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  1. Exactly. Inaccessible for plebs like us. In Thailand everyone can benefit from corruption, even us small plebs :)
  2. HAHAHAHAH 28-year old with ugly 35-year-old girlfriend who is dancing in a GoGo-Bar. This lad is a true winner of life. HAHAHHA typical Thailand loser
  3. "Symptoms are usually mild and last between two to seven days, comprising fever, rash, conjunctivitis, muscle pain, joint pain, fatigue, and headache." How do you even know you have this "DANGEROUS" Zika-Virus when having these symptoms? People in Thailand are so hypochondriac.
  4. I do not see the issue here. Win-Win. If you do not wanna pay the "fee" for faster process, just take the normal processing time? I am waiting for the registration of my marriage abroad in my home country since almost 9 months now. I wish there would be corruption in The West.
  5. Oka, will ask wife to look for local ones.
  6. All of the ones I looked online explicitly state that they do NOT accept debit cards. Have no problems paying deposit with debit card or cash, but nowadays all of them wanting credit cards.
  7. I have no Credit Card. With which companies I can rent a car in Thailand?
  8. No, it is biologically impossible for a man and a man or a woman and a woman do get children with eachother. A gay man can make sex with a woman and then they can (ab)use this child within a homosexual relationship, but this is not THEIR child by definition. But I am not here to discuss with gay advocats. You are destroying our civilization and are even PROUD of it.
  9. Sure, its nature and biology. A man and a man cannot procreate, neither can a woman and woman. So homosexuals can by natures law, by biology, not procreate with their partner. This is the punishment of nature for their unnatural behavior, it is a great mechanism which makes sure that sexual issues like that do not get passed on to following generations, as it would be self-destructive for the human race.
  10. Great to see that you have no point in an argument despite ad hominem, so actually proofing my point because there is just no rational argument against what I said.
  11. No they do not. By the law of nature, they do not have the right to procreate.
  12. I dislike homosexuals and transexuals. It is abnormal and if just ONE of your ancestors would have been homosexual or transexual, you wouldn't be alive. And I certainly do not want kids to see things like that and think its normal, it is utterly awful for their development.
  13. Thailand sadly is a paradise for LGBTQ people. Sodom and Gomorrha
  14. Hi, I am looking to buy some rai of farmland in Loei. Must be Chanote or at least Nor Sor Sam Goor 3. Budget around 1.000.000 THB. If you know someone and wanna pocket the 3% or if you have some land lying around without any usage, just let me know via PN.
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