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Everything posted by michael87

  1. President Trump has been sued for violating the 1871 Ku Klux Klan Act. Better than nothing, as it sure seems like the flimsy evidence thus far does nothing to advance the persecution of Trump. The KKK civil suit stunt shows the desperation and complete lack of criminality in anything reported by the Jan 6 committee, FBI, DOJ, etc., concerning the presidents actions before, during, and after the capitol ruckus. Although it's disappointing to many, there's nothing to see here. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2021/01/15/ku-klux-klan-act-civil-trump/
  2. Buttigieg edges out Biden among Democrats in New Hampshire poll https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/buttigieg-edges-out-biden-among-democrats-in-new-hampshire-poll/ar-AAZZGZN Vote Pete! Even Pothole Pete tops Biden.
  3. I think i heard her say I am going to "tie one on"
  4. He was convicted. And will appeal and states he will prevail. https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/bannon-trial-verdict/2022/07/22/id/1079983/ Probably the only person who loves this person is his mother.
  5. Maybe in your confused world. “Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards,” the bill states. The “Don’t Say Gay” law bans instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in grades K-3 and requires that it be “age-appropriate” after that. Parents can sue school districts over alleged violations. But sexual orientation and gender identity is not taught in grades K-3, and opponents worry about the impact of the law on LGBTQ students since the “age-appropriate” description is so vague that teachers and staff may be fearful to discuss or even mention issues relating to sexual orientation and gender identity, thus making LGBTQ students feel invisible. After all, even “boy” and “girl” are gender identities. https://www.usrenewnews.org/2022/06/27/floridas-controversial-dont-say-gay-law-explained/
  6. Are you that stuck to the pan? The Florida bill is one example of what? Children up to grade 3 not having to look a transgender queers and being indoctrinated as such? Give your head a shake and stop with the nonsensical rhetoric woke liberal garbage nobody cares about.
  7. Desperate over New Yorkers fleeing to Florida, NYC mayor turns to lies, and never one to avoid a PR stunt has come up with the "plan", In a response to anti-grooming legislation recently signed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis that critics have absurdly dubbed the "Don't Say Gay" law, New York City is rolling out a digital marketing campaign encouraging members of Florida's LGBTQ community to move to the city. Mayor Eric Adams said at an April 4 briefing that the Big Apple's campaign is set to include digital billboards. One of these ads reportedly states: "People Say a Lot of Ridiculous Things in New York. 'Don't Say Gay' Isn't One of Them." 'Don't Say Gay' Get it? It's okay to say "gay" in Gotham City. Of course, it's also okay to say "gay" across the state of Florida, as the bill in question never once mentions the word. By rights, it should be called the "Doesn't Say Gay Bill." It is amusing that New York is now trying to lure Floridians to move there, given the massive outflow of Empire State residents to Florida that has taken place over the past couple of years. Wonder why so many erstwhile residents of New York have chosen to relocate to Florida? Could it be for the freedom? No state income tax? Weather? A governor who believes that children should be educated, not indoctrinated? All of the above? This liberal pathogen is growing more destructive and amusingly hysterical day by day in America.
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