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About Ayam

  • Birthday October 17

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  • Location
    Phuket, TH

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  1. I was told by a friend of mine, she went down to the land office and they said 18 and above, that's why I didn't initially rego the bike under my name. I'll definitely have a look at transferring name with an agent, thanks for your help
  2. When I purchased the bike I was told I had to be 18 to have it in my name regardless of if I had a license, is that not true?
  3. Alright, thank you for your help I do believe I can speak enough Malay to get around however my main concern is the 110 CC law as it's never enforced. I've been stopped on a 150, 300 and 500 with no problem in Thailand however I'm not too sure how the Malay authorities would handle the situation Also regarding the rego, I'm sure I can get a letter stating that I have permission, should also be easier as it's in the same family name
  4. So I was thinking about doing a solo trip from Thailand to Malaysia on a bike, however I'm not sure if I can legally do so I possess a 2 year Thai temporary license and intend on using a 500cc bike Here are some questions I have: 1. Can I legally cross the border as a minor (under 18)? 2. Do I still need to show a translated plate on the rear if there isn't any space? 3. Can I use a temporary 2 year license in Malaysia on a 500cc? 4. Does Malaysia enforce the "110 CC restriction" on a 2 year license? Just asking as I'd prefer to not get into any trouble in a foreign country
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