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Everything posted by 2baht

  1. Even the free lunch costs 250 baht!
  2. Most are protecting themselves from loss of face, they are victims of an antiquated culture.
  3. So, Americans need guns to protect themselves from Americans with guns? Sad, will they ever overcome the cowboy mentality?
  4. Whyever would a civilian need an AR15???
  5. When someone gets shot at, there is generally a reason!
  6. It's a mythical beast that only comes out twice a year, disguised as a policeman! Be careful. ????
  7. Yes, Thai's seem to have no problem killing Thai's. Thai men are rather fragile.
  8. .....are absolutely zero, I never intend to go there! ????
  9. 300 plus mass killings in USA so far this year....yes, there's plenty wrong with owning a gun! Why are Americans so obsessed with killing Americans???
  10. America? Damn it Chip, wherrrre's ma gun?
  11. What does the fact that you say nope when a simple no is sufficient say about you? ????
  12. Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives! ????
  13. No, he's just a BS'er with a bad attitude!
  14. Did'nt the same clown want to lock Hillary up without charge?
  15. There are many things I don't understand.
  16. so why do deadly nightclub blazes keep happening? Because of an insatiable greed for money on the part of all involved in the control of such venues and licencing!
  17. There are approx 68 million Thais, expats have little meaning to the majority!
  18. Right or wrong, you'll get sued for defamation! They are quite fragile.
  19. But think of the pointing this will generate if they catch him! ????????????
  20. Anything to have a winge about! .............. Zenophobes!
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