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Nup Nup

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  1. Hi Gang. I have a problem and would like some advice from my knowledgeable fellow forum members if you would please. For those of you who know me, know that I am wheelchair bound. I find that I am getting weaker and weaker. Presently if it were not for my life partner of some 23 + years lifting me into bed, car or into and out of the wheelchair, I would be stuck. I have had to close my business that I have had for some 25 + years and after having lived and loved my life in Thailand for over 30 years now find it necessary to go back to the USA. Here is the problem, I want to take my life partner with me and she wants to go but am finding it very difficult in getting a visa for her. Now you cannot even get into the consulate here. My question , does anyone have, or know of a reliable and reasonably priced visa agent that you can recommend? I know I am not as flexable and as able as I once was, so I do need your help please. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading gang.
  2. You buy the lot then maybe I can find a magnifying glass
  3. Got a real deal for you gang. Got close to 1000 books left and will make a super offer to you. Bookstores take note !!! Will reduce the price to anyone who will buy the lot. 20 Baht per book for he who buys the lot.
  4. Just an add to; I have found a stash of Hard-back books, Novels and educational . Also available/
  5. Just an update on this......I have broken these books down into tied groups of 10, asking 25 baht per book. The majority of these books are in condition that book stores sell for more than 100 BAHT each. If anyone has some interest , post back. Thanks, Gonzo
  6. Thanks for all he replies gang, much appreciated. I don't have a list of the book titles and I don't think I could live long enough to make up a list for a thousand books. So I'll keep on thinking for a new plan. Keep giving me suggestions as they are much. much appreciated. Mabey someone will come up with a new plan. Thanks again guys.
  7. I have approx. 1000 Paperback Books, Novels, Mysteries, Adventure, etc, I would like to sell them at a very reasonable price. Used book stores seem to be dwindling in numbers. Maybe today people get books online and don't like to hold books in-hand anymore. I tried to make them available once before, but they weren't in the way so I just forgot about it, I would like to sell them in one lot, but thought selling them in lots of 25 would make them more interesting to someone that stills likes to hold a book when they read.. If anyone may have an interest, or may have a suggestion please add a post. Thanks.
  8. Thanks again Dante and all.
  9. To all of you who responded with such kind words, I want you to know I feel your words deep in my heart. It feels good, and from deep in my heart,,,,thank you, thank you.
  10. I am sad to say that after 26 years meeting and greeting the greatest of local and foreign folks to our Guest House & Restaurant, its time to say good bye . Believe me its inside a feeling that in my long life, I have never have felt before. But with the covid thing and some serious health problems that make it necessary for me to go to the hospital every other day for treatment, the choice seems to have been made for me. I would like to take a moment to say a great big THANK YOU to all those of you reading this and who may have come to the Pun Pun over the years. Believe me its very hard to go through things and be reminded of so many fine folks and things we may have talked, joked, and or wondered about, over the years. The hospital visits do make it harder to do, but if there are any out there who would like to come by for a final visit, please do so. With the hospital visits every other day meaning we have to close for those few hours, it does make it somewhat problem but the closed hours are usually in the morning, so please take that into consideration. Also we have a lot of guest house/restaurant type of equipment along with more than a thousand paperback books all of which I will be selling at some very low prices, if you or someone you know may be interested, I would appreciate talking to you. So to all of you and my much loved Chiang Mai, I offer my most heartbreaking farewell. John
  11. Thank you DezLez. Apologize for the tardy delay, but had some hospital time as well as some computer difficulties. The books are 95% paperbacks though In do have some hardbacks. Most are in bookstore condition. Mostly mystery, adventure types. I have checked with a couple of the stores and it seems that they are not buying at present times due to economic hard times, This statement should reflect that it was about a couple months ago that I checked. My question at this time is.... does anyone know of anyone buying today, as economic conditions have changed and there are more tourists visiting Thailand, as the covid situation has eased up. Appreciate any positive input.
  12. In a bit of updating this old post, I have several hundred paperbacks that I would like to sell. I have checked with several of the bookstores and it seems they are not buying at the present time. I would make a very special price for someone to buy the lot. I am presently gathering them up from boxes and closets so I can't give an exact count but it may be over 500 when I find them all. Anyone have an interest or would like to offer a suggestion on how I should go about finding a buyer?
  13. For what its worth.... Lanna Hosp. gets my vote and I say that as someone who has been going to Lanna for over 20 years. In my lifetime having done a lot of traveling to different countries with my business and going to doctors and hospitals in several different countries including the USA, , of all of them, I rate Lanna as number 1 of all. I have had an amputation and several other serious needs for medical treatment and I have never seen an overall, all things considered hospital like Lanna. Being diabetic I am currently going for treatment on an every other day basis. No. 1 says it better than anything else I could say.
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