thai martial arts is to protect yourself from asia-hate crime and other crimes, to avoid visa run, to make your body slimmer and fitter while enjoying Thai food, Thai massage, etc. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/02/16/us/san-francisco-vicha-ratanapakdee-asian-american-attacks/index.html <Link to Bangkok Post removed as per forum rules>
  16. Dear all, Is there a martial arts school in Bangkok which sponsors students to get ed visa? I know there is at least one in Chiang Mai. https://chiangmaibuddy.com/visa-heaven/12-month-self-defence-ed-visa/ Thanks
  17. Dear all, How to apply divorcee permit/visa if you hava a Thai national child ( who is born from a Thai ) to look after? Thanks
  18. if a divorcee has a ( or 2 or perhaps 3,4, etc) child and a locally obtained and periodically extended spouse permit, can he/she apply for a permit to look after his/ her child at local immigrarion office? How long is this permit valid for? Can he/she work legally with this children upbringing permit? Thanks
  19. what if the divorcee has a child? What happens?
  20. Dear all, In case of getting divorced ( for whatever reason) while on marriage visa, how many day can you stay legally in Thailand after Thai wife/husband file for a divorce? Can you return to Thailand again after this divorce? Thanks
  21. https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/13-09-2022-at-least-17-million-people-in-the-who-european-region-experienced-long-covid-in-the-first-two-years-of-the-pandemic--millions-may-have-to-live-with-it-for-years-to-come
  22. https://selondonccg.nhs.uk/covid_19/post-covid-19/ there is at least 1 long covid clinic in London UK
  23. Dear all, Are there long covid clinics in especially Bangkok? Thanks
  24. then, there is no need to post something in aseannow.com. Every question must be answered with "ask your Thai friend, wife, husband, tourguide, etc"
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