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Everything posted by lemmie

  1. Economic sanctions are a declaration of war and that's what US did to Japan so they attacked Pearl Harbor.
  2. It is what it is, UA is getting their teeth kicked in and it's time to cut their loses and tell the west, Biden and the other war mongers to take all their toys and go play in Putin's big sandbox and make a deal, for peace, before someone drops the MOAB's and there's no turning back. Give up a little, make it work. Just do it. Biden officials privately doubt that Ukraine can win back all of its territory https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/28/politics/white-house-ukraine-projection/index.html
  3. Seems sanctions are working in reverse now, maybe time for Biden and his gang to implement round 7 of his sanctions and kill more jobs and business globally. Russian Gas Cuts Threaten World’s Largest Chemicals Hub Chemical sector’s reliance on natural gas makes it particularly vulnerable to further shortfalls https://www.wsj.com/articles/russian-gas-cuts-threaten-worlds-largest-chemicals-hub-11656316625
  4. Oil rules, just ask Putin https://www.forbes.com/sites/joewalsh/2022/05/31/opec-reportedly-discusses-exempting-russia-from-oil-targets-possibly-setting-stage-for-boost-in-output/
  5. I see that, I'm sure the Ukranians watching their homeland get bombarded daily really care about a big fat nothing for Putin and his debt payments blocked by sanctions. "This put Russia on default watch as early as the spring. But Moscow kept paying its debts from currency reserves at home. In May, however, the U.S. Treasury blocked even those transfers to American investors. With that, two Russian interest payments — worth about $100 million combined — got stuck after Russia transferred them out of its coffers in May. On Sunday night, the clock ran out on a grace period for these payments, and several reports say bondholders have not received this money, meaning a default. However, an official declaration of default is unlikely. Major credit ratings agencies, which might typically declare, face sanctions barring them from Russian business. And investors themselves may prefer to stay out of the limelight as they sort out how they might get at least part of their money back." https://www.npr.org/2022/06/27/1107750231/russia-default-foreign-debt-payments-explained
  6. I don't like Putin at all, but what I dislike more is war mongers pounding the war drums, and if all this keeps up, this tough talk of NATO and 300K troops, and so on, don't say you didn't see it coming when the fire reigns down on all of mankind. Then it's too late, it may be all over for many. So, your specific delusion, I think you have some good basis for it.
  7. Yes, Russia is on the military offensive in a land dispute just like all the others wars based on land or territorial disputes, and those based on questionable basis such as the Iraq invasion and all the weapons of mass destruction. And now, in order to prolong the war the EU and the genius in the WH figures this will be a great opportunity weaken Putin and oh....all the while 10,000's of Ukrainians get slaughtered. Sounds like a winning strategy and outcome for, whom exactly I don't know.
  8. Yes, easy to say that here, and you may be onto something but I doubt the veracity of your claim without corroboration. You should try to post something that backs up your dubious claims.
  9. Analysis: Tide turns in the Ukraine war as Russia makes progress in the east "They have eliminated most Ukrainian defenses in the Luhansk region, consolidated control of a belt of territory in the south, improved their logistics and command structure and blunted the effectiveness of Ukrainian attack drones." https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/analysis-tide-turns-in-the-ukraine-war-as-russia-makes-progress-in-the-east/ar-AAYUcsB This is typical of the reports now circulating and reporting on the situation in UA. Its not even a war at this point but an incursion. I don't see much hope for UA now. Zelenskyy needs to talk real nice to the western war mongers to find a way out of this.
  10. Tell that to the 1000 or so shoppers that just got bombed in Ukraine’s central city of Kremenchuk, maybe they will care if they don't die. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-putin-kyiv-politics-d649a733dc688379ec15652b19ae305f
  11. Just in: https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-putin-kyiv-politics-d649a733dc688379ec15652b19ae305f No help, where is this 50 or $80B in military aid to UA paid for by the US tax payers? When is it time for the west to defeat Putin, after all the shopping malls are destroyed in Ukraine?
  12. The disappointment stems from the carnage, pure and simple. If you can see that, then there's no reason I should engage with you any further.
  13. He has nothing in common with this list. He is light years ahead of them and most others in terms of raw power, nukes and resources.
  14. Biden (US) pumps more $$ into UA than all of the EU combined. If not for the western financing this proxy war UA would be hanging russian flags everywhere. The U.S. remains the biggest overall contributor, with €42.7 billion, or about half of the commitments, while the EU has ponied up €27.2 billion across countries and European institutions. “It is remarkable that the US alone has committed considerably more than all EU countries combined, in whose immediate neighborhood the war is raging,” the paper notes. https://www.wsj.com/articles/whos-really-helping-ukraine-voloymyr-zelensky-france-emmanuel-macron-russia-11655410110
  15. A starving world with an energy crisis will get them scrambling like rats. But, should it progress this far, is that what you want to see?
  16. Ask that question when Germany goes cold this winter when Putin closes the valves on the gas transmission lines and Germany scrambles to energize the country with coal or the nuke plants that are shut in.
  17. But, the real damage is in the south and well, go check out Mariupol, is it still there?
  18. if they can win, w/o Biden they are dead in the water. Even with Biden and the west proxy war Putin will ratchet up his campaign and WHO KNOWS WHERE THIS GOES.
  19. Time to cut the loses and get on with it, don't you think and agree? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/russia-war-eastern-ukraine-gains-lysychansk/ https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-06-24-22/h_32749f641e3b3cc3612c553da6421eec https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61920708 1,000's more will die in UA.
  20. easier said than done for so many reasons, not to mention the Geo-political fallout from this.
  21. Sure, but hows it really looking as of today, where is the UA shout outs of kicking Putin out of UA? Where is all the discussion how Putin is sick, weak, cancer ridden dying, and all the talk about his military being run rough shod and the unsubstantiated, wild and absurd claims of military loses? It's not happening now, but UA is showing some chinks in their armor EVEN with 50 or $80B in western aid and armaments. It should be over for Putin, he's single-handedly fighting the west and all their military aid but the Ukrainian fighters have no victories to share with the western media now. Why is that?
  22. Oh, and you know this how.....from CNN, MSNBC? Can you articulate your comment further? Did perhaps Putin tell you this? You are letting propaganda lead you and shape your thoughts.
  23. How many lives need to be lost because of this proxy war against Putin? Putin is on the glide path, he's holding some chips:, food and energy. Sanctions are hurting Russia, but maybe more pain on the West, and for how much longer. The sooner this is over, the better, get it? Ask yourself why Pearl Harbor happened.
  24. Why, you don't believe me or more like you don't want to believe me? I am making a statement of my own, you can discuss, debunk, refute, agree or just move on, up to you.
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