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Everything posted by 2baht

  1. Again in Thailand.....There are only Kaeks, Jeks, Farang and Khon Thai....If you don't understand, ask your wife or gf!
  2. Surely there must be a good fortune teller or spirit man they could consult!
  3. How many Chinese staying at your place?
  4. How can they put Trump and Truth in the same sentence??? If BS was music, Trump would be a symphony orchestra!
  5. How much extra did that cost ?
  6. Awwww jeez! Can we maybe start a fund to help the poor one term loser out? I'm willing to stake him 15 baht.
  7. It's an insurgency, part of their aggressive expansion plan.
  8. ...................and they're hoping for a 15% return on their investment!
  9. Right or wrong, they are gutless cowards! Are there any real Thai MEN???
  10. Why don't you just get out and have a look for yourself? Try some, buy some!
  11. Is'nt that HIS problem?
  12. Unless you were actually involved, does it matter???
  13. Ah, the pitfalls of drinking alchohol!
  14. Not my business!
  15. We are the convicts you silly Brits sent to Aust and you stayed in cold, miserable England, thanks for that and giving us Rugby and Cricket, we hope you get better at it! ????
  16. Don't Australians come from British stock? Convicts? What a mistake the British made sending thieves to Australia and keeping the gentry in Britain. Thanks! ????
  17. They will probably only man 3 counters! Thai's are superior beings.........in Thailand.
  18. ....and if the price is right, the police will get involved!
  19. The loss of face must be hard for him to bare!
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