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Posts posted by bocaBob

  1. Age is a major issue (and so is his mental fitness), but hardly the only issue. Biden is not well liked at this point and his policy failures are reflected in the polls. The democratic party is in huge trouble, Biden is the reason.



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  2. "But some Biden administration officials are now privately expressing concern that rather than dissuading the Kremlin as intended, the penalties are instead exacerbating inflation, worsening food insecurity and punishing ordinary Russians more than Putin or his allies."

    Good time as any for the big key principles to initiate Plan B and get to the peace table NOW and stop the killing.


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  3. 14 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    this is a reasonable expectation given the overwhelming evidence of a seditious conspiracy that has been uncovered.

    Well, ok. Nobody has been charged with the fake Russian hoax and, maybe Trump gets a walk too, remains to be seen. The thing is unless they nail Trump he could be president again in 2025 being the biggest fear in any dems soul. Where is the justice in any of this, politicians committing egregious acts never to be accountable; well there isn't any. I am not here to lay down talking points and deflect, don't have a need for that. The "GOP talking points" in the attached NY Times article I previously submitted here are democratic talking points. I'll leave it with you to sort out.

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  4. 29 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    How can you say they are focused on charges but not seditious intent?

    I get the sense that this committee's objective include the expectation of the AG to act, to file criminal charges should the evidence show Trump's intent and also the goal of winning what is likely an unwinnable midterm election in November. What else do the dems have as an election strategy, what is their message to voters, how great the economy is, low crime ?? How do you convince the voters to vote for this party now. You get the picture?

    "It is an uphill battle at a time when polls show that voters’ attention is focused elsewhere, including on inflation, rising coronavirus cases and record-high gas prices. But Democrats argue the hearings will give them a platform for making a broader case about why they deserve to stay in power."



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  5. If the evidence can support criminal charges and conviction as claimed then indict! Why all this useless waste of time theater, other than to beat up Trump some more. Charge him....get on with it! Quit wasting everyone's time.



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  6. 19 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    presumably to see if the storming of the Capitol would succeed, before taking any action at all.  He clearly put his future interests ahead of his obligations as President, the future of the country, and Constitutional democracy.

    This will form the basis of AG's case: "presumption"

    Need evidence not conjecture based on presumption.

    On a different matter, committee member Raskin sorta claims there is evidence of those seeking pardons, though waiting for the facts to bear this out tomorrow morning during day 2 of J6 live session.



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  7. 39 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    A police officer also died the following day after being attacked by the mob on the 6th

    Officer Attacked in Capitol Riot Died of Strokes, Medical Examiner Rules

    The determination is likely to complicate efforts to prosecute anyone in the death of the officer, Brian Sicknick.



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