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  1. While that works with a lot of other dogs, whacking a Pitbull with a stick will probably make him even more aggressive
  2. Just like anywhere else in Thailand, the same cops that come close your pub down for staying open 1 minute passed time, have their local where they can drink all night
  3. The ban should be lifted overall,not just at airports. Individuals should be responsible for respecting their religion, not forced to it
  4. Or people on business visas having lived in the country for many years and working legally and paying taxes or people on marriage visas supporting their Thai families. I can understand that their are fake marriages but after a set amount of years they should be able to apply for longer visas
  5. Or people on business visas having lived in the country for many years and working legally and paying taxes or people on marriage visas supporting their Thai families. I can understand that their are fake marriages but after a set amount of years they should be able to apply for longer viss
  6. Why question the legality. He has more negotiating power with these people than anybody else in this government. Whether you like him or not
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