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Everything posted by 2baht

  1. ..........but whatever you do, don't cancel the Emergency Decree! Keep those locals in line!
  2. The only angry foreign tourists are Indians who have had their gold chains pilfered by thieving ladyboys.....maybe that's who they should go after!
  3. Here's a tip.........................................Buy low, sell high!
  4. Attack, attack, go for the jugular! ???? Have you ever seen anything gained by censure or no confidence votes? Complete waste of time!
  5. If you pull this off, next you could work on corruption in schools and the poor quality of education!
  6. I've booked in for 2054, I'll let you know how it goes!
  7. If they were wanted, they'd already have a home!
  8. Oh really, I thought Thaksin killed them all, he certainly tried. You mean the war on drugs does'nt work?
  9. Have you read "Reefer Madness?" ???? Marijuana, the asassin of youth....but I think it's ok for older people to use.
  10. Do something useful with them......send them to Vietnam.......Xin ngon!
  11. There's a greater chance of getting injured from indigenous road users. Potholes are easier to avoid.
  12. Well, it's not rocket science, just say no!
  13. Khun ToNee! He would just love to be a farang!
  14. Nevermind, it's only impotent strangle weed, the prices they are charging for good weed will keep it out of reach of non users.
  15. What's the problem here? I thought everyone who smoked dope cut off their penis! ????
  16. The symptons associated with BS from those who have little or no idea could induce uncontrollable laughter, be warned!
  17. Why not tax them? They are WAY overpaid anyway!
  18. There are No drug takers in Thailand, YOU (Thaksin) killed them years ago!
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