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Everything posted by AdrianUk

  1. Thats the most expensive ICU I have heard off, this happens all the time here, the ambulance guys that work for free get a 10% commission, so all the farang get set to the most expensive hospitals, then we see everyone begging for money in the media and family panicking and losing everything, so the hospital can make a fortune! I understand the value in better hospitals, but the family should be told the options, my friend was in ICU in a government hospital for 2500 baht a day. Maybe the media could do a better job of pointing this out, the hospital don't give a crap the financial problems they make.
  2. One guy contacted me. He makes 3.2m-3.5m baht a month after taxes and spends around 500,000 a month on his life, kids, mongering etc. This tells me no more than 500,000 a month is needed by anyone. He wants to remain anonymous. It seems minimum needed for a family man and monger is 150,000 a month minimum and maximum needed 500,000 a month. So my advice to guys is budget around 400,000 a month.
  3. I never put anyone down. You are the guy attacking guys and acting all high and mighty. Acting like those that have worked hard shouldnt celebrate their wins. You can calling us all chavs and riff-raff but at the same time calling me a troll to discredit me. This is why wealthy people don't post anything because of guys like you, on a small budget and angry with the world.
  4. Some of the worst people out there are religious or run charities. A spot of mongering is a very narrow minded way of judging someone. Plenty of sex addicts out there that want extra love without lying to women, they are not all sad lonely men beneath you. There are different types of mongers and ethical mongers. https://beltsofmongering.com/
  5. I agree, I have many wealthy friends and they all monger and can afford to do it whenever or where they want. They just dont choose to talk about it. So people think it dont happen, and the biggest deniers are the ones doing it more than the others, usually with ladyboys.
  6. You said no one likes bragging. But I only stated my budget, its others saying its a lot of money. Dude, you are full of hatred, attacking Jim with so many I'm better than you points. Grow up and stop looking down on people, mongering is a hobby for most and guys like you are the worst ones doing it. Guys like you thinking they are better than everyone else, calling us chavs and riff raff. You are the one without class, I am very successful but mongering is my hobby. Doesn't mean we are below you
  7. Thank you. Just to be clear to others. This is my budget not what I will spend every month. We all have quiet weeks and busy weeks. Good you said that, you will be called a troll next or accused of making it up.
  8. That's the mindset that keeps them poor. I value my time, so I pay for it. I don't want to lie to women or waste their time just for my own kicks. It's an honest transaction and I dont need to devieve good women by leading them on and using them for sex.
  9. It's good advice to explore but I know pattaya well enough and the darkside has everything I need. I will go mongering on the light side though, but staying on darkside mostly.
  10. Lots of narrow minded guys dont realise there is many wealthy people in pattaya, they should drive around the estates and look at all the Bentleys. They hang out in expat areas and cheap establishments and dont realise there is more out there.
  11. I never said it was a lot of money. You are the one making out I am showing off. This is why I started this topic. Some say its a little bit. Some say its a lot. Single guys mongering in pattaya can easily spend 10k a day in bars. There are two types of people in pattaya, those that admit to mongering and those that denie it and pretend they are better than the rest. You are the latter. The ones denying it are usually the biggest mongers
  12. No, because that's standard behaviour in Pattaya. That's hardly amazing, jealous of the budget of course. Why are you so bothered?
  13. Money always causes arguments on forums. I never said I am better or looking down on people like some think. I'm just trying to see peoples reactions, I can always bring more if I plan ahead. There seems to be others spending same on schooling alone. But it seems its more than enough. So I can save it. That's why I like nice houses. Girls and friends can come to me. That's deathrow and cheap Charlie heaven. The budget is true
  14. The budget is 186,000 a month maximum and then it won't eat into savings. The income is genuine, but I already know that it's possible to live on that much. I wanted to gauge peoples reactions and hear of other people's experiences and friends. It's not much money in my world, and there is so much hated towards people who make good money. This is why wealthy people keep quiet. Several of my friends make 10-15 times more that (1-3m baht a month) but they reinvest and dont spend much. Compounding works against you also. Big House, need gardener, then security, then maids, then someone to cook, driver and now a manager. All privacy has gone, then someone to run/check/fix cars and to check other toys like boat and off road quads. I've been there. Never again. Wealth is for buying your time and independence. I don't get all these greedy guys burning all.their time and killing themselves
  15. Why would they pay cash when they can use their cash to make much more money than what the interest is on their loan? How can you summarise they are not wealthy without looking at all their offshore investments and local assets? How do you know they are in debt? They can pay the cars off in seconds of they need to. You are thinking too many levels below.
  16. Solid advice between the ridicule off jealous guys. Thank you. I will have to downgrade the house, I'm not compromising on the girls yet.
  17. Because he was accused of posting it to show off but he didn't use anything that identified him. How can you show off if you aren't know in real life by your handle or the community. Because money goes much further here. On 800k a month you can live like a king in pattaya or live like a brokie in miami. Because there is no way any of them can get by on 186k a month. I have to ask people not on their level. No. Its because interest levels are low for car finance, why lock up good momey Because I am interested in what the schools charge its the same as the UK.
  18. I looked at rugby school and regents. Monthly rugby is around 60k a month when divided across 12 months for a younger child. Regents is 45k a month. These schools are pretty full.
  19. I have friends with 86,000 a month car payments in Pattaya. People think 186k a month is a lot but they don't see these rich guys.
  20. Years ago a friend of mine did an experiment on here. He wrote his true income anonymously and his budget. I think it was around 800,000 a month. He was called a troll and swiftly banned. This is why people don't post their income if its reasonable.
  21. I don't know where you are from but that's not a good income where I live. Hardly anything to boast about. If I had a family I would be stuffed.
  22. Thank you. I'm looking forward to it. I will mix up some beach roaders to make my money go further
  23. My retirement is coming soon and I want to know if 186,000 baht a month is enough for rent, ladies (every day) and some booze in bars? One of my friends says his 3 children at rugby school costs more than that. The house I want to rent is 70,000 a month. (At siam royal view)
  24. I feel very sad for him. Christmas is for kids, its the only reason we make an effort.
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