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Posts posted by David006

  1. At least your lady is up to three or more words per sentence. How about:

    no want

    you ok?

    you men

    you shaowow

    me men

    eat now?

    no good

    you eat?

    actually, a major reason why I appreciate having a Thai g.f. is not having the requirement of deep conversations, (as required by farang women in a relationship) or, as California women would say, the need to process. Sometimes that 'processing' can amount to conversations that last for hours - from midnight to sunrise.

    Yup ..understand you completely..my ex is Canadian eh..probably should start a new thread on this ..probably p..g off our moderator??

    Oh and my wife's kid drives her bike ..all unlicensed and underage..she (my wife) wont wear a @#$% her helmet either unless she gets a call from her sister teling of another police fund raiser....

  2. I just tried to discuss with my wife the 2 dead in the riots which she was apalled at and the 220 deaths on the road which I was apalled at. Sadly as I have found with many discussions like this she was disinterested " up to them" her comment, I mentioned how about the folk walking on the pavement that get run down by them who didnt choose to drink and drive, " I got pain my tummy" came next and frustratingly this is how many of our "serious" chats often end up or with "u correct" which means she doesnt want to talk about this anymore.

    Anyone else get these type of responses? I get disheartened at times by it.

    All the time :o Why else do you think we are having "sensible" conversations on here? :D :D :D

    Excellent summary! Maybe we can start a new thread on marital conversations.

    I wouldn't marry an Essex Girl but I married a Thai one :D

    I think a lot of us married our lovely Thai girls for the very reason we don't have to have intelligent discussions..how many of us have divorced western women at least in part because of the never ending babbling/whining and "we never talk" scenario? I think its great when I talk about our finances or whatever and get those interesting replies: ...just smile and get on TV...enjoy !

    some gems..

    deeeah bug eat my orchid !

    I go to market now

    need to eat papaya salad

    have rain dear... you think?

    you eat already?

    i shower now

    mammaa sick

    have small money dear?

    you drink beer? (11am)

    what you do?

    why you throw away my curry (unrefrigerated 10 days old)

    gas not work..(empty)

    can you help me something?

    deeeah cannot..have period...

    i sleep now ..okay?

  3. It just mean that those product is outdated already! Production stopped even before June 2008 and they will even Not accept any claim after September 2010!

    To be very clear: DO NOT buy that card.


    Thanks for the advice Reimar. Do you have any recommendation where should I go to find a good card and how to be sure the product is not a fake one (copy)?

    check out this site..he's a POM and very helpful/knowledgeable WWW.edgethailand.com

  4. Lots of commercial deer fence avaialble and based on the attached pricing it is actually possible to fence 25 rai (800 m fence) $6,000. Even with poles, gate and labour 500,000 baht should be enough.

    The graduated fence is ideal for rabbits and small wild life.



    This looks like good fencing with a fair price too. Have you found a place in LOS that sells it? Is it around the same price? The reason I'm asking is that I would also like to fence in several rai and raise some deer.


    This thread is great entertainment "buy Laos" LOL....great info and imagination..from everyone keep it coming....

    I would like to fence in our rubber farm to keep the "homemade shotgun" hunters out...... maybe...TIT

  5. Have you considered changing provider, yet? Are you on a contract for 12 months like me?

    neverdie, I am three months into a 12 month contract with TOT, but they let me out of the contract today for 1070B and giving the modem back. Might be worth asking at the TOT office, although I guess 1000B might not be much less than the rest of your contract. I just couldn't take any more. Switched to TT&T.

    Not a problem for me and my lowly Edge/GPRS modem in the boonies down south, however my mate in north end Phuket has been having access problems..can only get to Google and what seem to be BKK based servers. One wonders if TOT is bottle necked out of Thailand ..maybe not paying their intl carrier(s) for sufficient bandwidth. Low local access to ADSL terminal units would not stop access.

    TOT probably grossly oversell the bandwidth available on any one ADSL unit.... they used to only handle 2mb so if you have too many simultaneous customers asking for bandwidth on it........

  6. So I'm back with my 60 days tourist visa. Was told that now there is no problem of getting tourist visas one by one all the time, so everybody is welcome :o

    Heartily agree, Penang is very easy..I live in the south so I take a ferry to Langkawi and another to Penang..nice trip every three months...good food in red garden China town....did it recently and used agent in hotel ..easy peezy same day service too! ( well for a little bit of Rgt... saved the cab fare)

    Okay so its a sixty day visa , have to extend it in home province now (used to do it in NS Thammarat) AND as I always get lost in Trang does anybody know where the immigration office is ..say relative to the airport

  7. I always get a little sad if I see how deep people dig in dirt for they find something to throw with it.

    This is a paper article from 25 February 2006 and as blind cows the whole TV start to write comments about it. In the past year I did publish here enough about Platinum Motorcycles. And almost every time I there is the same reactions.

    For me, I have a Monaco 150-8, it’s a good and reliable motorbike. Yes with things that can better, so I adapt it. Spare parts are not a problem. This bike is build of from parts that you can buy on almost every motorbike market. Sometimes need a little adaption.

    If you have 2 left hands and only can pull your wallet to pay “your” Thai mechanic then please buy a Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki or another to high priced motorcycle.

    Happy motoring…..with Platinum :o

    I have a 175 dirt bike which is the Trang dealer/shop since 1 month after purchase 18 months ago..they say its the generator/inductor coil or whatever ( who knows what bullshit line they are giving me) and are waiting for parts.( that was 2 months ago)..Where do you source your parts..I need to fix the #$%^& thing myself. .............................NON motoring with Platinum ( you get the best???LOL)

  8. Hi. Have any of you chaps knowledge of the Platinum PX175 dirt bike as I have heard a rummer or two that the early ones were not to well put together & unreliable but what about the new ones?

    Only going to use it round town, just wanted something different to the normal Honda 125. All info gratefully received.

    only one wordDON'T buy one I have one which has been in the shop since 1 month after new 18 months ago! ..they tell me will call you back when fixed...never happens..now the owner of the shop is not returning calls or answerig phone..shop is in TRANG......so 56ktbh down the drain.

    They promise the earth when you buy it but in fact they lie and cheat you.....TIT

    Again don't...........better get a '56 Beezer Bantam LOL

  9. That is an extremely large pool. I would assume you own a hotel or a resort. if you a re adding algaecide to a pool that size every two weeks, then clearly there is a problem that could be rectified by some automated water hygiene system. The ROI on the equipment, particulrly as you are running a business, will will be very quick as algaecide costs a forutune if you buy it packaged as a pool product.

    No, it's not hotel or resort... just my private home !!!

    I put some algaecide for security... my UV system works very very well... so, normaly I don't need such product... but the cost of this product is not high...


    Answer for David 006

    Go on my website regarding the history of my house... you will see how I build my pool... http://muanglen.online.fr

    Regarding the concrete, I order the same concret as the one they used for the landing runway of the airport in Chiang Mai... and after that, I put plaster with cement and SIKA..

    Merci bien: Nice place..took a while hugh..where are you?... in the middle of rice field..seems you have a 'copter or for access..




    And don't forget that you have to make the baement/floor 1st...and after all the wall around IN ONE TIME !!!.. If your pool is big, you will need maybe 20 or 30 workers...


  10. Hi all:

    Up to now we have had various peoples cutting and stealing from our rubber trees. We are now starting to cut ourselves with family..So a couple of questions re the sale of the latex..

    1: Where do these local buyers get their daily pricing to assess what they give you for the latex or..

    2. What exactly are they doing with the SG ..seems they add water to a litre or so.. take the SG then pluck a % out of the air based thereon. What should the SG be? On average seems to be 25-30% of the buying price?? Easy to manipulate it seems though my wife assures me they can be trusted....mmmmm

    Any knowledgeable people out there with some insight .....

    ..much appreciated .. many thanks in advance



  11. Interesting concept..a few observations/questions from our experience on our 85 rai plantation of which only 20 is producing from mature trees.

    How old are the trees?

    How many Rai?

    rubber price fluctuations.

    what rubber are you selling ie sheet, latex liquid rubber water Thais call it), hardened ruber left in cups..all affects price..

    feeding trees

    anti-fungal treatment

    anti termite treatment

    days (not )cutting..due to 1 in 6 rest for trees, rain, leaf fall/flowering and sick cutters..

    just a few things would like to see your progress?

    Have you a farm already or are you just doing a business case/

    good cuuting and hope to hear from you.


    Hi David. Good to pick up this topic again. I was doing a business case to establish the viability of a rubber farm vs other investments I was looking at. We were seriously looking at some land with rubber trees at the time of my OP. For various reasons we decided not to buy the land, which I'm quite glad about now to be fair.

    I still hope to have a rubber farm in the future but for now I'll be investing elsewhere. I am trying to constantly learn about the rubber farming business though. Some of the points you have raised I have not heard before - anti-termite treatment.

    I'll be back in April and will be looking at the local industry then and what impact the world economy is having at the coal face of the rubber industry. There may be some good deals on land in the near future? Fire sales? For me, the startup capital required needs to be relatively low to warrant investing. I'd want a cash neutral, if not cash positive operation from day one and with the current price of rubber that's a big ask!

    Hi again: Good choice..think the Thais maybe going back to the farm so to speak..not heard what the price per Rai is these days but as they say in the west ..buy land they ain't making any more. You probably wont lose but the bigger the investment the harder to sell again in a Thai only market, should you wish. We bought in 2005 for about 50 k per rai average (non Chanote, 600 producing trees and another 3000 @ 2 yrs) from "in debt" individuals so this is a good option. Need to get an ear among the locals for the bargains but best keep out of sight yourself..... as you can imagine soon as the foreigner waves his wallet .....

    good luck



  12. Hi all,

    I'm relatively new to this website but lived in TH 27 yrs. 19 of which in Chiang Mai. We have 90 rai of rubber farms and 80 rai of golden teak trees.

    Just wondering how many more of you are growing either tree... :o

    Thanks in advance for your replies,


    Hi Scott: Yes we have 85 rai rubber farm ...20 rai producing..rest will be mature enough in 4 years I hope.. We are in Trang province ( Wang Wissett) 1 hour south of Krabi 45 min to Ko Lanta. The farm is on a hill ( soil lousy) and our newly finished house perched on the hill. Rubber price is a pain but it pays the bills ..just when not buying "stuff" for my wife or house or her kids AAAAH. Been here in Thailand since 2004..sailed up here from Singapore..did the typical Farang stuff before falling in love..don't we all? I am 62 nearly ..ex IT sales at GE (hated it). Just got divorced from Canadian wife ( I am a POM with Canadian and Australian citizenship).

    Very new to farming and any advise you can give welcome.

    If you would like to email I am at [email protected] all the advice and help I can get.LOL

    best regrds


  13. I'm working on this spreadsheet to forecast revenue and expenses, and therefore income from a rubber farm.

    It's very basic at this stage but that's why I'm calling it a working document. If anyone is interested in downloading it - go for it. If anyone is keen on improving on it - even better. I even look forward to criticism.

    What I'm really looking for is input into the additional costs associated with operating a rubber farm.

    The yeilds are based on what I've read on this forum.

    Interesting concept..a few observations/questions from our experience on our 85 rai plantation of which only 20 is producing from mature trees.

    How old are the trees?

    How many Rai?

    rubber price fluctuations.

    what rubber are you selling ie sheet, latex liquid rubber water Thais call it), hardened ruber left in cups..all affects price..

    feeding trees

    anti-fungal treatment

    anti termite treatment

    days (not )cutting..due to 1 in 6 rest for trees, rain, leaf fall/flowering and sick cutters..

    just a few things would like to see your progress?

    Have you a farm already or are you just doing a business case/

    good cuuting and hope to hear from you.


  14. I'm working on this spreadsheet to forecast revenue and expenses, and therefore income from a rubber farm.

    It's very basic at this stage but that's why I'm calling it a working document. If anyone is interested in downloading it - go for it. If anyone is keen on improving on it - even better. I even look forward to criticism.

    What I'm really looking for is input into the additional costs associated with operating a rubber farm.

    The yeilds are based on what I've read on this forum.

    Interesting concept..a few observations/questions from our experience on our 85 rai plantation of which only 20 is producing from mature trees.

    How old are the trees?

    How many Rai?

    rubber price fluctuations.

    what rubber are you selling ie sheet, latex liquid rubber water Thais call it), hardened ruber left in cups..all affects price..

    feeding trees

    anti-fungal treatment

    anti termite treatment

    days (not )cutting..due to 1 in 6 rest for trees, rain, leaf fall/flowering and sick cutters..

    just a few things would like to see your progress?

    Have you a farm already or are you just doing a business case/

    good cuuting and hope to hear from you.


  15. So how did it go with the hole in the ground? I am on a farm near trang and have finished the house now want a pool..can get local labour easy and supplies..question is plans etc did you use any..I want to build a pool in the lagoon style ie free form and rock like shell swum in one in n Queensland very natural rock pool like.seems thais have a way with making everything with concrete..do you know what type of cement for concrete additives fro waterproofing and plaster type cement?..Sorry for all the questions hope you have time to give me some advise rgds


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